...THE BLAST IN CENTRALIA NO. 5 (Assignment #1) By Kareen Tompkins; July 2013 Class: PAD 500 (STRAYER UNIVERSITY) (MODERN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION) Dr. Shelley Taylor In 1947, One hundred eleven men were killed in an explosion that took place at the Centralia No. 5 mines located in the state of Illinois. The explosion was caused by highly explosive coal dust that was ignited by an explosive charge. During that time, Driscoll Scanlan was one of l6 Illinois state mine inspectors, appointed by Governor Green. He was given the responsibility of policing the mines as well as the operators. Additionally, it was his duty to make sure that the company was in compliance with state mining laws and followed all safety regulations. Mr. Scanlan had a reputation of being stubborn, righteous; was considered to have fierce integrity and took his job very seriously. He considered the Centralia No. 5 Mine to be the worst in his district. He reported numerous safety code violations, both minor and major and made several recommendations to assist the company with solving the problem. Mr. Scanlan did report this problem to Robert Medill, Illinois Director of the Department of mines and minerals. At the time, believing he could get the company to clean up the mine, he informed the Director that he talked the officers of the local union out of bringing charges against the mine manager, Mr. Brown and not have his certificate canceled. Mr. Scanlan should have let the union continue...
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...Assignment 1: Week 3 Centralia No. 5 PAD 500 Modern Public Administration Presented to Dr. Mark Pantaleo By Anthony McKenzie April 22, 2012 Driscoll O Scanlon was highly recommended by a state delegate to Dwight Green the governor of Illinois. The governor had promoted him to the position of mine inspector for district No.5 Driscoll Scanlon had started working for Centralia Oil Company, since the age of 16 at one of the mines closet to where he lived. Scanlon attended school at night, to get his degree in engineering, and worked for the Centralia Oil Company for 13 consecutive years as a mining inspector (Stillman, 2010). The Centralia coal mine explosion was an incident, that shouldn’t have transpired in the first place. This didn’t occur overnight, it was some years prior before the explosion had happened. Both Scanlon and other inspectors were sending negative reports about the condition of this mine. As a result, these reports were being disregarded. By both state and federal agencies that were responsible for taking care of these mines. They were forewarned before the Centralia coal mine explosion that had transpired on March 25, 1947 (Fledge, 2009), as a person assigned to the position of an inspector, some of Scanlon’s duties include the following: He is responsible for recommending to officials and workmen about different alternatives in regards to safety in all different stages; He is also in charge of...
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...PURPOSE OF THE REPORT * 2 ABOUT JANATA BANK LIMITED * 2.1 VISION OF JANATA BANK * 2.2 MISSION OF JANATA BANK * 2.3 OBJECTIVES OF JANATA BANK * 2.4 VALUES OF JANATA BANK * 2.5 BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY OF JANATABANK LTD. * 2.6 THEIR LONG TERM STRATEGY * 2.7 BUSINESS AREAS OF JANATA BANK LTD. * 2.8 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF JANATA BANK * 2.9 History of the Bank * 2.9.1 Functions of the Bank * 2.9.2 Branch network * 2.9.3 Management system * 2.9.4 Products and Services * 3 Introduction: * 3.1 FUNCTIONS OF GENERAL BANKING: * 3.1.1 Documents to be obtained for different types of account: * 3.1.2 Remittance Section: * 4 Foreign Exchange * 5 Guarantee * 6 Bank’s liability: * 6.1 Fiscal incentives: * 6.2 Financial incentives: * 7 Remittance * 7.1 Interest received from Loan for the last 3 years * 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY * 10 Conclusion: CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction Generally by the word "Bank" we can easily understand that the financial institution dealing with money. But there are different types of banks like Central Banks, Commercial Banks, Savings Banks, Investment Banks, Industrial Banks, and Co-operative Banks etc. But when JBL use the term "Bank" without any prefix, or restriction, it refers to the Commercial banks. Commercial banks are the primary contributors to the economy of a country. So JBL can say Commercial banks...
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...Week 9 Assignment A. Harold PAD 500 6/11/11 Explain both the Pendleton Act and the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act established the Civil Service Commission, which placed most federal government employees on the merit system and marked the end of the so-called spoils system. The act provided for some government jobs to be filled on the basis of competitive exams. The Pendleton Act served as a response to President James Garfield's assassination by Charles Julius Guiteau. The Act was passed into law on January 16, 1883. The Act was sponsored by Senator George H. Pendleton, Democrat of Ohio, and written by Dorman Bridgeman Eaton, a staunch opponent of the patronage system who was later first chairman of the United States Civil service Commission (Theriault, 2003, p.56). The Pendleton Act was primarily an effort to eliminate political influence from administrative agencies and, secondarily, an effort to assure more competent government employees. It pursued these aims through the following major provisions: 1. A bipartisan commission called the U.S. Civil Service Commission was created within the executive branch to establish and implement personnel rules and procedures for the federal government. 2. Open and competitive examinations to test job-related skills were developed wherever practical within the agencies covered by the law and were to become the primary basis upon which to make hiring decisions. 3...
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...HomeArtsBusinessScience Search Assignment Point - Solution for Best Assignment Paper ArticleAssignmentCase StudyInternship ReportLectureLetterPresentationQuestionnaireReportResearch PaperTerm PaperThesis Paper Credit Approval, Loan Disbursement & Recovery System In Rupali Bank.Home » Posts » Business » Banking » Credit Approval, Loan Disbursement & Recovery System In Rupali Bank. Credit Approval, Loan Disbursement & Recovery System In Rupali Bank. Subject: Banking, Business | Topics: Assignment Executive Summary Rupali Bank Ltd Postagola Branch was created and commencement of business started on 1988. As a fully licensed commercial Bank, Rupali Bank Limited is being managed by a highly professional and dedicated team with long experience in banking. The Bank has been graded as a top class Bank in the country through internationally accepted CAMEL rating. Rupali Bank Limited offers all kinds of Commercial, Corporate and Personal Banking services covering all segments of society within the framework of Banking Company Act and rules and regulations laid down by Bangladesh Bank. The aim of the Bank is to participate actively in the socioeconomic development of the nation by operating a commercially sound banking system. To accept deposit from the customer and to lend the deposit again to customer is the Prime business of Rupali Bank. The main activities of Rupali Bank are Commercial Banking, Corporate Banking Retail Banking and Islami Banking. Prime Bank’s...
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...____________________________________________________________________ PROGRAMME HANDBOOK ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION GENERAL DEGREE (YEAR 1) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ JULY 2015 INTAKE ____________________________________________________________________ Copyright© 2015 THE MANAGEMENT COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN AFRICA All rights reserved, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including photocopying machines, without the written permission of the publisher MANCOSA: MBA (GENERAL) YEAR 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. WELCOME 1.1 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL 1.2 MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE DEAN 3 4 INTRODUCTION TO MANCOSA 2.1 BRIEF HISTORY OF MANCOSA 2.2 PROGRAMME OFFERINGS 2.3 DIRECTORS 4 5 5 3. THE MANCOSA MISSION 6 4. THE MANCOSA VISION 6 5. MBA PROGRAMME STRUCTURE 5.1 OVERALL PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES 5.2 PROGRAMME FOCUS 5.3 MODULE DESCRIPTION AND RATIONALE 2. 6. PROGRAMME ADMINISTRATION 6.1 PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT 6.2 FINANCE 6.2.1 FEE PAYMENT 6.2.2 PAYMENT OF FEES AND OTHER DUES 6.2.3 PAYMENT PLANS 6.2.4 ADDITIONAL FEES/CHARGES 6.2.5 REGISTRATION SPECIFIC/INCOMPLETE MODULES 6.2.6 CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION/FEE LIABILITY 6...
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...in a market place. Bank is a financial institution which deals in money, receive deposit from customers, honor customers’ drawings against such deposits on demand, collect Cheques for customers and lend or invest deposits to individuals, companies or other organizations. So, bank is an intermediary institution that makes relationship between the owner of surplus savings and the investor of deficit capital. In this process, banks earn profit by receiving interest from the borrowers who want to take short-term or long-term loans and making relatively lower interest payment to the depositors for providing their funds for use by the bank. 1.1 Origin of the Report: OCP is required for students who get Master degree in Business Administration (MBA) from ASA University Bangladesh. In this Program, I have studied with Standard Bank Limited as I assigned and my topics is “Analysis Of Foreign Exchange Division”. |1.2 Significance of the study:...
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...Executive Summary This is a business plan for our company, GreenArrow Sdn Bhd, an environmental friendly company, which will be selling hazardous insects’ trap by using recycled material. The purpose of this plan is to provide us a guideline to conduct the business and serves as a reminder to keep the business on track. In Malaysia, the dengue rate has been increasing significantly. In year 2013, more than 43,000 cases were reported, with 92 deaths, up from 35 dead the year before. Mosquito fogging is a common method to eliminate mosquitos but it doesn’t reduce the dengue rate. Our company spotted a great opportunity to conduct a profit making business and yet provide solution to this problem. The solution is our product, LED Mosquito Killer. It can bait and trap mosquito by luring them with heat, light and CO2. The target market can be household, firms, institutions and it can be used in many places such as home, restaurant, hospital, schools and even outdoor by using the USB cable. We are able to source recycled raw material with cheap price and we are planning to distribute the product to wholesaler and retailer. The forecast sales in the first year will be 24000 units. The startup cost will be RM 178,200.00 and the estimated net profit after deducting all expenses will be RM 108,000.00 for the first year. Breakeven can be achieved on 1 and a half year. Our company is looking forward to expand the production by setting up a new manufacturing plant by the end of 2017...
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...Internship report at a glance Name of the Tropics 1. Chapter One Introduction 2. Chapter Two ❖ An Appraisal of National Bank Ltd. 3. Chapter Three General Banking 4. Chapter Four ❖ Services of National Bank 5. Chapter Five ❖ Foreign Exchange 6. Chapter Six Daily activities of Bank 7. Chapter Seven ❖ Other activities of National bank ltd 8. Chapter Eight ❖ Recommendation & Conclusion. Chapter one Introduction 1.1 An overview of National Bank Ltd. N ational Bank Limited is regarded as the pioneer in the private sector banking of Bangladesh. National Bank started its journey with the noble vision of diversifying banking activities into different activities of client service. The bank is also committed to fulfill its responsibilities to the society and the country. National Bank Limited has its prosperous past, glorious present, prospective future and under processing projects and activities. Established as the first private sector Bank fully owned by Bangladeshi entrepreneurs, NBL has been flourishing as the largest private sector Bank with the passage of time after facing many stress and strain. The member of the board of directors is creative businessman and leading industrialist of the country. To keep pace with time and in harmony with national and international economic activities and for rendering all modern services, NBL, as a financial institution automated...
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...Internship report at a glance Name of the Tropics 1. Chapter One Introduction 2. Chapter Two ❖ An Appraisal of National Bank Ltd. 3. Chapter Three General Banking 4. Chapter Four ❖ Services of National Bank 5. Chapter Five ❖ Foreign Exchange 6. Chapter Six Daily activities of Bank 7. Chapter Seven ❖ Other activities of National bank ltd 8. Chapter Eight ❖ Recommendation & Conclusion. Chapter one Introduction 1.1 An overview of National Bank Ltd. N ational Bank Limited is regarded as the pioneer in the private sector banking of Bangladesh. National Bank started its journey with the noble vision of diversifying banking activities into different activities of client service. The bank is also committed to fulfill its responsibilities to the society and the country. National Bank Limited has its prosperous past, glorious present, prospective future and under processing projects and activities. Established as the first private sector Bank fully owned by Bangladeshi entrepreneurs, NBL has been flourishing as the largest private sector Bank with the passage of time after facing many stress and strain. The member of the board of directors is creative businessman and leading industrialist of the country. To keep pace with time and in harmony with national and international economic activities and for rendering all modern services, NBL, as a financial institution automated all its branches with computer network...
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...Chesapeake Energy T E A M - C Members: Misti Smith Kyle Thompson Daniel Ogeto Harding University Spring 2013 TEAM C: The team assignments for our research paper are as follows: Week 2 - Outsourcing – Daniel Ogeto Week 3 - Overview of the Oil and Gas Industry – Daniel Ogeto Week 4 - Chesapeake Energy & its four affiliates - Kyle Thompson Week 5 - Chesapeake Company Operations - Misti Smith Week 6 - Chesapeake Company Future - Daniel Ogeto Abstract Chesapeake Energy is headquartered in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This independent company is involved in oil and natural gas exploration and production. The company’s operations, shares and debt; affiliations, outsourcing and future will be discussed in this paper. The oil and gas industry overview will also be covered. CONTENTS 1. Overview of the Oil and Gas Industry ------------------------Page 4 – 21 2. Chesapeake Company Operations ----------------------------Page 21-27 3. Chesapeake & Affiliates ----------------------------------------- Page 28-32 4. Outsourcing -------------------------------------------------------- Page 32-37 5. Chesapeake’s Future --------------------------------------------- Page 37-42 References ---------------------------------------------------------- Page 43-44 OVERVIEW OF THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY Companies in this industry develop and operate fields to extract crude oil and natural gas. Major players include Apache, Conoco Phillips, and...
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...of Business Keller Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/mgmt-520/mgmt-520-entire-course-legal-political-ethical-dimension-of-business-keller/ Or Visit www.hwcampus.com MGMT 520 Entire Course Legal Political Ethical Dimension of Business Keller MGMT 520 Discussions ALL 7 Weeks Posted by All Students 483 Pages Keller MGMT 520 National and International Ethics-Patent Week 1 Discussions 1 All Students Posts 41 Pages Keller Class in this thread we will seek to address essentially corporate citizenship. In other words, when the necessity from help arrives and your organization is the only organization that has what can deliver the society in which you operate in from peril, what do you do? In your discussion of the Bayer problem you will find yourself balancing and wondering, how do you overcome some of the barriers of doing the right thing from the corporate perspective? In the fall of 2001, anthrax was used as a weapon of terror in the United States, when it was sent to numerous media and political organizations and individuals, including Tom Brokaw of NBC News, Dan Rather of CBS News, and U.S. senators…. MGMT 520 Disbarment of Lawyers Week 1 Discussions 2 All Students Posts 35 Pages Keller Class I want to introduce to some “Wolves of Wall Street” who handled business in a Bernie Madoff type fashion, the Ponzi scheme way. Allow me to introduce you to former attorney, Marc Dreier. Many of you have never heard of him, but what he has done...
Words: 20265 - Pages: 82
...Department of Mercantile Bank Limited” Conducted on behalf of MERCANTILE BANK LIMITED, Branch of Mirpur Prepared in partial accomplishment of the requirement for the award of the degree in Bachelor of Business Administration From Stamford University of Bangladesh Is a record of extensive examine carried out By Md.Rokon Uddin BBA-02405912(24th Batch) Under my supervision & guidance.No part of this report has been submitted for the award of any degree/diploma/fellowship or other similar designation or accolade. Mrs.Rima Parvin Certificate of Approval The Internship Report of Md.Rokon Uddin BBA-02405912(24th Batch) Stamford University of Bangladesh Titled “Operational Aspect of Foreign Exchange Department of Mercantile Bank Limited” Conducted on behalf of MERCANTILE BANK LIMITED,Branch of Mirpur Is approved and is suitable in eminence and figure. Mrs. Rima Parvin Letter of Submission , 2009 Mrs.Rima Parvin Lecturer Department of Business Administration Stamford University, Bangladesh. SUBMISSION OF INTERNSHIP REPORT Dear Madam With immense pleasure, I am submitting herewith my internship report on Operational Aspect of Foreign Exchange Department of Mercantile Bank Limited...
Words: 17487 - Pages: 70
...of Business Keller Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/mgmt-520/mgmt-520-entire-course-legal-political-ethical-dimension-of-business-keller/ Or Visit www.hwcampus.com MGMT 520 Entire Course Legal Political Ethical Dimension of Business Keller MGMT 520 Discussions ALL 7 Weeks Posted by All Students 483 Pages Keller MGMT 520 National and International Ethics-Patent Week 1 Discussions 1 All Students Posts 41 Pages Keller Class in this thread we will seek to address essentially corporate citizenship. In other words, when the necessity from help arrives and your organization is the only organization that has what can deliver the society in which you operate in from peril, what do you do? In your discussion of the Bayer problem you will find yourself balancing and wondering, how do you overcome some of the barriers of doing the right thing from the corporate perspective? In the fall of 2001, anthrax was used as a weapon of terror in the United States, when it was sent to numerous media and political organizations and individuals, including Tom Brokaw of NBC News, Dan Rather of CBS News, and U.S. senators…. MGMT 520 Disbarment of Lawyers Week 1 Discussions 2 All Students Posts 35 Pages Keller Class I want to introduce to some “Wolves of Wall Street” who handled business in a Bernie Madoff type fashion, the Ponzi scheme way. Allow me to introduce you to former attorney, Marc Dreier. Many of you have never heard of him, but what he has done...
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...www.reachemmanuel.com http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=10150123270910088 ============================================ 1) COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT / ADMINISTRATOR (QATAR) Position Profile A Communications Assistant/Administrator supports multiple account teams and must be able to efficiently service each of these teams. Communications Assistant/Coordinator must have excellent organizational skills and the ability to adapt to multiple assignments and deadlines as well as an environment that changes frequently. The focus of the position is on managing invoicing, procedures, preparing presentations, management of process and procedure, clip reports, briefing materials, etc. Primary Responsibilities 1) Client • • Proactive in understanding IPN’s portfolio of client’s Have a clear understanding of clients organisational structures and key contacts 2) Media • • • Develop and maintain media contact lists and database - Mediadisk Continually update knowledge of new media Maintain comprehensive library of media titles and subscription 3) Writing • • • Assist in formatting new business presentation and preparation Management of procedures and processes Prepare clip reports and summaries as needed by teams 4) Team Support • Actively participate in agency development by assisting with urgent clients needs • • • • Continually update line managers on progress of activities Balance workload between account staff to ensure that all work is accurate and completed within established...
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