...Peer’s Critique Feedback COMM/110 Peers Critique Feedback Peer review would refer to the many habits in which peers can share their creativity for constructive feedback then uses that feedback to revise and improve their work. The writing process, the modification is necessary as the draft of presenting, but peers often feel that they could not let go of their original words for introducing. Peers offer productive feedback, accept constructive criticism. Methods on critiques a presentation speech, to critique a speech or a presentation it's necessary to evaluate the presenters abilities in both speech and delivery. On determining whether the presenter is using facts and narratives to make a case. One method will be evaluating the content, by including word choices, references, and sketches should tailor to the audience that will be listening to the speech or presentation. Then it will follow the evaluation the speech or presentation clarity. The presenter should use correct grammar and easy to understanding language, making it pleasant to listen to the speech and follow what it is. Other would be on seeing if the statement is convincing and educational, in a well-written speech or presentation arguments are skillfully put forth to prove high points. The implementation that I would plan on the suggestions that my teammates have mentioned and will be adding to my future presentations. The tone of voice was the critiques that my teammates comment on my tone of voice was...
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...Game Journal 6 The school of criticism that made the most sense to me was by far the biographical critique. In my opinion the vast majority of the other critiques read as though the author was simply trying to find examples for that particular type of critique where there was probably very little intentioned meaning behind it. Some of the meaning behind the game that was analyzed seemed as though it was forced. The biographical critique, however, analyzes the author’s intent behind the game using quotes from the author himself. This lends more authority to the critique and prevented it from feeling as though meaningless aspects of the game were being critiqued. In the biographical critique for Katamari Damacy the critic uses the author’s own words to describe how the author intended the game to affect his audience. This is information straight from the source and thus allows for the game to be looked at in a new light. The author intended the game’s peaceful, fun, game that is almost devoid of conflict to brighten the lives of everyone that played it and thus make the world better. The critic in a more thorough analysis could then have described whether the game is successful in doing that, and if so by how much. The biographical critique provided the author’s motivations behind making the game. This is a strong basis on which to critique the game. Analyze the author’s intent behind making the game along with how well the game imparts the author’s message. By doing this...
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...PLEASE READ THIS FIRST PAGE CAREFULLY. IT SHOULD BE DELETED WHEN YOU SUBMIT YOUR ASSIGNMENT FOR GRADING. General Rationale This document contains the instructions for the Speech Criticism Assignment. It is designed as an opportunity for you to observe and critique a presentation in a formal manner using the canons of rhetoric as a framework. Instructions 1. Carefully listen to and view the assigned presentation for this assignment. Review your professor’s announcements for the specific presentation(s) for this assignment. 2. Write an introductory section that gains the audience’s attention, gives a sense of your overall impression of the presentation, and sets up the rest of your critique. 3. Write a section about the invention canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 4. Write a section about the arrangement canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 5. Write a section about the style canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 6. Write a section about the delivery canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 7. Write a concluding section that summarizes the major critiques of the presentation and ends comfortably. Additional Expectations and Suggestions * This should be three or four double-spaced pages. * Use headings to identify clearly which canon through which you are evaluating. The four middle sections should be relatively equally developed. * Use the Questions for Canons of Rhetoric document in...
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...E. Defintion of Terms Assess - to estimate officially the value of (property, income, etc.) as a basis for taxation. Critique - is an in-depth analysis of a work, where in the end different components of that work are given recommendations for improvement. Critiques are perhaps most popular in the working world. Colleague - is someone you work with at your job. When you are a teacher, the other teachers are your colleagues. When you work as a cashier at 7-11, the guy at the deli counter is your colleague as well. Comprise - to include or contain: The Soviet Union comprised several socialist republics. Phenomenon – a fact, occurrence, or circumstance observed or observable: to study the phenomena of nature. Publication - the act of publishing a book, periodical, map, piece of music, engraving, or the like. Retain - to keep possession of. Social – pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations: a social club. tend - To have the care of; watch over; look after: tend a child. Various - Being more than one; several. CHAPTER III Methodology The researcher gathered data from its respondents by using Analytical method on the data presented.We can use also use Descriptive Method because we have to describe every detail of gathering data. The questionnaires were given to thirty (30) selected students. They were asked to fll-up the survey forms in their most honest way. They were able to answer the ten (10) simple questions...
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...Total Points: 100pts (25 points per critique) Instructions: 1. Each student must review FOUR peer’s ePortfolio sites. Review it carefully for all required items. 2. Score each site using the below Peer Critique Worksheet. Please provide comments justifying the score issued (this is required!). 3. Submit on Blackboard using the assignment link all FOUR critiques by the due date and time. Due Date: • Monday, March 20, 2012 by 11:59 pm. (NO LATE SUBMISSIONS ALLOWED!) Your Name: __________________ Peer Name (Site you Critiqued): ____________________ Skill Exceptional: [20 points] Effective: [15 points] Acceptable: [10 points] Unsatisfactory: [5 points] (Did not turn in an ePortfolio) [0 points] Student Score Response to ePortfolio Assignment (Required Content Areas) Followed all of professor’s directions; completed the assignment; added extra material. Followed most of the professor’s directions; completed the assignment. Did not follow most of the professor’s directions or failed to complete part of the assignment. Disregarded professor’s directions and failed to complete a significant part of the assignment. Did not complete the ePortfolio assignment. Creative Use of Technology Innovative use of graphics, sounds, e-mail, links, additional software and Internet resources: superior presentation. Several creative sounds, graphics, and links used; presentation: keeps readers attention. Some uses of interesting sounds...
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...be wrong but my opinion on “Young people need models not critics” still holds. I do however slightly understand when adults want us to know right from wrong, and know to do the right thing. My problem with this is after or in some occasions before they preach to us about being the best we can be, they demonstrate the total opposite. Being part of the younger generation I’m not sure if I’m speaking for myself when I say we don’t need a how to. What we need are people who understand us and who demonstrate the things that they speak upon, rather than pointing fingers and demonstrating the opposite of which they speak. Adults aren’t perfect but if they’re able to critique the actions of the younger generation, they should be able to perform those same things they advised us to do better. Maybe its even better to not critique us, and once we...
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...When taking about painting, the works during Renaissance cannot be ignored. At that period, humanism was advocated, variety of painting whose themes were generally concerned with religion, especially Christianity had been created. The first painting I want to critique is Lamentation with Saint and a Donor. The composer did not use much contour which made the edge of the figures and objects clearly. Compared with the background plants, the colors using of figures are more brightly, which draws the viewers’ attention directly to them and will main focus on Jesus. Human’s figures are idealized and overlapped with each other, with the landscape in the background, create spacial depth. The painting uses linear perspective in order to emphasis...
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...Linder referred to as the “public lips.” Messer enjoys the way Warhol is not afraid to overlap images of the same object to show a differentiating affect it has and how the audience views it. His sequence becomes very rich in color patterns which repeated motifs are indescribable, and Warhol has a liking for complementary contrasts that are also seen in other pieces like him Marilyn painting and self...
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...On May 2, 1808, residents of Madrid rebelled against the French military, who occupied the city. In response to this conflict Goya printed Los Desastres de la Guerra (‘The Disasters of War’), a sequence of 82 prints depicting the effects of war and starvation. One of the 82 prints that I am going to focus on is caption Unhappy Mother. The etching depicts the death of a mother who is being carried by three men. There is a little girl no younger than three with her hands wiping her tears away. If you look closely you can see one of the three men looking at the little girl as they carry the woman away. There is a person behind the men. The person seems to be dead because there seems to be a gunshot wound on her back. The eighty etchings present...
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...Final Artwork Analysis Art Appreciation is an understanding of great art. Great art is something that is produce by a unique artist that has come up with different techniques and styles that come from different eras. What is Art? Art is an assortment of miscellaneous things that are perceived by artist and the viewer. Art will come in many different forms and views based on the culture and the country. Art could also be a product which one will use their creativity to expresses a subjective. Many view art differently and that is what is as unique of us as humans to have different outlook and views. Today I will critique two pieces of art and give you my analysis on each piece on what I like and dislike. I will also give opposite views on both and end my paper with a conclusion. Artwork I Like The art piece that I like is Judy Taylor. History of Labor in Maine. 2007. You can find this piece...
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...A.E. Backus Art Museum Critique Jerry Beasley Martin Davis FINA-180-01A March 22, 2015 I have read and understand the plagiarism policy as outlined in the syllabus and the sections in the Student Bulletin relating to the IWU Honesty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement to the title page of my paper, I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing this assignment. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this paper, I understand the possible consequences of the act/s, which could include expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan University. A.E. Backus Art Museum Critique I. A general description of the museum visit The museum is set in a small town in the Treasure Coast area of Florida. It is set on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean which the artist used as his muse in several of his paintings. The first thing that the patrons see when coming into the museum is the collection of art from Backus as a small boy. The patrons are sent into an eye opening wonder of amazement how detailed the paintings were from such a small child. Once you have moved through the small portion of his youth paintings you come to the custodian who handles the admission. She was very nice and polite. She greeted my entire family with a smile and was very helpful when figuring out what we were to be charged for entry. The museum gives very good discounts for those whom are students and those that are on “Art Field Trips”...
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...diverse approach to representing the figure, yet has being ongoing from around the 18th century. It depicted what was happening in a contemporary way, an attempt to define what was real with no bias or personal preference from the artist. Only portraying what they saw. The movement originated in france in the 1850’s after the 1848 revolution. These Realists positioned themselves against Romanticism, a genre dominating French literature and artwork in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Seeking to be undistorted by personal bias, Realism believed in the ideology of objective reality and revolted against the exaggerated emotionalism of the Romantic movement. Truth and accuracy became the goals of many Realists. Many paintings depicted people at work, underscoring the changes wrought by the Industrial and Commercial Revolutions. The popularity of such 'realistic' works grew with the introduction of photography, a new visual source that created a desire for people to produce representations which look “objectively real.” Thereafter this new approach to representing the figure grew and new forms such as American realism and social realism where introduced to the art world. Therefore in view of this i will be looking at the American realist Edward Hopper and the realist painter Lucian Freud. Both these artists where at the forefront of modern art and both took different approaches to representing the figure even though both are classed under the...
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...in, what’s left is a sunlight tone. Here I began a quick placement sketch and established the highest light somewhere about one-third up and in, on the canvas. Aside from that, as a gesture, this allows me to figure out how to get the eye moving in and out of the canvas. Step 2: Starting with the Clouds In this case, since the sky takes up a major portion of the painting, I placed it first. Starting with the shadows of the clouds, I used a mix of cobalt blue, ivory black and white. Step 3: Mixing in Rocks After laying in the shadow parts of the sky, using the same colors as in step 2, I next mixed a darker value to lay in the rocks. Step 4: Adding Color Value Once the rocks were in place, I began to address the green foreground by putting in some of the color to represent the beginnings of sunlight in the value of cadmium yellow deep (sunlight gray, black and white, ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow light). I also added a few darker accents. Step 5: Laying the Sky I next began to lay in the clear part of the sky. You can see how the toned canvas helps in the progression. If I think it works within the painting, I’ll let some of the tone show through and even allow some of it to be left undisturbed. Step 6: The Highest Light Finally I applied the highest light. At this point, if the values are in the right place so that the highest light reads true, you won’t have to repaint everything you’ve done. This is the major advantage of working with a prepared palette. Step 7:...
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...social, or even sexual nature to his viewers. Using iconography, he sends messages about life, death, rebirth, social justice, sexuality, consequences, guilt, and dread. In his work, Haring often used familiar figures repeatedly to depict various acts in different ways. One example of such a figure is the body. Haring draws the shape and form of the body as well as the motion and actions that the body can produce. He demonstrates the movement of the body and in some cases just focuses on certain parts. In some of his works, he obsessively draws the male penis. He uses lines to represent motion or action that is happening within the painting. There are also other common pictures in his work, such as dogs, pigs, dolphins, and spaceships. Haring sometimes uses color to send a political message about the work that depicts the oppression of black man or the concept of death associated with religion. Haring was also outspoken on gay issues and gay Cistone 2 subculture. Several of his pictures...
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...important it is. They think of it as a poster with an image that is colored, but art is much deeper than that. Art is when you express yourself or your feelings through your skills and imagination in visual medium such as painting or sculpture. It is not that easy to be an artist, there are many things that the artists should have. For example, imaginations, being able to draw, have a taste in colors etc. There are many artists that are well known to us these days even though they died many years ago, e.g. Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, and Van Gogh. They became famous because of there high quality work that gave an affect on people when they saw the painting. In my opinion not all paintings are thought to be art because some of them do not make sense. Maybe the person who drew it understands what it meant but for me I don’t understand it. The painter should be straight forward when trying to tell the audience something in his painting. Putting many different pictures or shapes in a painting in a weird way makes the quality of it very low without any form of organization. A person before painting should organize his/her thoughts at first so when drawing he/she will have a goal that he/she want to show. The image above is one of my favorite paintings. It is called Leaf Album and it was painted by Chen Hongshou. I liked because it gave me the sense of sympathy and harmony. The colors of it are very soft and...
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