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Panthera Research Paper

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Panthera is a genus of large, wild cats in the mammalian family, Felidae, and includes the four, well-known living species of the lion (Panthera leo), the tiger (Panthera tigris), the jaguar (Panthera onca), and the leopard (Panthera pardus). These four extant cat species are considered unique in having the anatomical changes enabling them to roar. (New World Encyclopedia) The Panthera genus comprises about half of the seven extant species in the Pantherinae subfamily also known as the "big cats" family, the other species typically belonging to the genera Neofelis and Uncia, although taxonomy has been continually in flux. The name panther sometimes is used to designate collectively cats in this subfamily. (New World Encyclopedia) The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest felid species and a widely recognized symbol of wildlife conservation. Historically tigers inhabited much of Asia, including the regions between the Caspian and Aral Seas, southeastern Russia, and the Sunda islands. (H, 1987 ) …show more content…
Bali (P. t. balica), Caspian (P. t. virgata), and Javan (P. t. sondaica) tiger subspecies were eradicated by the 1940s, 1970s, and 1980s respectively. (Nowell K, 1996). In 2004, the Tigers of Peninsular Malaysia were recognized as a new subspecies, Panthera tigris jacksoni, when a genetic analysis found that they are distinct in mtDNA and micro-satellite sequences from Tigers of northern Indochina, P. t. corbetti (Luo et al. 2004). However, Mazak and Groves (2006) found no clear morphological differences (in cranial measurements or pelage characteristics) between Tigers from Peninsular Malaysia and those elsewhere in Indochina, and argue for inclusion in P. t. corbetti. (Kawanishi,

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