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Underage Drinking: A Functional Analysis

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Underage drinking has become an increasing prevalent social problem among youths in the United States. The article, 1 in 6 high school students binge drink, CDC says, discuss the growing problem of underage drinking and efforts to curb this concern. Despite high rates of teenage drinking, there is a significant decrease in drinking among high school students from 1991 through 2015 (Jimison, 2017). Increased efforts of alcohol prevention are being implemented, such as tougher ID laws and restriction on drunk driving, which contributed to the decrease in drinking. In addition, education about the effects of drinking, especially at a young age, has deterred underage youths from drinking. Drinking can increase the risk of alcohol poisoning, serious injury, or death as students are still developing (Jimison, 2017). Furthermore, 1 in 6 high school students binge drink, CDC says mentioned that a potential cause for underage drinking is parental influence and the …show more content…
This assumption corresponds with the theory of functional analysis. Functional analysis views society as composed of various functions that contributes to the harmony of society (Henslin, 2015). Society is composed of parts that works together, so if a unit fails to do their part, as in parents and adult figures, then it causes adverse aftermaths, as in students drinking. There is function that indicate people’s action causes beneficial outcomes, whereas dysfunction causes harmful consequences in society. So, function helps maintain balance and dysfunction weaken equilibrium. Therefore, the drinking habits of parents is the latent dysfunction that lead to the unintended, harmful consequence of underage drinking. So, in relation to the functional analysis theory, if teenagers observe their parents drinking alcohol, it would cause them to also

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