Premium Essay



Submitted By goinseli10
Words 282
Pages 2
English III Extra Credit Assignment
As we conclude our unit on Sula, we have gotten to know each character well. For this assignment you are to choose a character from the list provided below and you are to write an additional scene from their perspective. Below are the requirements for the additional scene.

Requirements: * Choose one character to have the scene be from their perspective. Characters that you are allowed to use are Helene, Nel, Jude, Eva, Hannah, Sula, Ajax, Chicken Little, and Shadrack. * Create a scene that is not in the story and provide a detailed description of the setting and the senses that the characters feel. Scenes should be appropriate and fit with the tone and mood of the story. * There is to be dialogue in your scene if there are other characters. If not, then it is to be a stream of conscience of a character reflecting (such as Nel’s scene in the novel reflecting on Sula and Jude’s affair). * There is not to be any grammatical mistakes. You may include southern dialect; however, there is to be no profanity and the dialect should remain consistent throughout the entire scene. * Your story should add to the plot but not completely rewrite the story. * You are to have at least 1 ½ pages of solid writing.

Scenes will be presented and read out loud to the class on Friday, March 20th, 2016. Copies are to be submitted to prior to class on Friday.

*** If you have any missing work or Academic Dishonesty for the 3rd quarter, as stated in class and in the Student/Parent Handbook, you are not permitted to do the assignment for extra

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