...caused by technology, parenting styles, and lack of physical activity. Child obesity has become a big problem in the 1970’s, since then it has tripled. Doctors are concerned with children nowadays due to the growth...
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...| Generation 1: Years children were raised (1950-1970’s)Georgia | Generation 2: (1970’s-1990’s) Georgia & Florida | Generation 3: Years(1990’s-2010’s my generation) Florida | Parenting Practice 1: Education | Parents in my family thought education was more key than anything, and kids faced discipline if they skipped school or did bad | Education was very important like the previous generations but more kids starting to use sports and activities to help pay for school | Education was important, but sports was just as important because it was the only way some of the kids could afford college | Parenting Practice 2: Extracurricular activities | Kids didn’t really play sports, they did hunting and picking tobacco | Kids played a lot of sports and hung with friends | Extracurricular activities were very important and is was very serious especially football, even some of the parent pushed them harder in sports than school | Parenting Practice 3:Relgion Involvement | Kids had to pray and were not allowed to curse | Kids attended church every week and had to use read the bible everyday | Kids rarely attended church | Parenting Practice 4:Discipline | Kids were whooped and did extra chores | Kids were whopped and not allowed outside | Less whooping more taking away of technology, and not allowing them to go outside | Introduction The “Miller” family has its great share of similarities and differences within 3 generations. We like to define our generations by at...
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...Business Lessons from the Success & Failure Stories of Corporate Parenting | | Executive Summary The need and effectiveness of corporate parenting has been the center of numerous strategic decisions discussions for a multi-business organization for a long time now. The existence of a corporate parent, the management level which is directly not a part of consumer-facing and profit-making business units, carries a cost to the entire business. These costs that include corporate overheads due to mismatch in synergies among the SBUs, delays in decision processes etc., do not get strike out by any direct revenue streams of the business. Therefore, it becomes a necessity for a corporate parent to justify its existence as it looks to find reasoning to whether and how it adds value to the overall business and SBUs alike. Corporate parent gives opportunity to develop lateral synergies across interrelated business units but of late these lateral relationships between businesses are often net negative rather than positive. It is also argued that most of these lateral synergies are present between independent businesses like GE. Values creations, Diversity, Leveraging resources across SBUs – Resource Stretching, are the strategic propositions that corporate parent boasts of bringing in to the overall organization. However, like in the case of Sears, Burns Philp, and most of the multi-business, there lie implicit and pervasive tendencies that contribute to unavoidable drag to the...
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...(1901-1924), Silent (1925-1942), Boom (1943-1960), Generation X (1961-1981), and Millennial Generation (1982-2002). Each generation leaves behind a culture that is accepted, rejected or modified by the next generation. One generation’s culture is the next generation’s common sense. Generation X and Millennial students are the majority of today’s college students. The Millennial students have matured in a cultural environment with positive and negative qualities. Some positive qualities include being generous and practical, working on a schedule, multi-tasking and obeying rules. Along with the positives, technology has produced negative effects such as critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills and rote learning. Parenting has evolved from supportive to almost forceful involvement in their children’s lives during adolescences to college years. Parenting from previous generations used to support their children in higher education emotionally or financially. Today’s Helicopter Parents of Millennial students are overly involved in their children’s life. They are constantly playing an active role in their children’s college life. Today’s Millennial parents are still supporting academic life but have changed from supportive parent to an “aggressively protective parent who assumes an active role in their child’s educational experience” (Pg. 22). These...
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...the Parenting Styles on the Behavior of Psychology Students in Centro Escolar University Year 2012-2013 An Undergraduate Research Presented to the Faculty of School of Science and Technology In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course Communication Skills 14 (Technical Writing) by: Anne Kristine G. Francisco Kathlene Marie S. Tambo Michelle R. Aranda March 2013 CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Background Introduction Parenting is a complex activity that includes many specific behaviors that work individually and together to influence child outcomes. Although specific parenting behaviors, such as spanking or reading aloud, may influence child development, looking at any specific behavior in isolation may be misleading. Many writers have noted that specific parenting practices are less important in predicting child well-being than is the broad pattern of parenting. Most researchers who attempt to describe this broad parental milieu rely on Diana Baumrind’s concept of parenting style. The construct of parenting style is used to capture normal variations in parents’ attempts to control and socialize their children (Baumrind, 1991). Two points are critical in understanding this definition. First, parenting style is meant to describe normal variations in parenting. In other words, the parenting style typology Baumrind developed should not be understood to include deviant parenting, such...
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...affiliation Children who, for many reasons are at a risk of losing their parents, or are living without their parents are exposed to discrimination and poverty. This makes them vulnerable to neglect, abuse and exploitation. Parenting can be defined as a dynamic process that depends on communication that takes place between children and their parents, families and environment. Parenting practices are vital in the development of a child, and are different for different generations. A study was conducted by (Frick, Barry, & Kamphaus, 2010), and provided the parenting practices across three different generations described in the table below. | | Generation 1 years children were raised (1950-1979) | Generation 2Years (1980-1989) | Generation 3Years ( 2000 to date) | Parenting practice 1Education | Monitoring | Yes | To some extend | No | Parenting practice 2Extracurricular activities | Child rearing | high extend | Higher than in G3 | To some extend | Parenting practice 3Discipline | Harsh discipline | To high extend | To some extend | No | Parenting practice 4Religious involvement | Positive parenting | To high extend | To high extend | To high extend | Discussion In terms of parenting practices that include monitoring, positive parenting, harsh discipline and child rearing, parents in these generations responded differently. From the table above, it is evident that child rearing is a complete development of a child, and involves providing high level of care...
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...prevalence of 7%” (1074). Research has shown that excessive use of social media, environmental factors, and are key causes of SAD. To begin with, in today’s day and age, technology has become highly advanced...
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...and "Can" in question 2. Ultimately you won't just be listing ways in which surveillance could be helpful, or listing benefits of online therapy, but genuinely exploring the questions as you have them formulated above. Hope that makes sense! Affordable, available, and easy to use Rapid advances in technology, particularly in the last decade, have allowed individuals ready access to surveillance tools that were once only available to governments and law enforcement. Surveillance equipment is cheaper, smaller, and more sophisticated than ever before. Also important is that surveillance is a feature of everyday life, and thus has become normalized. Video cameras and GPS are standard features on smart phones. Personal computers together with wi-fi and the Internet allow individuals to watch over their property and loved ones remotely. Stores sell all manner of easily concealable tracking devices and cameras. In short, surveillance tools are no longer the stuff of spy novels but instead have become just another consumer product we can buy at the local mall. Technology as a parental aid Societal changes also play a significant role in the adoption of surveillance technologies into family life. It goes without saying that children have always been watched over to ensure that they are safe from harm. In the past, when people tended to live in close-knit communities, this was done by relatives, neighbours and friends. Today, people tend to live in anonymous neighbourhoods where...
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...In contrast, surface learning focuses on rote memorization without deeper comprehension or connection-making. 6. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart' Technology’s Role in Supporting Learning for Children with Disabilities. Technology enhances learning opportunities for children with disabilities through various means. Assistive Technologies: Tools like speech-to-text software or communication devices aid those with speech impairments or learning disabilities by providing alternative ways to express themselves or access information. Personalized Learning Platforms: Adaptive technologies adjust content delivery based on individual needs, allowing students with disabilities to learn at their own pace while receiving tailored support. These technological advancements foster greater inclusion in educational settings by accommodating diverse learning needs effectively. 7. What is the difference between a'smart' and a ' Differences Between Expert Knowledge and Pedagogical Content...
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...Chapter 2 Early Childhood Development Theories Abstract Developmental theories are useful towards understanding how children learn and grow, and by what means their trajectories can be supported. Most theorists agree that both biology and experience are key factors that shape developmental outcomes. Risk and protective factors are said to contribute to development and often can be modified through intervention efforts. The prevention model emphasizes a foundation of supports and services aimed to foster healthy development. Keywords Secure base behavior • Emotional regulation • Egocentric • Accommodation • Assimilation • Equilibrium • Zone of proximal development • Positive reinforcement • Negative reinforcement • Punishment • Parenting styles • Modeling • Ecological theory • Risk and protective factors • Prevention model Theories of development provide a framework for thinking about human growth, development, and learning. If you have ever wondered about what motivates human thought and behavior or how personalities form, understanding these theories can provide useful insight into both the individual and societal influences on early development. The next section will briefly review the major developmental theories that help to explain how development unfolds, sources of vulnerability and protection that influence child development, and how the course of development may be altered by prevention and intervention efforts. Understanding factors which may support...
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...Types of Parents and Carers Biological Parents: A biological parent has provided the genetic material required for parenting. This means that the parent provides the sperm or the ova. Generally Biological parents contribute genetic material as a result of sexual intercourse. However, with assisted reproductive technologies, creation of a foetus may involve other procedures. Social Parents: Social parents are not genetically related to the child but participate in the role of parenting. Social parents can become parents through adoption, fostering, step-parenting or surrogacy. The parents take on responsibilities of being a parent and may face particular difficulties due to the nature of their relationship with the child. Adoption: Is the process by which a child is given legal responsibility to a family other than their biological family. There are 3 types of adoption: 1. Child is already placed with prospective parents e.g. step-parent or other relative 2. Local Adoption and Over Seas Adoption (Australia is a signatory to the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption) 3. Adoption of children with special needs Children are no longer considered by law as belonging to or forming part of their biological family. A new birth certificate is issued showing the child as being part of the adopted family, and often the child’s name is changed at the same time. The Adoption Information Act 1990 enables adoptees, at 18 years of age, to have access to their original birth certificates...
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...experiences, in which we are able to either learn or not learn during these situations. Students may direct their attention to particular targets in the learning environment that they find more interesting, important, or unfamiliar than others. Keen, Meg (2005) For example, a classroom with circular tables and comfortable armchairs may look strange because it deviates from expectations formed through prior experience. Some learning environments are more comfortable and offer fewer distractions than others. In any learning environment, physical characteristics that cause discomfort can be expected to interfere with learning. As for environments that produce positive emotional states can be expected to enable a place of attachment. While technology is advancing and became part of the American culture, it has made a tremendous impact on education. Laptops and other mobile devices have great potential to enhance and transform instruction and are being used effectively in various classrooms.(San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2005) Today's students use their devices in class to take notes, access materials and applications, and find relevant...
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...dimensions in their parenting practices with the generations in other words, to examine the role of both sex of parent and sex of child in parenting practices. Past investigations of the family society have had a tendency to use as a beginning stage the qualities and practices of conventional rustic society, which are likewise adept to describe provincial to themselves, in any event for the original. It is regularly comprehended that pre-adulthood can be a period when youngsters endeavor to accommodate their own particular goals and needs with the wishes of their guardians. While some teenagers get past this time of time without numerous issues, others have a tendency to experience numerous negative impacts. It is conceivable that the guardian's part in the relationship may have influence in the improvement of the generations’ conduct and disposition towards others. Social values, for example, the American Samoa and Western Samoa accentuation on reliance and family concordance might impact the kind of child parenting practices these generations may decide to embrace one. Research on more helpful child parenting practices is more constrained in spite of the fact that the work that has been carried out again recommends that parents are more prone to be included and sustaining with their kids when they report having encountered the same practices from their own parents during childhood (Chen and Kaplan, 2001; Simons et al., 1993; Cairns et al., 1998). The parenting practice issues...
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...The Four Types of Parenting Styles Parents are a huge part of a child's life. However they act, whatever they say, anything that they do largely impacts a child's development from the moment they are born. According to psychologist Diana Baumrind's research, she found that there are four types of parenting styles (Parenting Styles in Psychology, Brittany Olivarez). Through naturalistic observation, parenting interviews, and other research methods, Baumrind identified the following four parenting styles: * Authoritative: democratic style of parenting, parents are attentive, forgiving, teach their offspring proper behavior, have a set of rules, and if child fails to follow their is punishment, if followed their is reward/reinforcement * Authoritarian: strict parenting style, involves high expectations from parents but have little communication between child and parents. Parents don't provide logical reasoning for rules and limits, and are prone to harsh punishments * Permissive: parents take on the role of "friends" rather than parents, do not have any expectations of child, they allow the child to make their own decisions * Uninvolved: parents neglect their child by putting their own life before the child's. They do provide for the child's basic needs but they show little interaction with the child Each of these different parenting styles impacts and influences the development of child. Through Baumrind's observations she found that the most ideal and balanced...
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...Critical Thinking Paper: Revised Assignment 5: Critical Thinking Paper: Revised Carol Ann Simmons Mr. Jon Becker Critical Thinking December 11, 2011 Critical Thinking Paper: Revised Introduction The issue of child behavior in school age children is growing rapidly and is far more worst than it was ten years ago. Some of the key role players in the behavior of children today are bad parenting, lack of respect from children, technology, like video games, cell phones, I pad, I phones, the prolong use of television and what is available for them to watch. All of these things is a distraction for children and is a part of their over all behavior. It’s not hard to see that the attitudes of some children have change over the years. All you have to do is look and listen. The children today seem to have an attitude about everything even at a young age. Some of them can’t even tell you what they are angry about. The evidence you will here in this paper is not only based on my own personal experiences but also from other researched articles. When I was growing up we had no choice but to respect our parents and elders. Talking back or acting act was not tolerated at all. Parents took the time to connect with their children instead of letting them sit in front of a television all day, or play on a computer. We had a set television time, bedtime, and playtime. And we didn’t have a problem following...
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