...English Method A In the first text we are presented with a very strict way of parenting. Sophie Chua-Rubenfeld explains how her Tiger Mom has affected her. The principles of the parenting are you have to do your best at all time. The parents push their children to their fullest potential and only the best is accepted. By being very involved with their children’s activities and having a big influence on their children choices. This method was criticized by many parents by being too robot like. The second text is a very relaxed rearing of children. The text claims that “investment parenting” such as music lessons, sports and other activities do not make any significant difference on the child’s upbringing. This way of parenting is dubbed “serenity parenting”. Parents should not sacrifice themselves in hope of their children’s success but rather rely on their own choices and genes. In the third text he criticizes the way parents force their children to unwanted academics rather than letting them follow their own dreams. A.S Neill also criticizes the coercive education system. The writer of the third text is the founder of Summerhill School and therefore is a reliable source since he himself have witnessed the flaws of the education system and also the mind-set of parents pushing their children to unwanted academics. With his authority he is using ethos since he has himself have seen the struggles up close with following your dreams or following the education system. He...
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...think it works.” Lorraine Kelly, T V presenter and m um of one Most parents say their children are the most important part of their lives. They bring joy and laughter and give you a stake in the future. But sometimes being a parent isn’t easy. It can be challenging and exhausting. At such times, parents who are normally loving and caring can find themselves “losing it” and hitting their children. Most parents don’t think hitting children is right, yet in times of stress, anger or frustration find themselves lashing out. But many feel guilty afterwards and want to find better ways of handling difficult behaviour. We’ve collected the best advice from professionals, as well as some top tips from parents, to help you understand positive parenting and positive discipline, and that using physical punishment is never a good idea for children of any age. Which type of parent are you? Read the following three descriptions and decide which one you think is closest to you: “Raising children is a constant battle.” You often: • have lots of strict rules • use demands and threats to keep your child under control • punish harshly and smack often. “I just want a quiet life.” You: • forget about your own needs and ignore all naughty behaviour, even when it is far from minor • always give in to whining • don’t encourage independence, instead doing everything for your child. “I love my children, but understand they can’t have and do everything they want.” You try to: • have clear, simple rules...
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...Parenting The textbook presents co-parenting as an important part of adaptation to parenting. Agreeing on how to parent, roles involved in parenting and open communication are several of the items discussed in this section. The text further discusses that how couples parent is largely founded on how they feel about themselves (Steinberg, Bornstein, Vandell, & Rook, 2011, p.85).I agree with the importance of this information. The article Family Structure, Child Outcomes and Environmental Mediators discusses the adjustment children have to make growing up in non-traditional families. Needs are different in families but this does not negate the need for maintaining family values (Wolcox, 2003). Both of the writings shows the importance of family values and the impact parenting has on children and their development. My opinion on the impact child development from modern family structures has the whole child is that even action creates a reaction for the child. Parenting a child is passing your spiritual, emotion, and social skills to the child. Parenting provides the child with a living guide on how to take the tools and teachings of his parents and mold them into their own. Teach a child boundaries through love and care chances are in favor that the child will treat the world around him with positive boundaries through love and care. The opposite is true teach a child through violence the child will treat the world around him with violent tendencies. My children have grown...
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...Xenia Burgara Marajan Hazrati English 103 January 29, 2013 Parenting Every parent has his own personal philosophy of child rearing. Many issues are controversial because there are supporting facts to both opinions. One major issue in today’s society is whether to breast or bottlefeed an infant. Another difficult issue is how to discipline a child. Some parents believe that spanking in certain situations is acceptable, and some view it as child abuse. Many parents believe religion is an essential part of growing into a moral person, and many do not. Family meals are important to some families, and unnecessary to others. Another big controversy is placing a child in daycare. Some couples believe it is completely wrong for the mother to work outside the home. Other couples say that without two incomes, they would not make it financially. When I had my child, I choose to breast feed her. I think it is very important to the infant’s health. Colostrum, the fluid that comes in before the real milk, allows the baby to receive immunity to many infections, and also enables the infant to gain necessary weight faster than bottle-fed infants. In breast milk, eight percent of the cells are macrophages. Macrophages are cells that kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Breastfeeding is much easier and more convenient, because it can be done at any time of the day, without preparation. With bottle feeding, there are bottles to wash, formula to mix, refrigeration to worry about, and warming...
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...People whose parents were Authoritative would have the most admiration and self-confidence. They would be extremely dependable and accountable. These young adults would be mature of the three parenting styles. They would changes very well that are taking place in their lives. An exceedingly causative reason for them coping well is the fact that they have urbanized enormous communication skills. At this point in their life they now know that if they need help or just someone to confide in, they most certainly know that their parents would be there for them. A person raised by an Authoritarian parent requirement everything to be regarding them. Their parents did not communicate that well with them, or barely listened to them. Some feel, for just once in their life they want things to be concerning them. Their relationships would be stressed because of this and reasons that they are used to everything being enforced upon them. Their parents never appreciated them, so they are not probable to respect anyone else. They will most likely have issues coping with life's changes, they will be liable to keep their problems within, not knowing how to reach out and be in touch with someone else. A person raised by a permissive parent will be more prone to not having respect for any type of authority. At this point in their lives they have already powerfully rebelled, and could possibly be into drugs, gangs or other criminal acts because of not wanting to respect authority. They have...
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...1. How is positive parenting different from negative parenting? Which do you think is more effective? Why? Positive parenting is different from negative parenting because in positive parenting the parent knows how to correctly tell their child no or not to do something again whereas the negative parenting the parent yells and shouts and the child and will probably make the child cry. I think positive parenting is more effective. Why? Because positive parenting is instilled in the child while negative parenting will have to be done constantly and all the time. Positive parenting takes a while for the child to get used to because the parent is being a bit more lenient versus a negative parenting parent being mean and loud with the little person. 2. Do you think children should have more rules or fewer rules in the home? Why? Children should have more rules inside compared to lots of rules outside because then the child will be more used to following rules at home and will inflict those same rules outside. It’s much easier to train a child at home versus in public. 3. How would you deal with a situation of biting? Do you think your approach would fit into a “positive parenting” framework? Why or why not? I would grab the child softly and tell the child not to do that. I will then tell the child why they should not bite and go from there. For each time the child bite after my first warning I would try things like time out, in the corner, little mini punishments but no yelling...
Words: 531 - Pages: 3
...Parenting; It’s Harder Than We Thought ENG/147 5/19/2016 Parenting; It’s Harder Than We Thought Parents are often lost when it comes to raising their children to inevitably {hopefully} produce respectable adults. Often parents will emulate the style of discipline they experienced growing up. It is important to know the effects discipline may have emotionally on children. A few techniques that can be utilized in positive parenting are discipline, a child’s growth mentally and physically, and how to be consistent. Discipline is often a touchy subject when it involves a legal situation. Parents are often confused about where to draw the line between utterly innocent disciplining or perhaps overdoing things which can result in what could be considered abusive behavior. It is important to discuss the various styles of parenting. For instance; permissive parenting is someone who displays a lack of discipline with little or no boundaries, but is otherwise a loving parent. Setting boundaries helps children build confidence instead of insecurity. Next is Neglectful Parenting. One who may neglect their children by not making the effort to discipline or guide them as they are simply too lazy to expend the time necessary. Neglecting children can scar them deeply emotionally. Then, there is Authoritarian Parenting -someone that does not show any affection but is focused only on control and disciplining. This style of parenting can lead to unnecessary...
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...increase in the interest of parenting. Entering any given bookstore there are shelves lined with books that offer information and advice for parents. In today’s world we are exposed with a growing number of television, magazines, websites online, and other forms that are all devoted to the topic of parenting. Given all the new material out there about parenting some controversy has arose when it comes to the different parenting styles and how they affect children, their development, and even their education. While being a parent can be one of the most difficult jobs a person will ever have. It may be especially challenging when the child is in their adolescent years and the years they spend thorough out school. A preschool aged child’s social emotional development can be influenced in many ways; one of which being the early style in which their parent uses to raise them. (Dewar). A study examined the relationship between social emotional development of preschool aged children and four identified parenting styles. Parenting style has been found to predict child well-being in the areas of social competence, academic performance, psychosocial development, and behavior problems (Baumrind). Most parents want their children to become independent, productive and able to cope with the world. Since the 1950s, researchers have studied the effects of various influences in young people’s lives, including parenting (Long). There are many different ways of parenting children. Some are more...
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...Single parenting ALGhaliya AL-dowaiki English Composition 2 Mr.James Philip Date :1/4/2014 Single parenting Introduction Single parenting is one of the most important issues in world. People were not except the idea of single parenting, that one of the parents has the responsibility to take care of the child. They believe that one hand cannot clap. They see that the child should live with his parents not one of them. Nowadays, single parenting become the phenomenon of the time , which mean we can find a lot of children living with one their parents could be the mother or the father. There several reasons that cause single parenting such as; death of a partner and divorce of parents. In this paper I am going deeply in single parenting, I am going to caver the definition, history, causes, advantages and disadvantages of single parenting. Definition of single parent Single parent is a parent not living with a spouse or partner, whom has most of the day-to-day responsibilities in raising the child. A single parent is usually considered the primary caregiver, meaning the parent the children have residency with the majority of the time. If the parents are separated or divorced, children live with their parent and have visitation or secondary residence with their noncustodial parent. In western society in general, following separation, a child will end up with the primary caregiver, usually the mother, and a secondary caregiver, usually the...
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...Kofi Hodge Critical Perspectives in Urban Education Professor Bristol December 10, 2013 The Parenting Gap: A comparison of parenting and academic achievement: The institution of schools does not act alone it encompasses the school itself, teachers, parents, students among other factors that work simultaneously with one another. Up until just recently, I placed much of the blame for teachers’ inability to be successful with minority students in a classroom, on the teachers' inability to communicate and relate to and with students. The students' own self-victimization and the ideology that a student of a particular race or ethnicity cannot perform well because of the stereotypes that come with that race or ethnicity also plays a role. Of the many factors, the role parents play in educational achievement is often overlooked, because many believe that the task of educating solely rests with the school and the teachers. Parental involvement in students’ education gradually decreases as early as the first grade. In addition with the implementation of test based accountability, lack of student achievement is being placed on teachers because tests don’t consider factors such as if a student “pays attention in class” or “attends school regularly” (Ravitch 2010). The decrease of parental involvement results in a decrease of parent expectations of the student and allows students to matriculate through school receiving mediocre grades and their parents never know. Seeing as though the...
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...their child. They make an effort to see the world through their child’s point of view. They spend time with their child in order to learn about their child’s personality and interests and to create a lasting bond between themselves and the child. Nurturing parents actively look for ways to effectively enforce disciplinary codes that do not involve unnecessarily harsh punishments. Nurturing parents develop an understanding about what level of physical, academic, social, and emotional maturity is appropriate at their child’s age. They try to encourage appropriate development of their child, but do not pressure the child with expectations that are unreasonable at his or her age. What Are the Roles, Responsibilities, and Rewards of Parenting? While different people have different opinions on the specific roles and responsibilities a parent is expected to play in a child’s life, some parental responsibilities are universally agreed upon: Providing for financial needs: Parents are obligated to provide financially for a child’s basic economic needs. Parents are responsible for ensuring that children have access to nutritious food, shelter, clothing, and health care. Most parents who are able choose to provide their children with luxuries beyond their basic physical needs. Parents may provide their children with postsecondary education and things such as toys and electronics, piano lessons,...
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...You said I could turn this in on Sunday October 6, 2013 Melissa Clemons Garza ENGL-1301 September 22, 2013 Insight on Parenting There are many different types of parent involvement these days. From, being the complete socialite in your teenage daughter life - to the parent who has no idea what their teenager is doing or even cares. Parent’s need to realize we have children to mold and teach them to become successful parents like ourselves. Parents need to learn not to be their teenager’s best friend, but also not to ignore them. Wake up parents; we need to be involved but not overly involved. The overly involved parent sets that expectation from kindergarten, that she going to do everything in power to make sure her children have the very best at any cost. Those are the parents that are every function, but not because they really want to be. They just really want to live vicariously through their children lives. No matter what’s going on those are the parents that are in the four one one. The overly involved parent cares way too much about her son or daughter social life than their well being. I’ve just recently read an article about an overly involved parent, and the mistake she made will haunt her for life. Lori Drew of Dardenne Prairie, Missouri decided to involve herself in her daughter’s friendly troubles; by making her daughter ex best friend pay for their broken friendship. Lori Drew created a fake MySpace profile, only to see what Megan was...
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...In my report, I looked at differences and similarities between my mom, daughter, and my generations. I look at the differences in parenting practices for education, punishment, breastfeeding, and religion. In my paper, I also explain how cohort effects might have influenced the parenting practices of each generation. Then I will look at contextual factors and how they may have influenced the parenting practices of each generation. Finally, I will explain why it is important to understand contextual factors, including cohort effects, when researching the differences in parenting practices. In all three of my generations you had to go to school, if you didn’t truant officers would come to your home to check on you and parents would get into trouble if you were not sick. The difference is in my mom’s generation she used typewriters not computers, she wore uniforms, and went to a Catholic school. Her parents viewed school as being very important. In my generation school was viewed as very important. We used typewriters, computers were introduced later on. I went to a public school. In my daughter’s school, it is public school, they hand out Chromebook for them to do their homework on. For her, I view education as being very important. For punishment, my grandparent’s didn’t believe in hitting instead they made my mom sit in the corner, do an extra chore, or write sentences. In mine, even though it was legal it was barely used. I only got spanked once, but I had to write sentences...
Words: 777 - Pages: 4
...dimensions in their parenting practices with the generations in other words, to examine the role of both sex of parent and sex of child in parenting practices. Past investigations of the family society have had a tendency to use as a beginning stage the qualities and practices of conventional rustic society, which are likewise adept to describe provincial to themselves, in any event for the original. It is regularly comprehended that pre-adulthood can be a period when youngsters endeavor to accommodate their own particular goals and needs with the wishes of their guardians. While some teenagers get past this time of time without numerous issues, others have a tendency to experience numerous negative impacts. It is conceivable that the guardian's part in the relationship may have influence in the improvement of the generations’ conduct and disposition towards others. Social values, for example, the American Samoa and Western Samoa accentuation on reliance and family concordance might impact the kind of child parenting practices these generations may decide to embrace one. Research on more helpful child parenting practices is more constrained in spite of the fact that the work that has been carried out again recommends that parents are more prone to be included and sustaining with their kids when they report having encountered the same practices from their own parents during childhood (Chen and Kaplan, 2001; Simons et al., 1993; Cairns et al., 1998). The parenting practice issues...
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...Janet Michelle Lewis Parenting Practices April 12, 2014 PARENTING PRACTICES Parenting a child is a very important role. Parents teach a child how to behave and they provide the needs for the child. Parenting practices varies from generation to generation. In the chart below I have described parenting practices over generations in my family. | Generation 1: Years (1960-1970) | Generation 2: Years(1980-2000) | Generation 3: Years(2000-2014) | Parenting Practice 1: Education | Medium standards | Medium standards | High standards | Parenting Practice 2:Religious Involvement | High standards | High standards | High standards | Parenting Practice 3:Breastfeeding | High standards | Medium standards | Low standards | Parenting Practice 4:Extra curriculum activities | Low standards | Medium standards | Medium standards | Similarities and differences in these styles between three generations Each generation of parent practicing, expressed and viewed the importance of education among all generation of children. As a child we were made to go to school and we enjoyed going as well. Parents would express how important it was to finish high school, and afterwards go to college or get a trade. The encouragement of going to college became more intense over generations. Early on it was about completing high school. Parents seem to have an understanding and significance of institution of the church in earlier years (Cozby, 2009). Among generations, parents...
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