...A COMPARITIVE STUDY OF CLUSTER ANALYSIS WITH NATURE INSPIRED ALGORITHMS A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by K.Vinodini 310126510043 I.Harshavardhan 310126510039 B.Prasanth kumar 310126510013 K.Sai Sivani 310126510042 in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of the Degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Science (ANITS) ANDHRA UNIVERSITY : VISAKHAPATNAM – 530003 APRIL 2014 ANIL NEERUKONDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCES ANDHRA UNIVERSITY : VISAKHAPATNAM-530 003 BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE Certified that this project report “A Comparative study of cluster analaysis with Nature Inspired Algorithms”is the bonafide work of “K.Vinodini, I.Harsha, B.V.PrasanthKumar, K.SaiSivani”who carried out the project work under my supervision. Signature Signature Dr S C Satapathy Dr S C Satapathy HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT ...
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...[pic] VLSI Routing for Enhanced Performance through QUANTUM BINARY PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION Arkabandhu Chowdhury (Roll no.- 000810701048) Souvik Kumar Saha (Roll no.- 000810701053) In completion of the final year project under the guidance of Dr. S. K. Sarkar, H.O.D., ETCE. Introduction to VLSI Routing The design of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits is one of the broadest areas in which the methods of combinatorial optimization can be applied. In the physical design process of VLSI circuits, the logical structure of a circuit is transformed into its physical layout. Detailed routing is one of the important tasks in this process. A detailed router connects pins of signal nets in a rectangular region under a set of routing constraints, such as the number of layers, the minimal space between the wires and the minimum wire width. The quality of this detailed routing has a strong influence on the performance and production costs of the circuit. The detailed routing in a rectangular region with pins exclusively located on the upper or lower boundary of the routing region is called “channel routing”. It is one of the most commonly occurring routing problems in VLSI circuits. The channel routing problem is NP-complete and, therefore, there is no deterministic algorithm to solve it in a fixed time frame and the problem of finding a globally optimized solution is still open. There have been plenty of results in this topic from the last few...
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...3.4. PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION PSO was developed by Kennedy and Eberhart. The PSO is inspired by the social behavior of a flock of migrating birds trying to reach an unknown destination. In PSO, each solution is a ‘bird’ in the flock and is referred to as a ‘particle’. A particle is analogous to a chromosome (population member) in GAs. As opposed to GAs, the evolutionary process in the PSO does not create new birds from parent ones. Rather, the birds in the population only evolve their social behavior and accordingly their movement towards a destination [10]. Physically, this mimics a flock of birds that communicate together as they fly. Each bird looks in a specific direction, and then when communicating together, they identify the bird that is in the best location. Accordingly, each bird speeds towards the best bird using a velocity that depends on its current position. Each bird, then, investigates the search space from its new local position, and the process repeats until the...
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...c t Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm is one of the most recently introduced swarm-based algorithms. ABC simulates the intelligent foraging behaviour of a honeybee swarm. In this work, ABC is used for optimizing a large set of numerical test functions and the results produced by ABC algorithm are compared with the results obtained by genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization algorithm, differential evolution algorithm and evolution strategies. Results show that the performance of the ABC is better than or similar to those of other population-based algorithms with the advantage of employing fewer control parameters. Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Swarm intelligence Evolution strategies Genetic algorithms Differential evolution Particle swarm optimization Artificial Bee Colony algorithm Unconstrained optimization 1. Introduction Population-based optimization algorithms find near-optimal solutions to the difficult optimization problems by motivation from nature. A common feature of all population-based algorithms is that the population consisting of possible solutions to the problem is modified by applying some operators on the solutions depending on the information of their fitness. Hence, the population is moved towards better solution areas of the search space. Two important classes of population-based optimization algorithms are evolutionary algorithms [1] and swarm intelligence-based algorithms [2]. Although Genetic Algorithm...
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...Abstract. The speech signal enhancement is needed to obtain clean speech signal from noisy signal. For multimodal optimization we better to use natural-inspired algorithms such as Firefly Algorithm (FA). We compare the firefly algorithm with particle swarm optimization technique. The proposed algorithm contains three module techniques. Those are preprocessing module, optimization module and spectral filtering module. The signals are taken from Loizou’s database and Aurora database for evaluating proposed technique. In this paper we calculate the perceptional evolution of speech quality (PESQ) and signal to noise (SNR) of the enhanced signal. The results of firefly algorithm and PSO are to be compare then we observe that the proposed technique...
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...neural-fuzzy logic have been widely applied to proper tuning of PID controller parameters Particle swarm optimization (PSO), first introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart, is one of the modern heuristic algorithms. It was developed through simulation of a simplified social system, and has been found to be robust in solving continuous nonlinear optimization problems. The PSO technique can generate a high-quality solution within shorter calculation time and stable convergence characteristic than other stochastic methods. Much research is still in progress for proving the potential of the PSO in solving complex power system operation problems. Because the PSO method is an excellent optimization methodology and a promising approach for solving the optimal PID controller parameters problem; therefore, this study develops the PSO-PID controller to search optimal PID parameters. This controller is called the PSO-PID controller [4]. 1.2 THESIS ORGANIZATION: This thesis presents the speed control of a DC series motor supplied by Photovoltaic (PV) system. This thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction: This chapter gives brief introduction of renewable energy, solar system and presentation of the objective of project. Chapter 2 Literature Review: Reviews the research work done by different researchers in the field of photovoltaic cell (PV), Dc motor and PID technique, particle swarm optimization method (PSO). Chapter 3 PV and DC Motor: This chapter gives discuss of photovoltaic...
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...areas such as computational intelligence and swarm intelligence. Characteristics of computational intelligence (CI) systems, adaptation, fault tolerance, high computational speed and error resilience in the face of noisy information fit the requirements of building a good intrusion detection model. A family of bio-inspired algorithms known as Swarm Intelligence (SI) is good in the field of pattern recognition and clustering and which has gained huge popularity in these days. Fig.3.Overview of the algorithm B. Clusering Algorithm Till now, many approaches have been proposed to improve the performance of IDS. Clustering is the most important techniques of data mining which has been widely used and acceptable. It is an unsupervised method and takes a different approach by grouping objects into meaningful sub classes so that members from the same cluster are quite similar and different to the members of different cluster. The unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm clusters the unlabeled data together into clusters using a simple distance-based metric. Normal instances should form large clusters and all of the instance that appear in small clusters are labeled as anomalies. Because normal instance are qualitatively different so they do not fall into same cluster. In clustering phase, preprocess the data from the input dataset. In particle swarm optimization algorithm the input data is considered as particles. The outline of the classification algorithm...
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...each other because of limited routing resources, and the more routing resources cause the slower the design. Minimizing the area gives freedom to the design to use lesser resources, and also ensure the sections of the design will closer. This generate the shorter length of interconnect, less number of required routing resources, high speed end-to-end signal paths, along with faster and more consistent place and route times. The prime goal of floorplanning is to optimize the cost function (such as floorplan area, total interconnection wire lengths etc.) to reduce the chip cost, occupied area by chip and performance improvement. Floorplanning is an important stage in VLSI design and its complexity comes as an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem where domain of the solution space gets exponential growth of circuits scale, and thus it is very difficult to achieve the optimal solution. Hence heuristic methods can be the better solution approach to exploring the global solution space. A floorplan is usually represented by rectangular dissection. The boarder of a floorplan is usually a rectangle since this is the most convenient shape for chip fabrication. The rectangle is dissected with several straight line which mark the borders of the modules. The lines are usually restricted to horizontal and vertical lines only often, modules are restricted to rectangles to facilitate automation. The restriction on the module organization of a floorplan is an important issue. Although...
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...Ant Colony Optimization 1 A Seminar Report on “Ant Colony Optimization” A Seminar submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY In COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING Presented By Ranjith Kumar A (06J11A0534) Department of computer science engineering HITECH COLLEGE OF ENGG & TECHNOLOGY (Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad) Himayathnagar, C.B.Post, Moinabad, Hyderabad-5000 2 075. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Seminar Report on “Ant Colony Optimization”, is a bonafide Seminar work done by Ranjith Kumar A (06J11A0534), in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree Bachelor of Technology in “Computer Science engineering” J.N.T.U Hyderabad during the year 2010. Y.V.S Pragathi M.Tech Head of CSE Department 3 Abstract Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) has been successfully applied to those combinatorial optimization problems which can be translated into a graph exploration. Artificial ants build solutions step by step adding solution components that are represented by graph nodes. The existing ACO algorithms are suitable when the graph is not very large (thousands of nodes) but is not useful when the graph size can be a challenge for the computer memory and cannot be completely generated or stored in it. In this paper we study a new ACO model that overcomes the difficulties found when working with a huge construction graph. In addition to the description...
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...of Economic Sciences, Tehran, Iran d Department of Industrial Engineering, South-Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran b a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Considering the trade-offs between conflicting objectives in project scheduling problems (PSPs) is a difficult task. We propose a new multi-objective multi-mode model for solving discrete time–cost–quality trade-off problems (DTCQTPs) with preemption and generalized precedence relations. The proposed model has three unique features: (1) preemption of activities (with some restrictions as a minimum time before the first interruption, a maximum number of interruptions for each activity, and a maximum time between interruption and restarting); (2) simultaneous optimization of conflicting objectives (i.e., time, cost, and quality); and (3) generalized precedence relations between activities. These assumptions are often consistent with real-life projects. A customized, dynamic, and self-adaptive version of a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm is proposed to solve the scheduling problem. The proposed multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is...
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...of Economic Sciences, Tehran, Iran d Department of Industrial Engineering, South-Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran b a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Considering the trade-offs between conflicting objectives in project scheduling problems (PSPs) is a difficult task. We propose a new multi-objective multi-mode model for solving discrete time–cost–quality trade-off problems (DTCQTPs) with preemption and generalized precedence relations. The proposed model has three unique features: (1) preemption of activities (with some restrictions as a minimum time before the first interruption, a maximum number of interruptions for each activity, and a maximum time between interruption and restarting); (2) simultaneous optimization of conflicting objectives (i.e., time, cost, and quality); and (3) generalized precedence relations between activities. These assumptions are often consistent with real-life projects. A customized, dynamic, and self-adaptive version of a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm is proposed to solve the scheduling problem. The proposed multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is...
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...482 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART B: CYBERNETICS, VOL. 42, NO. 2, APRIL 2012 An Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm With Novel Mutation and Crossover Strategies for Global Numerical Optimization Sk. Minhazul Islam, Swagatam Das, Member, IEEE, Saurav Ghosh, Subhrajit Roy, and Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Differential evolution (DE) is one of the most powerful stochastic real parameter optimizers of current interest. In this paper, we propose a new mutation strategy, a fitnessinduced parent selection scheme for the binomial crossover of DE, and a simple but effective scheme of adapting two of its most important control parameters with an objective of achieving improved performance. The new mutation operator, which we call DE/current-to-gr_best/1, is a variant of the classical DE/current-to-best/1 scheme. It uses the best of a group (whose size is q% of the population size) of randomly selected solutions from current generation to perturb the parent (target) vector, unlike DE/current-to-best/1 that always picks the best vector of the entire population to perturb the target vector. In our modified framework of recombination, a biased parent selection scheme has been incorporated by letting each mutant undergo the usual binomial crossover with one of the p top-ranked individuals from the current population and not with the target vector with the same index as used in all variants of DE. A DE variant obtained...
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...the image has got only two values either black or white.MRI images have 0 to 255 grey values. By using this thresholding method MRI images ignores the tumor cells [5][2].Salem Saleh Al-amri [31] has used the Mean technique, Pile technique, HDT (Histogram Dependent Technique), and EMT (Edge Maximization Technique) technique on the three satellite images so that he can select the best segmented image. Various analysis and study shows that HDT and EMT is said to be as the best thresholding techniques. KaipingWeI [31] says that the current image segmentation techniques are very time consuming and also there is a requirement for high computational cost .So KaipingWel found a new threshold based segmentation method using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and 2-D Otsu algorithm (TOPSO).This TOPSO algorithm used this PSO technique to search an optimal threshold in order to perform the segmentation process. The results show that TOPSO algorithm took 25 times less time when compared to the Otsu algorithm. Hence it is found to be the best one for real time applications.W.X.Kang et.al.[43],V.K.Dehariya et.al.[45],Nikhil R pal et.al.[46],Y.Zhang et.al. says that the image has got various peaks and each one corresponds to the region. The advantage they say is that it does not require any former knowledge about image. The complexity of computation is also found to be less. The disadvantage is that it is not good when the image does not have any clear peaks. It is also not...
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...information modeling; Construction project; Time-cost-quality trade-off optimization; Genetic algorithm. Abstract. With the development of BIM technology, BIM provides a new direction for the project management of three objectives. Based on the current situation of the project time cost-optimized mass balance studies, pointing out the implementation mechanism of achieving the trade-off of time-cost-quality in construction project based on BIM mainly oriented components of the BIM model based; the use of Structured Query Language query statistics data information needs combined bill of quantities calculation method for the specification, preliminary engineering scale generation; establishment of Project relations system model. In the process duration is subject, for the construction of uncertainty factors such as interest rates and prices, through the establishment of quality, cost and schedule function, the establishment of quality balanced schedule cost optimization model, using genetic algorithm model of the optimal solution are obtained. With BIM case finally proves the rationality of the model and the effectiveness of the proposed genetic. 1. Introduction Balance between the three objectives of the optimization problem has also been a research scholar in the field of project management focus at home and abroad, as early as 2005 EI-Rays on the proposed project schedule cost optimization of the quality of discrete model (TCQTP), 2008 Mr Yeung Hung et al. Taking...
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...Network Design for A local Business Name: Course: Instructor: Institution: Date of Submission: Network Design for A local Business The world is moving towards technology, therefore, each and every business whether local or international need to have a well equipped and reliable network. Network design simply ensures that a new technological service satisfy the various needs of the operators and also the subscribers. A network design involves connections of different devices with some end systems, for example, computers or mobile phones and servers that can link to each other well (Juan, 2004). However for our case various locations or departments in our local business need to relate or communicate to each other to provide smooth flow of information. When designing a network for a company we require equipment such as the physical components. These components are the hard drive devices, and they form a computer network through interconnection. Therefore, we shall vary the number and size of these physical components to the size of the network that the business requires. However, our local business has little number of employees of approximately 50 people. In computer network design there are mainly four major physical components. These components have been placed in categories that include but not limited to personal computers (PCs), routers, switches and lastly the interconnections. However, to implement this network design, the following equipment are...
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