...handle that? While many would not take on the role of endless defeat, Paul Farmer chooses to continue to help the Haitian people, whilst knowing that for every one life he saves, five others are lost. Are Farmer’s acts simply those of kindness or out of sympathy, or rather, are they Christ-like in the way he provides for and loves those he helps? Through the biography about Paul Farmer written by Tracy Kidder, Farmer’s work becomes more than just kind acts and doing his job, and seems to show Farmer’s passion for the people he helps and cares for in Haiti. In the United States, healthcare is generally a widespread thing—most can be treated fairly easily and medication is readily available and affordable. Many times, the employer provides health insurance to employees, and very few die deaths that may have been easily avoided. In Haiti, it seems to be the exact opposite; there is a small amount of available doctors, many medications are expensive or unattainable, and thousands of people falling to easily treatable or easily prevented diseases and illnesses. Farmer’s key goals in helping others was to save the lives of those that would ordinarily be saved, “If people could be kept from dying unnecessarily, then one had to act.” (Kidder 102). Willing to help everyone, no matter who they are or their condition, Farmer explains “I can't sleep. There's always somebody not getting treatment.” (Kidder 24). To myself, an average person living in the United States, lack of sleep due to the...
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...joined Partners in Health (PIH), Socios en Salud operating in Peru. PIH’s contrasting methods of maintaining Zanmi Lasante in Haiti and Socios made their expansion difficult, but greatly helped the new populations they served. Haiti and Peru have different political struggles which affect the potential of healthcare PIH can offer. Haiti’s government was overthrown by the Haitian army, resulting in a lot of violent political protest. Many were severely injured, which caused Zanmi Lasante’s focus to shift. Instead of working to cure those with tuberculosis, Zanmi Lasante had to nurse those victimized by the Haitian army. Not only did injuries delay Zanmi Lasante’s work , the Haitian army blacklisted PIH founder Paul Farmer for a few months. Likewise, a civil war in Peru caused the new government to place strict regulations regarding when Socios en Salud could care for people. Patients had to complete Peru’s custodial care before being surrendered to Socios. After the government let Socios care for their treatment failures, they laid heavy taxes on them. Each Socios patient costed PIH $15,000-$20,000 in contrast to Zanmi Lasante’s $150-$200. Socios could not help as many patients with tuberculosis because of the added cost, and focus shift to those injured. These problems demonstrate how crucial Paul Farmer’s leadership is to PIH. The most valuable qualities a leader can demonstrate is humility, skill, and passion. Farmer has all three, explaining why Partners in Health would...
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...you have attained. | Part C:Career-Focused Seminars/Workshops (ECA10C – Employment Relation Office) | | a) Career preparation workshops | | b) Resume writing | | c) Job interview skills | | d) Mock Interview | | e) Dress Smart as a habit for your career | | f) Grooming for Success | | g) Presentation skills to impress employers | | h) Writing a business proposal | | i) Team workshop | | j) Image building for Self-confidence | | k) Self-financial planning | | l) Optimize learning in First year career | | m) Relations with Employer | | The speaker was Dato Gan Ah Tee who is a managing partner of BDO in Malaysia, | is one of the World's 5th largest professional services network and Also is the | Regional Senior Partner for Asia Pacific Region ‘C’ (ASEAN) of BDO. Dato’s drive | since his early age has seen him rise quickly to the top. Prior to his appointment to the | board of BDO, Dato’ Gan was the Managing Director of the Financial Advisory Services | Department at one of the Big 5 accounting firms. With over 30 years’ experience in, | auditing, accounting and financial advisory, Dato’ Gan specialises in corporate | turnaround and financial restructuring of under- performing companies, and has | extensive experience in the field of corporate finance and advisory assignments. | For his successful in his career life, he own his 8 guiding principles in his life, | The first...
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...Leadership is not just a position, it is an action. Working at Ensemble Health Partners has allowed me to know the true meaning of leadership. Leadership is not telling someone what to do, but influencing them to do so. Everyone influences people on a day to day basis, for good or for bad. In an organization, you would ideally want everyone to be a leader, influencing each other as well as the customer while taking personal accountability for their work. A leader is focused on others, not themselves, and willing to always do the right thing for their people and organization. Leadership skills are not something that you are born with, leadership skills are something that you acquire over time. Leadership is a skill that one must strengthen and...
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...in the country is the one from the book "Philippine Folk Dances v1" by Francisca Reyes Aquino, published sometime in 1940. The version integrated all the common dance figures among the many versions throughout the land. Three versions of this courtship-festival dance were found in Panay Island, the "Home of the Carinosa". Three different dance researchers discovered three equally beautiful Cariñosa dances. Petronila Suarez had her Carinosa Binggawan, Jose Balcena's informant; an old dancing virtuoso name Casimiro earned him the identity of Balcena's cariñosa version: Tatay Meroy Cariñosa. Tatay Meroy was an old bachelor from Roxas City who because of old age became aggressive in his courting of a future partner. This version dramatizes Tatay Mero's pursuit of his partner who teases him by flirting. Prolific Visayan dance researchers Libertad Fajardo and her daughter Joanne discovered a Cariñosa version from San Joaquin, Iloilo. The San Joaquin cariñosa is probably the most flirtatious of all known versions. Here, the couple does not simply do some hide-and-seek in a vertically spread handkerchief but also does the combing of each partner's hair and even...
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...Facebook & Yelp: A Platform for Redemption Blake Brown Arizona University Facebook & Yelp: A Platform for Redemption Introduction In 2004, private-equity firm Elevation Partners launched amid the fanfare of having U2’s Bono as a co-owner and a $1.9 billion investment fund. Bad bets on companies coupled with the high turnovers between some of the firm’s initial six founders, left Elevation Partners in a far too precarious of a state for their investors. Elevation initially promised their investors they would have their money back after ten years along with annual returns starting at 8%. 2010 saw the firm only able to return $8 million in profits to investors, but 2012 is an entirely different story. Elevation is hoping that investments in Facebook and Yelp will make their investors forget about the several missteps they have endured along the way. Analysis Backed by technology-industry veterans and the front man of the world’s most successful rock group, Elevate is in the process of raising $1 billion for a new investment fund. Attempting to rise from the ashes after investments in Palm Smartphones, Forbes Media LLC, and other companies left Elevation’s investor’s pockets far less deep then they had been promised. Despite rival private-equity funds questioning the stability of the management of the two funds, Elevation’s luck seems to be changing. Their lottery tickets of sorts lies in the performance of two social media titans, Facebook and Yelp. After...
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...Shall We Dance This is my second movie for this project. After watching Dirty Dancing, I had a big expectation to the next movie, so I wanted to choose the other movie carefully. I checked the list of the movies given by my friend. There was a little familiar movie, ‘shall we dance’ because it is also very well-known movie, so everyone can hear its title at least once even though they are not interested in movie or dancing. Therefore, I decided to watch this movie and I hoped it would be great as much as Dirty Dancing was. This movie was made in Japan first, and it was given a lot of good reputation. Therefore, it was remade in the US 8 years after the original one had made. Although I had two options to choose, I picked Japanese version, original movie, in that it was given better reputation. Also, I wanted to watch original movie first. It was a really good decision. I love the storyline of the movie and actors` acting ability. Above all things, I really love its sensitivity in the movie that was still but otherwise vital in terms of the process that main character, Sukiyama, find the real joy in his life through dancing. I could have a chance to think about myself and meaning of my life like dance teacher, Mai. It was another delight after watching this movie. Therefore, I really would like to recommend this movie to my family and friends. Here is more concrete storyline. There is a middle-aged man whose name is Sukiyama. He suddenly becomes lethargic. He is a successful...
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...story by Dorothy Parker, tells the story of an unnamed woman’s complaint with a dance partner. The pair meets at a party, when all the other dance partners are unavailable. The woman complains about the way the Man dances. Everything the man does, from the way he looks, to the steps he takes, to his cockiness makes her upset. However, the woman does not say anything to her partner. She struggles silently and it is only the reader who knows why the woman is upset. The story ends and after the dance, and the woman never reveals her thoughts or feelings. The story is an allegory because it tells a story through the story. Parker writes about a dance, but the dance represents more then the dance between the two characters. The dance expresses the relationship that women and men have. The woman, never wanted to talk to the man, but she is forced to. The woman didn’t want to dance with the man but she is forced to. The woman didn’t make mistakes while dancing, but after dancing with him she is forced to lie and say she did. The main character is never able to tell her partner her thoughts about the man’s character and behavior. The waltz is a dance complete by two partners. The male and female dancers both have parts to this dance and they both need to work together and work separately in order to make the dance a beautiful one. However, in the woman’s perspective, the man is unable to be a good partner because of the way he acts. He is very forward in his manner and dancing. He controls...
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...to enjoy dance as a form of exercise activity. • To develop pupils creativity by setting tasks to create phrases of artistic movement. • Pupils will develop their body control and body awareness. • Pupils will individually improve their dancing ability and their overall coordination. • Pupils will compose and evaluate short dances individually and in groups. • Observation of pupils’ movements and attitude towards classmates and teacher. • Assessing pupils’ individual improvements. • Assessing the final performance of the groups taking into consideration movement, rhythm and use of space. Weekly structure Week 1: Focus of lesson is travelling and use of space Warm up Ice-breaking game – mimicking your partner Exploring different ways to travel across the hall (speed, height, transfer of weight Movement sequence Composing task Week 2: Focus of lesson is on levels and dynamics (how the body works) Warm up Pair work (mirroring, shadowing) The “Haka” routine Composing task Week 3: Focus of lesson is on...
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...* BalletBallet is a specific academic dance form and technique which is taught in ballet schoolsaccording to specific methods. There are many ballet schools around the world that specializein various styles of ballet and different techniques offered. Works of dance choreographedusing this technique are called ballets, and usually include dance, mime, acting, and music(usually orchestral but occasionally vocal). Ballet is best known for its unique features andtechniques, such as pointe work, turn-out of the legs, and high extensions; its graceful,flowing, precise movements; and its ethereal qualities. These carefully organized movementstell a story or express an idea.Ballroom dancingBallroom dance, refers collectively to a set of partner dances, which originated in the Westernworld and are now enjoyed both socially and competitively around the globe. Its performanceand entertainment aspects are also widely enjoyed on stage, in film, and on television.While historically ballroom dance may refer to any form of formal social dancing asrecreation, with the eminence of dancesport in modern times the term has became muchnarrower in scope, usually referring specifically to the International Standard andInternational Latin style dances (see dance groupings below). In the United States, twoadditional variations—"American Smooth" and "American Rhythm"—have also beenpopularized and are commonly recognized as styles of "ballroom dance".Break dancingBreakdance, breaking, b-boying or b-girling...
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...some knowledge about it like the country origin, the tempo and etc. Then we proceed to learn the dance steps. At that moment I felt excited and afraid because I never imagine I will learn dancing in my college life. That was my first time to dance with guys, I felt afraid and I don’t know who will be my partner but during the dance I feel happy and enjoyable. The steps that we learned it was something basic so it was easy to learned it. We learned the steps fast not only because of that but also because of the music for that dance is lively, joyful and also our teacher taught us well. She taught us step by step, and we didn’t waste any minute for practicing it. I was so tired that time because our class, boys are more than girls almost three times. Each girl had two or three partners. I should dance with my partners alternately. My partners had the chance to rest but I didn’t have. My legs got ache, it was super pain and tired. Sweat none stop dripped from my face. Even I wipe and wipe still dripping from my face. I felt sorry for one of my partner, I stepped his feet many times. Not bad he didn’t get mad. I really felt sorry to him. There were sometimes I got shock, my partner suddenly pulls my arm because he wanted to make a turn, but I got shock so I didn’t followed it and our steps became disorderly again. This kind of situation happened many times in our dance last time. In my opinion the two of us should have a strong unvoiced pact for us to dance well and nice. Before...
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...TANYA NOLAN: Struggling clothes-maker Pacific Brands is the latest company to become a private equity takeover target. The maker of Bonds undies, Berlei bras, Sheridan sheets and Dunlop, among other well-known brands, has been approached by US-based investment firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. It's the latest in a string of buyout offers for listed companies that have seen their share prices hit by market jitters and an exodus of investors from struggling industries. Business reporter Michael Janda reports. MICHAEL JANDA: Private equity firms are the predators of the investment world, looking for weak companies they can buy on the cheap and turnaround before selling them on to someone else, or floating them on the share market. Katherine Woodthorpe is the chief executive of the Australian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association. KATHERINE WOODTHORPE: The bottom line is that they see a company that they believe they can double the value of in a period of something like three to five years. MICHAEL JANDA: The latest firm to join the list of targets is Pacific Brands. It confirmed this morning that it's been approached by the US-based investment firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, but it says negotiations are ongoing and there's no certainty of an offer even being made. If a successful offer is forthcoming it would be a return to private ownership for Pacific Brands, which was floated by its previous private equity owner CVC for $2.50 a share in 2004. At...
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...Product Category Dancing has always been part of people's lives, it is a historical tradition. Ballroom dancing has been alive at social functions for centuries, in many parts of the world, such as countries in Europe and Asia. In recent years, Ballroom and Social dance has proved its long lasting presence in our lives, especially now since in today's media with shows like Dancing With The Stars and S.Y.T.Y.C.D. Also with Ballroom Dancing being considered as a medal sport in the next Olympics, more people will be exposed to Social and Ballroom dance. PASSION Dance is dedicated to bringing quality and affordable dance instruction to Sacramento. There is a very active and dedicated ballroom dance community already located in Sacramento. However, there has never been an actual dance studio, where these people can expand their knowledge of dance and enjoy being with other people of like interests. It is our plan to incorporate the existing dance community into our studio to begin with a strong base of supporters. From there we will be able to spread the word that dancing is a fun and exciting way to spend time. There are many benefits to dancing that will attract people from many backgrounds and interests. PASSION Dance, soon to be located in Sacramento, California, will provide the community with a comfortable, friendly environment in which to learn the art of partnership dancing. PASSION Dance will offer private dance instruction, group classes, social dance parties and rental...
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...Robert Chin Professor Moore Hum 2020 31 March 2014 The History of Baroque Dance Vs Romantic Era (1850-1869) Baroque dance is theatrical and social dancing. Baroque dance is dance that is done with music only. This music would be in the classical music category in the modern times. It was inspired by the court dances of the time. The style includes both social (ballroom) dancing and theatrical dancing (ballet). The difference in the two styles is that the theatrical style added more virtuosic steps, and actions appropriate to the character that the dancer was playing. Many of these tunes share the name of the associated dance. The terms minuet, sarabande, gigue (or jig), bourée, rigaudon, gavotte, courante, chaconne or passacaille may be mentioned in the context of music. All of these terms are dances which are all examples of baroque dances. Jean-Baptiste Lande taught this dance at a school he established. Although unintentional, King Louis XIV influenced the dance as well. In practice the style originated in France and was mainly influenced the European upper classes. The dance was popular and spread across Europe. Spain, England, and others embraced the forms of dance. King Louis XIV influenced society through his passion for dance which led to the establishment of the Academie Royale de la Danse in 1661. The young King Louis XIV employed dance as a weapon of State. As he was famous for his control over his court he encouraged them in social pursuits of the dance while...
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...can’t survive without the other one. Emotions and dancing show mutualism. Mutualism occurs when both species benefit from the interaction. For a dance to be demonstrated well, emotions must be shown by the dancer. A dancer might memorize the steps easily but without emotions, the dancer will not be able to move people and engaging the audience is the most important thing when performing for people. Emotions of a person while dancing can be shown by making facial expressions and body language. In dancing, the body is used as an instrument to portray what the dance really wants to say. On the other hand, emotions use dance as a medium for a person to express his/her feelings. Ballroom dancing refers to a series of dance performed with a partner in both, social as well as competitive settings. Dancing in competition style will usually incorporate...
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