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Federal Gov


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Federal Government

01JUN2014 Practical politics are as old as the beginning of time. 1) Practical politics are about trying to make people do what they want to do. a. George Washington Plunckit senator of Tammany Hall, named after a chief Indian. He believed in honest graft” and meant that he would be able to take a little bit of the wealth from the people. b. Kick back scheme is about giving out contracts and then they give money of the government money back to the person to the beginning. c. Niccolo Machiavelli “The Prince” 15, 16 century and condemned by the Catholic Church. Nic and Machiavelli was used by shakespear and the Nick-name was derived from it. Use of the nick name was mostly used to disassociate from the vast amount of evil doing. 2) Political Philosophy and Political theory d. Asks normative as well as empirical question. i. Normative is about value such as the best form of government and justice ii. Empirical is more about factual such as the amount of states or colonies. 1. Aristottle 5th BC and teacher of natural law theory and about natural inequality. a. Very similar about the natural rights theory of John locke’s, written some time in the 1680s. This are the same as the one that Thomas Jefferson’s work in the Declaration of Independence. That by, nature have the right to have the same amount of equality of political rights. e. Karl Marx – founder of the ideal of the communism in Europe. Social democratic of the western Europe derive from the ideas of Marx. The Russian social democratic party. f. John Jack Rousseau – people in primitive society were better off morality than the one in the current because the current corrupt our hearts. g. and surveys all countries of the world and rates the corruption perception index (CPI). iii. Social science list of items, which combined, generate a statistic. iv. Robert Putman Bowling Alone, talks about americans that don’t participate any more is because social is trust and isolation is the greatest. v. Francis Fukuyana “trust” writes that japan is a very lost trust society. Senator John Allen called a Makaka, to an Indian. French colonial people called the Indians that, and that was a derogative name. France and England, you’d get prison and heavy fines that would damage race relations. 02JUN2015 Third Approach to Politics and Government. “political science” 1) one of the “social sciences and these include; a. political science b. economis c. cultural anthropology They all attempt to make the study of human behavior on the natural science. Marx Weber, Emile Durkheim Wertfrei – science is “value free”, it excludes consideration of ho Rigorous quantities methods, careful experiment and observation. Larry Summers, Harvard president said that women were ok at math and that bad and great are about equal, and the feminists thought that was a little uncalled for, and then fired. One of theirs jumped in his place. Three types of political Power or Right 1) Sovereignty – the supreme power in a given territory is the sovereign. The regime is the type of sovereign. Conflict war 2) Legitimacy – the right to rule Legitimacy dispute revolt revolution or the right of an office. 3) Authority – or body of officials to USA authority disputes use force in a certain way Four types of Regimes 1) Autocratic – Mao’s China 1949. Castro’s Cuba, Syria, Saddam’s Iraq. 2) Pluralistic 3) Monarchial 4) Republican. Constitutions 1) Should be permanent or very slow to change 2) Divide power among many establishing pluralism 3) (American) Bills of rights Porfilio Diaz * developed the rail roads, road and highways during his power of 6 terms in Mexico. Developed the oil refineries in Mexico City. Lee Kwan Yoo * Liberty: * The right of national self-determination. * Sovereignty – the supreme power in a given territory is the sovereign. The regime is the type of sovereign (First type of political power or Right) * The right of self-government. Right to consent to form of government right to consent to takes or refuse pay takes * Right to be free of government authority in certain aspects. Jefferson’s Cyclical Theory of Revolution * the people periodically will take back the period back to them selves. * Sovereign People of a state Delegate authority to a government by ratifying a constitution, and then creating its legitimacy. * Legitimate Government. The government will become corrupt over time, will abuse the people and pass laws that are harmful to the people. Government will usurps power. * (Tyranny = usurpation and abuse) * People will get tired of the situation and the sovereign people will become tired of the government thus causing them to revolt and creating a new state of people with new sovereignty. Difference between secession and succession.

03JUN2015 Democracy Ancient Athenians invented the word Democracy, 400bc from Demos (people) and cracy (power) Athens population 100k – Herrenvolk (german for master race, or master people) - 70% of the people were slaves - 10% of the people were metics, resident aliens who couldn’t participate as citizens - 20% of the people were of the citizen body - Only men participated in public affairs. In ancient Athen’s Democracy Representatives were not elected but randomly selected (sortitio) * Important decicions were put to a vote of the whole citizen body in the agora. (the central city plaza) Alcibiades demagogue. * Athenian aggression was agreed in a plaza and only to be over turned by defeat. * Juries in criminal trials numbered in the hundreds. This was most of an entertainment. Socrates was guilty for teaching many anti religious and anti government. * There was no true free speech * Athenian democracy was more participator (people voted and participated more; many citizens were active. This took place in Areopagitica. * John Milton’s “Areopagitica” said that people should be free and not be punished about what they think about the government. * Less liberal than American democracy

1793 The Frist French republic Louis XVI executed the Terror universal manhood suffrage. This was the first actual democracy. In france, the employers knew who their employees voted for and gave them the opportunity that if they disagree, they would fire them. United States during its early ages. * If you don’t own land, you don’t have access to voting. * However now a days we can argue about wanting to over throw the government but the line is drawn when one gets into a circle of conspiracy. Three Classical Criteria of Democracy: 1) Majority rule 2) Popular sovereignty 3) Political equality, all citizens are of equal rank – no aristocracy on priest hood with special rights or powers.

Republicanion The ancian republic of Rome is a model for the republic of the United States. Rome wasn’t a democratic government because there wasn’t equality. This was established from 8th to the 1st century BC. More of an Autocratic Democracy, and later changed to a Monarchy. * The Patrician controlled the Roman Senate (which currently stands) * They Prided them selfs to be modest and not grandiosious * Then the Plebeians (the common people) secede in the 5th BC * The Plebeians elected tribunes who can veto the Senate’s actions * The Romans hated the idea of a Monarch society, and were determined to never have one again.

The most important division of power: * Its not the legislative, executive and judicial, but the division of power between the federal government and the state goods. * Federal powers Article I paragraph 8, “enumerated powers of congress” * State Powers – “the police powers” such as * Health * Welfare * Safety * Morals Fetial Power – the federal government ties with the 50 states. This conducts foreign relations and only to be made by the federal government.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 04JUN2015 Article 1 Section 8. The enumerate powers Para. 1 Taxes, duties, imposts excised pay the debt of US. All the imposts have the same type and uniform taxation. Para. 2 Borrow on the Credit of US - $18 trillion national debt. 310 million people in US. Para. 3 The Commerce Clause – to regulate commerce with foreign state; and among the several states. And written with Indian Tribes (this was because they didn’t want frontier states to be selling guns and liquor to the Indians for fear that there might be a state might turning sleazy Para 4. Uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies. Article I Paragraph 10 states it may not impair the obligation of contracts. (only the government can break a contract such as a person can go to bankruptcy court and then, that’s when the government can break the law.) Para 5. Coin money, Fix Weights and measures. (12 banks actually make the money for the US. Democrats read the law as its meant and literal, which is the normal way to read the law. The federalists, does not read the law as it was meant to, and it wanted to read the constitution loosely. Then this created 12 National Banks. Para 6. Punish counterfeiting of securities and coins of the US. These are hunted down by the secret service. Para 7. Post Offices and post roads. - Para 8. Copyright and patent laws - Para 9. Create the federal judicial system – congress can only create Justices and the amount of courts, and complete control of federal judiciaries. Para 10. Punishes piracies and offenses against the law of nations (this is what we call today, terrorism Back in the day it was called Jus Gentium, the laws of the nations. These were laws such as robbing, killing, bearing false witness. This law writes Para 11. Declare war issue letters of marque and reprisal. (The reason that we don’t declare war that if we did, then we would have the sedition laws enacted again.) A letter of Marque would be a letter that would be given to a ship captain and mount weapons and then go hunt enemy ships. Reprisal is the action that allows people to go out of the country and bounty hunt people Para 12. Raise and support armies, but not appropriation there may be for no more than two years. (This was so that the president would not turn into a dicator and not be harming the people.) Para 13. To provide and maintain a Navy. Para 14. To make rules for the government and regulations of the land and naval forces. (UCMJ written and approved by the congress it self.) Para 15. To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions. (This is what protected the colonies from the red coats. And thus the British couldn’t occupy all the colonies. Para 16 To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia. Para 17 District of Columbia (Gives congress exclusively a land and that became in DC.) The Enclave Clause Para 18 Necessary and proper clause (congress shall make all laws previously made to be put to work and allows them to do whatever they want as long as its proper, constitutional and ethical) The US. Constitution was written in Philadelphia in 1887 Ratified in 1787-1789 NC being the last one. Articles of Confederation of 1783-89, and then later on seceded by the current constitution. Congress depended on the states to raise taxes. Tax

Gibbons V. Ogden – The Steamboat Case (1820s) If a steamboat crosses states, commerce could not regulate the commerce. After 1940, Congress abandoned the Gibbons V. Ogden, and that meant that if the commerce would not regulate anything unless it made a big impact on the nation. This meant that congress would have its powers expanded and would have more of saying into matters such as OSHA and worker’s health. MediCare and MediCaid have a substantial impact on the economy.

Article 1 Section 9 - The Little Bill of Rights * Guarantee of writ of habeas corpus. This would mean that the government could arrest you and hold you with out any reason. * No ex post facto laws (is a retroactive law that tries to turn into a crime when it was legal at the time that it happened.) * No bill of attainder shall be passed. (Is a law that picks out a single person and punish with out a trial.) 08JUN2015 Article 1 Section 9 * An appropriation act is needed to take money from US Treasury. * There must also be an “authorization bill”; authorizes the program which spends the money, including the officials authorized to spend it in a certain way * Example; Social Security act of 1935 it authorized administrators to authorize the spending from the US treasury, and the appropriation act is Annual and the Authorization bill is just one time deal.

Article 1 Section 10 * Things states may not do. * Enter into treaties with each other or foreign countries. * Cannot impair the obligation of contract. * Cannot Emit bills of credit (create their own money) * Levy Traffic on good from other states. * May not create titles of nobility. (Create the title of ‘Duchess of Texas’) Brief Outline of the US Constitution Article I – Congress Article II – President Article III – Federal Judiciary Article IV – Obligations of the states to one another * Full fait and Credit Clause * Extradition Clause (if a prisoner leaves states, the mayor will make requests to make the return of a fugitive.) * “Privileges and Immunity” clause states may not discriminate against citizens of another states. (States may not “invidiously discriminate” against other people from other states)

Article V – the amending procedure. * Step one * 2/3 Senate + * 2/3 House of Representatives – propose an amendment. * (OR) Step Two * ¾ of the states’ legislatures or conventions ratify it Article VI – debts, oaths, supremacy clauses. * Debts say that congress can pay the debt of the states. (In the event that the state goes bankrupt and avoid losing the pensions of their retired employees) * Oaths says that you’re not required to be swore in in a way that would portrait any type of religious faith. * Supremacy clauses say that if congress passes a treaty, then it’s legally binding and nothing that the states law may trump the constitutional/ congress’ law. In 1791 Bill of rights In 1798 Sedition Act (anti bill of rights in the first amendment Kentucky resolution of 1798 * A state may nullify an unconstitutional federal law by using the force of the state. In 1800 Democrats took power and then repealed the Sedition Act. Article VII - When 9 states ratify the US constitution; it’s binding on those nine. * 1776 – 13 states seceded from British Empire * 1787-1789 and they added to new US constitution. With NC being the last one to sign in 1789. Federal Division of Power – further emphasized in the 10 amendments * Federal Powers * Constitution * Especially in Article 1 Sec. 8 * State powers * Police powers * Health welfare * Safety * Morals of the people * Concurrent powers * The right to levy and excise tax (distinguished by * Eminent Domain power – the seizure of property as being part of compensation in order to make roads and public use places Functional Division of Power in the Federal Government * Is an impure variant on Baron Montesquieu (he wrote a book called “the spirit of the laws 1730” * Separation of power concept * Legislative power * Lawmaking should be slow careful, deliberate, public. It should involve consultation with stakeholder (people that may be affected to a new law or regulation) should be a numerous body. * Executive power * Speed and secrecy, and it should be in the hands of very few people. Should be one man or just a few people to be able to act in speed and secrecy. * Judicial Power * It acts on individuals and can act on whole classes of people through executive orders. Types of Power in the Government Congress’s Judicial Power * House impeachment (is like being indicted, and accusation of a felony and tried in the sensate.) * The trial is conducted by and 2/3 majority to convict Congress’s Executive Power * Oversight hearing with subpoena power. President’s Judicial Power * Pardon / his pardon authorities cannot pardon these on the state. Congress Legislative power * Veto – the over ridding of the 2/3 congress to veto the president. Federal Judges ‘non-constitutional’ executive authority that’s being granted by congress. * Federal judges have bailiff, which serve as the federal marshal and then serve them. They keep order in the federal courtrooms. They are at the disposal of the Judges. * Judicial review authority – the presumed authority to declare any law a violation of the constitution, and then the judge states that the law violates the constitution and then annuls it. * Federal System (20% of independent countries) * Two law bodies, Two executive, Two federal and local, Two Judicial and local * USA * Russia * Brazil * Indial * Mexico * Australia * Canada * Argentina * These countries are large in seize. * Switzerland (mostly trilingual) * Germany (monolingual) Unitary system * France * Central American Republics * Easter European Countries * Most African countries Federal systems * Allowing state secession * European Union * Soviet Union * 1920-1991 * United Nations Organization * Founded in 1945 * Federal is Latin for foedus which is treaty or tie. * Derived from fetter, fetial. Weak Union * United Arabic Republic * Egypt and Syria united by a constitution. Fused and broken up very quickly. * Singapore and Malaysia fused and broke up very quickly.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 09JUN2015 Polling and Social Science Survey Technique * things to get wrong * It can be invalid; (its not really measuring) * (Negative Bias) wording of questions, or question order. * (Positive Bias) Failure to take a random sample of the population. * Accustom the responder to say yes, and when the question that they want is another yes. * Accuracy or reliability (depends on the sample seize) * Readers Digest 1936 Presidential Reference Poll. It was the most widely ready as opposed to now. They were sampling Roosevelt and Landon. * It predicted that Roosevelt would lose and Landon would win with 55 percent of the vote. Six news Media Technologies 1. Printing press – 1630-1890 a. Small newspaper, pamphlets very democratic in the sense that middle class people could afford to publish small newspapers. 2. Rotary press – 1890-1924 b. Big newspaper - William Randolph Hearst 3. AM Radio Broadcast 1924-1954 c. Edward R. Morrow 4. TV Broadcast Age 1954-1984 d. ABC, CBS, NBC – all were very similar evening broadcasts. i. NY Times was a very important influence to the other TV broadcast. ii. Washington post iii. Wall St. Journal iv. Los Angeles times 1. Called the elite media a. Economic, Political, social elite media (they pay attention to these) b. Elite Media are huge corporations with hundreds of reporters e. Houston Chronicle v. Small news paper company, and not paid attention f. Rothman and Lichter vi. The media elite (1986) 5. Cable Television – 1984-1998 g. CNN – Ted Turner thought that it would be a good idea to have a 24hr broadcast 6. Internet Age – 1998-now. h. Web Log = “blog” Agents of political Socialization 1. Mass media – Hollywood, tv entertainment; radio, internet news and Facebook. 2. Parents 3. Educator 4. Religious leaders (conservative = republican // liberals = democrats) 5. Peers Three ways to Bias news 1) Story selection a. Fact, selection 2) Selection of narrative b. Authoritative and representative voice 3) Technical tricks c. Taking the picture at the right time in order to make the person look bad d. Most important facts on the top, and least important at the bottom. Evolution of Press Freedom * 1650 John Milton’s “aeropagitica” * 1720 John Peter Zenger Trial (for seditious libel/slander) * Jury Nullification for speaking the truth. * 1930 Near v. Minnesota * rule was that states has no rights to pass laws to “prevent” censorship * 1964 New York Times v. Sullivan * Public figures must prove that libel was done with actual malice. * The tabloid age * “Shield law” Federal communications commission FCC * Fairness doctrine (1947-1987) * Local content doctrine * Compelled to discuss local news and politics *

Concepts of Ideology * The idea that there’s: * a left (dauche) * Jacobins, they wanted a secular education. * Free Masons, constantly pushing for a radical change. * a right (droit) in politics and public policy * keep the king as a constitutional monarch, and keep some role of the catholic. Slow cautiously change. * Ideology to US Political Scientist simply describes how public opinion divides (how it clumps or clusters in certain patterns) * So that weakly predicts that if you hold one liberal (or counter conservative) view, you hold all the other liberal or conservative views. Economic Dimension Of Ideology * Left * Favors the raise of national minimum wage * Closed shop labor laws – * Favor Higher Progressive income tax * Stricter environment and worker safety regulation * Right * Do not favor the raise of national minimum wage * Favor open shop – “right to work” * Favor a flat tax * Favor Less regulation Social issues Dimension of Ideology * Left * Favors the nationalization of Gay Marriage. * Drug descriminazation * Legal Porn * Equal Pay for payment * Abortion rights * Right * Opposes gay marriage anywhere. * Favor stronger drug laws * Criminalize Porn Economic Issues Social Left right Left Democrats today Libertarian Right New Deal Democrats (33-68) Republicans 10JUN2015 Party Coalitions * FDR’s New Deal Democratic Coalition (1933-1968) * White Southerners * African Americans * Roman Catholics * Labor unions * Jews * Intellectuals * Teachers * Professors * Today’s Democrats (liberals) * African americans * Non Cuban Hispanics (Cubans tend to vote democrats) * Non Observant or minimally observant catholics * Unions $ * Jews$ * Intellectuals * GLBT * Feminists * Hollywood $ * Investments Banks $ * Silicon Valley $ * Environmentalists * Republican Coalition (conservatives) * WASPs – wealthy, socially, liberal, Episcopalians and Presbyterians * Low income * Religious socially * Conservative * White Americans * Various Business * Big business $ * Small business $ Voters * Whites * African American Lower turn out * Asians * American * Hispanics Non Voters * too busy 40% * Don’t like any cadidates/ parties/ system 30% * Don’t know about politics, don’t care 30% Demographic correlates of Ideology Liberal * young * low income * high education * agnostic * atheist * jews quakers Episcopalians and Presbyterians Conservative * old * high income * low education * religious * southern Baptists, church of Christ and Mormons Four types of voters * ideologues – the haters * high knowledge * turn out 15% * Group interests * Low knowledge * High voter turnout 42% * Spirit of the times voters * Low knowledge, * Low turn out 25% * Influenced by media buzz on how the country is doing * Idiosyncratic voters * They vote for people based on their looks, culture, and personality. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11JUN2015 Primary Elections Texas Primaries – March 2-8 * Decision ruled: majority of the vote * If no candidate wins a majority, a runoff is held two months later. General Elections Nov 2-8 of even numbered years * 2012 ,14, 16, etc. * 14, 18 are midterm elections, which mean that they are held in the middle of the presidential term. * Decision rule: “plurarity” – whoever gets the most votes wins. Presidential Primary Process * Iowa Caucase * Jauanry, even numbered years. * New Hampshire Primary * Febuary, even numbered years * South Carolina, Nevada * Super Tuesday – in march, including Texas General Election – The Electoral College * 270/538 cotes in the Electoral College * Texas has 36 Seats in the US house of Representatives. * +2 senators; * 38 seats total in the electoral college * Democratic List of Electors * Republican list of Elector Why always two Big Unpopular Parties? 1) We use single number elections for congress and state legislatures 2) Voters are creatures of habit – they need a strong reason to vote for a new party 3) The big parties steal winning issues and good candidates from smaller parties 4) Big parties rig ballot access laws to exclude 3rd parties In Italy, Israel Proportional Representation (PR) Labor list Party Leader Likud List Party * Party leader * All the way down to 120 * Campaign Techniques 1) Its not the most money that wins, it’s the best campaign with sufficient money that wins a. 25Cents per person in voting district b. $1.50 per person in voting district 2) EMILY c. Early money is like yeast – it helps raise the doe d. Rich people invest into people when they are very young into politics 3) KISS – keep it simple stupid 4) Repetition, repetition, repetition. e. David Ogilvy – ww2 MI-6 i. Confessing of an advertising man. 5) “Never complain, never explain” – Stay on message f. Meaning that you should stay on the same message and keep repeating. 6) I Know-nothing g. Always refer the questions to the campaign spokesman 7) Aristotle’s Rhetoric h. Logos – Rational component rhetoric ii. Logical spoken rhetoric, and appear to be making sense i. Ethos – ethics, and behavior iii. Appearing to be a leader and acting right. j. Pathos – Forms of expressions, depending the subject is the humor. iv. Make a connection with the people and become a good public speaker. 8) Going Negative k. Don’t go negative until you’re sure it’s a 2-person race. v. If it’s a three, then one, not being attacked will benefit. l. Let groups, independent of your campaign do the attacking if possible vi. “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” 1. 527 Group, 2. you got to make sure that the group is independent of the actual campaign. m. Go negative early in a high salience race (the initial target, or leaps at one). vii. You go negative in a low salience race at the last possible minute since no one pays attention to those type of events. n. Attacks should be truthful and pertinent. o. Sleazy whispering campaign viii. Something that would question his sexuality. p. Choosing good media for your candidate ix. Putting the candidate in TV and interviewing. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15JUN2015 Interest groups in Politics What makes interest groups successful?? Powerful interest groups 1) AARP a. American Association of Retired Persons 2) AIPAC b. American Israel Political Affairs Committee i. The most powerful pro-israel group with annual conference in DC. With the powerful politician begging for money. 3) NFIB c. National Federation of Independent Businesses ii. A subscription with news of new changes of laws or regulations that business could benefit from. 4) NRA d. National Riffle Association.

Success of Special Interest groups 1) Intensity a. The minority is more of a pusher, will always wins, but not the large amount of people with on your side. 2) Favor of public sentimentality b. The elderly c. American Indians d. Veterans e. Energy group is the opposite of Public Sentimentality 3) Lack of effective opposition f. MADD 4) Low salience g. Invisibility h. If the public don’t understand or the press, you’ll be able to get away with it since no one gets it.

Styles of Representation * Delegate style * Tries to mirror his voter’s wishes * Tries to do whatever it takes to win votes * Politico style * Worries about public opinion only when the public is prying attention * Which is almost never. * Trustee Style * Views himself as wiser and better than his voters * He thinks that they are a bunch of racist and thus feels that he is superior from the voters. What Interest Groups are politicians, Regulators, and Judges 1) Talking points to rationalize policies which favor the interest group at the majority’s expense 2) Campaign supports, cash, volunteers and propaganda a. Important for candidates to have a successful campaign. 3) Legislative advice, connections b. Lobbyist will have more experience in congress than the members of congress, including passing or blocking bills. Interest groups * Factions * a selfish group seeking goals adverse to the rights of a minority on to the collective, permanent good of the whole society. * Minority Factions * Is what we must suffer if we have liberty, but it can be checked by the “majority principal” * They will become alarmed, * Majority Factions * Will push back if pushed too hard by a pushy minority faction. * The Majority will push back and bring back to the balance. * The tyranny of the majority * A demigod will punish the rich and give the money to everyone, and thus casing a communist government where everyone is equal but equally poor.

James Madison’s Federalist Paper #10 (1788) * He worried about factions, and he wrote that there would be a limit of the damage of the faction groups will do. * How to prevent majority factions * Communism is the tyranny of the Majority * Examples are: * A faction that cancellation of fall debts. * Will have an effect that will cause the lack of faith of all Lenders. * Faction that demands the equal division of all land * Lack of faith of ever making more money with the restriction of practice of cultivation _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17JUN2015 Congress

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Administrative Agency

...Administrative agency: Regulations Monika Felton Keller Graduate School of Management Legal, Political, and Ethical Dimensions of Business MGMT 520 Professor Melchiori November 5, 2012 Administrative Agency: Regulations The Administrative Agency The Federal administrative agency for which the chosen regulation controls is the United States Department of Agriculture, (USDA). The agency under the USDA for which the departmental proposed regulation falls is the Food and Nutrition Service, (FNS); the FNS works to reduce hunger among low-income populations providing greater access to higher nutritional standards with the aid of the U.S. agriculture ( The proposal addresses the administrative aspect of local educational agencies, (LEA), on the school lunch program and how best to ensure accurate documentation and assessment of family eligibility. The proposal affects section 304 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (Pub. L. 111-296) ( Why the Agency and Regulation is of Interest The proposed regulation is of interest due to the fact that it will directly affect the lives of thousands of low income children for which my job concerns. As a child case manager, approval of “free” lunches for low income households is often that bridge provides a large portion of daily and weekly meals for many clients. The regulation states that incomplete applications will not be approved; let it be noted that many parents lack the necessary data required...

Words: 1177 - Pages: 5

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Grant Writing for Dummies

...Grant Writing FOR DUMmIES 3RD ‰ EDITION by Dr. Beverly A. Browning, MPA, DBA Grant Writing For Dummies® 3rd Edition , Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River St. Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should e addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201)748-6008, or online at http:// Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley Publishing logo, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, A Reference for the Rest of Us!, The Dummies Way, Dummies Daily, The Fun and Easy Way,, Making Everything Easier, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/ or its affiliates in the United States and other countries, and...

Words: 113853 - Pages: 456

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The Role of Federal Agencies in Fighting Digital Crime

...The Role of Federal Agencies in Fighting Digital Crime Abstract The United States of America is the most connected and technologically advanced country in the world. The genius of our electrical engineers, computer scientists, and technology companies has helped to change the way that the world does business, made our daily lives safer and more enjoyable, and brought the world closer together. Albeit, these are remarkable innovations, but they have unfortunately given criminals, terrorists, and hostile states new opportunities to steal American property, disrupt our way of life, and compromise our National security. This paper will attempt to show the roles and challenges of law enforcement agencies such as the Secret Service, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and others that have taken on roles to fight computer crimes and terrorism. This paper will also discuss how the U.S. could align the efforts of these agencies to better protect the nation against digital crimes and terrorism. Keywords: law enforcers, national security, protect, crime The Role of Federal Agencies in Fighting Digital Crime Cyber crooks are always working to steal the privacy and money of hard-working Americans. The computers of American consumers are subject to endless scams and schemes achieved by malicious e-mails, malware turning their computers into unwitting bots that send out unwanted spam, or the plethora of identity theft conjured up by these crooks to steal hard-working people’s...

Words: 892 - Pages: 4

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Gun Control

...________________________________________ SUMMARY Congress continues to debate the efficacy and constitutionality of federal regulation of firearms and ammunition. Various federal laws have been enacted since 1934 to promote such regulation. Gun control advocates argue that they curb access by criminals, juveniles, and other "high-risk" individuals. They contend that only federal measures can successfully reduce the availability of guns. Some seek broad policy changes such as near-prohibition of non-police handgun ownership or the registration of all firearm owners or firearms. They assert that there is no constitutional barrier to such measures and no significant social costs. Others advocate less comprehensive policies that they maintain would not impede ownership and legitimate firearm transfers. Opposition to federal controls is strong. Gun control opponents deny that federal policies keep firearms out of the hands of high-risk persons; rather, they argue, controls often create burdens for law-abiding citizens and infringe upon constitutional rights provided by the Second Amendment. Some argue further that widespread gun ownership is one of the best deterrents to crime as well as to potential tyranny, whether by gangs or by government. They may also criticize the notion of enhancing federal, as opposed to state, police powers. The two most significant federal statutes controlling firearms in the civilian population are the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control...

Words: 7074 - Pages: 29

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...Ch. 13 Aggregate Demand Curves- combination of gdp Aggregate Supply Curves Business Cycle Ch.15 Federal Reserve- Ch.16 Monetary Policy Ch.18 Fiscal Policy What is annual growth rate in the U.S- 3.2% What is a recession- lowering of GDP in a country and an increase in unemployment What is the aggregate demand curve- shows combinations of gdp and aggregate growth rate What is the Solow growth rate- potential growth rate of the real gdp consistent with resisting sources. What is the shape of the long run aggregate supply curve- vertical What is the Shape of short run aggregate supply curve- slopping upward Hurricane blows up bridges it is a- negative real shock Rain fall is good on a agricultural country- positive real shock What are menu costs- the cost of changing prices Definition of money- anything accepted as a payment Characteristic of money What is tool does the fed us effect monetary policy- open market operation, interest on reserves to the bank What is the open market operation- What is the Fractional reserve system- the banks only lend a fraction of the customers deposits What are some reasons that effect monetary policy What will a higher banking reserve ratio result in- prevents them in loaning as much as they would like to Rules in digression the left from the right side- gov has a rule??? What is crowding out- gov. goes to the market to increase spending causing the price of the loan to increase and people wont be able to afford ...

Words: 273 - Pages: 2

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Ais Attack

...cybercrime, online attackers are become increasingly organized and financial institutions may find themselves fighting even tougher battles. (Kitten, 2012) In one such case, here in Georgia, a man has pleaded guilty for the role he played in a $1.3 million phishing scheme that targeted customers of Chase, Bank of America, ADP and Branch Bank & Trust. In his plea, Waya Nwaki admitted to using stolen log-in credentials to intercept and respond to e-mails sent by banks to customers when unfamiliar computers or IP addresses were used to access online accounts. He also admitted to impersonating payroll officers in conversations he had with ADP, which is based in New Jersey. The case resulted from a collaboration between the banks and the Federal Bureau of Investigation against Nwaki, a.k.a. Shawn Conley, who was arrested in December on charges of wire fraud conspiracy, wire fraud, aggravated identity theft, and conspiracy to gain unauthorized access to computers. Each count, to which Nwaki pleaded guilty, carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000; sentencing is set for Aug. 15, 2012. According to court records, Nwaki and six co-conspirators, between August 2000 and June 2010, worked across three continents to launch phishing attacks through spoofed websites designed to mimic banks and payroll processors such as ADP. When online users visited the spoofed pages, they were asked to provide confidential personal and financial information, such...

Words: 1059 - Pages: 5

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Professional Knowledge and Abilities

...Human Resource Management Human Resource Management Human Resource Management (HRM) is defined as “the function within an organization that focuses Federal Trade Commission The Federal Trade Commission was chosen as a source because it is a federal entity that was established in 1914 to protect America’s consumers and has been serving the public for nearly 100 years (Federal Trade Commission). The Federal Trade Commission website was examined using the CARS (Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness, Support) test. The credibility of this site is shown by the reliable contact information such as the list of offices/bureaus, address, and phone numbers. The Federal Trade Commission’s reputation is proven reputable by nearly 100 years in service. The quality control of the site is shown through the Data Quality Act which provides the “Guidelines for ensuring and maximizing the Quality Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of information disseminated by the Federal Trade Commission” (Federal Trade Commission), the publication of its federal rule making authority in Title 16 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and the Commission’s semiannual Regulatory Agenda and annual Regulatory Plan. This site is held accountable for its information through the publication of reports such as the Performance and Accountability Report and the Performance and Accountability Summary which is a Citizen’s Report. The accuracy of this site is shown by the up-to-date, comprehensive information...

Words: 668 - Pages: 3

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Policing Functions Paper

...The roles of policing from the local, state, and federal all have several roles, that they must take part in everyday. Law enforcement has different branches that oversee a variety of jurisdictions. All of these variety jurisdictions have a main purpose, to protect citizens and enforce laws that have been passed. Depending on your jurisdiction and what you are doing will decide on what type of law enforcement will be assisting you in the activity. The various policing functions of local, state and federal all have their own roles and are important for each jurisdiction. The most common law enforcement that we see in our daily lives is the local police department. The main goal for the local law enforcement is to uphold the laws on streets and in their neighborhoods that they patrol. Our local police department consists of 83.5 employees, which of these 57 are sworn police officers (City of San Luis Obispo, 2012). Local law enforcement provides service to their community and to special assignments. Special assignments can include field training, crime scene investigator, SWAT, and others. Many individuals look at their local law enforcement as people who do not respect their community members. This is not the case in many situations. Law enforcement is in place to help communities and the individuals who live there. If there was no local law enforcement in communities, criminal activities would be out of control. If an individual respects a police officer...

Words: 1062 - Pages: 5

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Patriot Act Pros And Cons

...Part severn stated the authorization eight adds several crimes to the list of things considered act of terrorism. This Includes attacking mass transit system, using a biological weapon, and supporting computer hacking. Part nine creates a method for the sharing of national intelligence between gov. agencies. Part ten contains minor various provisions. All of these acts form together to create the overall purpose of the patriot act. As of june 1st 2015 the provisions of the patriot act have expired. The federal court ruled that the bulk collection of dada under section 215 was unconstitutional. Due to this outcome, the government and law makers came up with an alternative called the freedom act. I believe that prior to some of the provisions being expired, I thought the act was unconstitutional. Our constitution says and guarantees that all people have the right to life, liberty and property, and the act disregarded all of those terms. The patriot act was violation our constitution and creating a tremendous impact on out social...

Words: 494 - Pages: 2

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TSA Screening Research Paper

...contract by privately owned businesses, which didn't have any involvement in airport screening or recognition for weapons of mass destruction. There was nobody envision, traveler were permitted to visit the cockpit and you were able to carry on the plane nail scissors and toiletries. If you’re a traveler by airplane chances are, you came into contact with a TSA screener. It’s the law that every traveler has to be screens or a pat down before boarding an airplane. Some traveler can skip the screening, but only limited, and most are law enforcement officers, Department of Defense personnel or federal officer. There’s also a “no-fly list” and a White list. Further if your name happens to appear on one of these lists, you could almost forget flying, because appealing the decision almost impossible because it’s top secret? The White list is those elite passengers, like members of Congress, federal judges and millions of Department of Defense personnel, they all are expedited screening at airport. These groups are called the “privileged”. This group doesn’t have to go through what the typical citizen will go through at the TSA screening checkpoint ( Furthermore, individual who travels by airplane are assorted into groups which that are , high risk, low risk and unknown risk, the category is assigned when an individual has their boarding pass scanned in the security line( The...

Words: 2948 - Pages: 12