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Patagonia Initiative

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Patagonia is an outdoor apparel company faces an issue of whether adopting Product lifecycle Initiative to create a closed loop of their products (Reinhardt, Casadesus-Masanell, & Kim, 2010). Considering Patagonia’s scale and financial goal ambition, accommodating the Initiative is not feasible at this stage. Patagonia may need to implement the initiative when it has higher profitability and larger scale. This article will introduce Patagonia and the concept of Product Lifecycle Initiative briefly, discuss the advantages and disadvantages concerning the implementation of the Initiative, and then relate the case to H&M’s practices of garment recycling. Product Lifecycle Initiative (“reduce, repair, reuse, and recycle”) represent a commitment to lengthen product …show more content…
It also encourages customers to think twice before consolidating the purchase (Reinhardt et al., 2010, p.8). Exercising Product Lifecycle Initiative would align with Patagonia’s business ethics. Patagonia has been “a worldwide leader of environmental responsible business” (Reinhardt et al., 2010, p.1). In the initiative of designing better climbing equipment for himself, the founder Chouinard started the company by making pitons (Reinhardt et al., 2010, p.2). Claiming himself as a “dirtbag”, Chouinard had a vision of the business “doing no harm” to the environment applying the triple bottom line principle, which evaluates the performance in social, environmental, and financial perspectives (Reinhardt et al., 2010, p.2). As Patagonia’s mission statement suggest, “Patagonia strived to build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, and use the business to inspire and implement solutions to the environment crisis” (Reinhardt et al., 2010, p.3). Moreover, Product Lifecycle Initiative would help the business to

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