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California Medical Center Case Analysis

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Organizational description California Hospital Medical Center (CHMC), a 318‐bed acute care hospital located at 1401 S. Grand Avenue providing state of the art services to a vibrant and rapidly evolving urban community at the epicenter of America’s second largest city. CHMC is committed to furthering the healing ministry of Jesus, and to providing high-quality, affordable healthcare to the communities they serve. The hospital’s mission sets a clear focus for their work. The values define how they carry out the mission and the vision demands that they consistently and effectively live up to both. The health care organization (HCO) reporting hierarchy structure begins with the president who is also the chief executive (CEO) of the hospital to the vice president, the chief financial officer, the foundation officer, the board of directors’ officers, the board of director’s members down to the departmental level with directors follow by managers and supervisors. The ethics committee fits in as an organizational …show more content…
The chief executive officer (CEO), chief operating officer (COO) chief of medical staff, board of trustees, or other key administrators can request these reviews. “Policies that address recurrent organizational issues often require that ethics committee serve in a consultant role. Examples of these ethics issues include policies on advance directives, withholding treatment, withdrawing treatment, informed consent, and organ procurement” (Morrison, 2016 p. 223). Ethics committees are also involved in policies relating to allocation of resources and preservation of the vision and mission of the facility. This include recommendations on policies on community outreach, charitable contributions, and fundraising. In such cases, the ethics committees assure the fairness of policies for those affected. (West & Morrison, 2014 as cited in Morrison,

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