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Charles Darwin Diary Report

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During late April, and early May of the year 1836 Charles Darwin landed on a French isle called “Mauritius”. Rounding the northern tip of Mauritius, Darwin said that it met all of the expectations, by many well known descriptions of the scenery. He depicted the island to have forest filled mountains, and also portrayed the land as he approached to be bright green and have very tropical aspects to it (Darwin Diary pg.509). “The centre of the island consists of a great platform, surrounded by old broken basaltic mountains, with their strata dipping seawards. The central platform, formed of comparatively recent streams of lava, is of an oval shape, thirteen geographical miles across, in the line of its shorter axis. The exterior bounding mountains …show more content…
When Darwin reached the top of the mountain calculating it to be about 2,600 feet in elevation, he said the countryside looked predominantly cultivated (Voyage Journal pg.572). M. Lesson, in the voyage of the Coquille, has stated, that the central plain of the island appeared like the basin of a grand crater, and that La Pouce and the other mountains once formed parts of a connected wall. From our elevated position we enjoyed an excellent view over this great mass of volcanic matter. (Voyage Journal …show more content…
Captain Lloyd invited Darwin and Mr. Stokes (one of Darwin’s colleagues) to his house. Darwin said Captain Lloyd’s house was a delightful place. He and Mr. Stokes stayed for two days. Close to the house of Captain Lloyd’s was a grand ravine which had depths of 500 feet or more created by slightly inclined lava streams. (Darwin Diary pg. 511). On May 5 of the year 1836 Charles Darwin, Mr.Stokes, and Captain Lloyd went to Riviere Noire, which was several miles south of Captain Lloyd’s house (Darwin Dairy pg. 512). He also stated “We passed through pleasant gardens, and fine fields of sugar-cane growing amidst huge blocks of lava. The roads were bordered by hedges of Mimosa, and near many of the houses there were avenues of the mango. Some of the views, where the peaked hills and the cultivated farms were seen together, were exceedingly picturesque; and we were tempted to exclaim, “How pleasant it would be to pass one’s life in such quiet abodes” (Darwin Dairy pg.512). The most interesting part about it was the fact the sugar-cane was growing around the cooled lava blocks. “Since England has taken possession of the island, a period of only twenty-five years, the export of sugar is said to have increased seventy-five fold. One great cause of this prosperity is due to the excellent roads and means of communication throughout the island. At the

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