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Submitted By razank
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Patriotism means love of mother country. A patriot loves his mother-land. The patriots are loved by the whole country. Hence, patriotism is considered as a commendable quality.
Since the French Revolution the idea of nation and nationalism has occupied the mind of people. Since, the beginning of nation and nationalism patriotism, is hailed as a lofty quality with a person. The patriots sometimes sacrifice their lives for the good of their respective countries. This spirit of sacrifice has make patriotism a highly noble quality. Since there is the spirit of sacrifice in patriotism, patriotism is certainly justified. We have some duty towards the country in which we are born and live. So, the poet. S.W. Scott has said-
"Breathes there the man with soul so dead
Who never to himself hath said.
This is my own, my native land".
Patriotism is not doubt useful in the interest of the country and the nation. The nation is strongly built upon the sacrifice of the patriots. The patriots give their money, time, energy and life for the good of the country. A patriot think of his country. He wants that his country should be great and prosperous. He wants that his country should be ideal in every field. So, patriotism is highly useful. Because it makes the people to think of their own country.
Dark side of patriotism:
The extreme form of patriotism is not desirable. Because the blind patriots do not care for the humanitarianism. They forget that they are the members of a greater society which is called the human society. He forgets the interest of the human beings as a whole. He forgets justice when he thinks of his country's interest. He believes in the principle 'My country, right or wrong'. He commits many wrong thins in the interest of his country. It is really not good. We should think in the term of one world and one human society. We should contemplate a world-Government.
Great patriots:
We had great patriots in India like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose. Their sacrifice is now proverbial. But they were also thinking of the world as a whole. Mahatma Gandhi has many times said that he would like to sacrifice India for the good of the human beings as a whole.
Patriotism is no doubt a good quality. But we should always avoid the dark side of patriotism. We should not forget justice and fair play when we think the interest of our own country.

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