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Paul Bearer Vs Giant Gonzale Analysis

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Match #7 - The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) vs. Giant Gonzalez (with Harvey Wippleman)

The Giant Gonzales garnered little reaction on his entrance. One child looked worried though. The bodysuit he wore was supremely distracting. Did they need to include the arse crack on there? Why did they dress him in that thing? Was it because underneath he was just a tall guy with a flabby body? Was they trying to create the illusion of strength? At least it was easy to forget during The Undertaker's entrance. He arrived on the top of a sedan carried by several bodybuilders, accompanied by Paul Bearer, a druid, and the flesh-eating vulture. Best .. Entrance .. Ever.

And then it went downhill. The Undertaker looked tiny compared to Gonzales, but he was able to move like an athlete while Gonzales hobbled around like The Great Khali. As I started to enjoy the fight, Wippleman gave Gonzales a …show more content…
At the end of the day, the decision is Vince McMahon's, and if that's what Vince wanted, then he should be to blame for the booking. Hogan has always used any political influence to his advantage, and I bet he isn't the only wrestler to do so. Hogan's not going to turn down a WWF championship win at Wrestlemania, no matter how it's booked. Bret Hart would find his time in the sun, so it doesn't upset me to see him lose.

I enjoyed the event .. although I felt there were far too many dirty finishes. It's not the only Wrestlemania to include many dirty finishes. Wrestlemania II and IV were booked so badly, but they had memorable moments, and so does Wrestlemania IX. I enjoyed the Caesar's Palace theme, and I didn't mind the togas. Some may criticize the skimpy outfits of the girls accompanying Lex Luger, but I saw that as a way to make Lex Luger look the part ... and damn(!), they looked great

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