From the Ancient Greek and Romans, to medieval time, to present day, human trafficking has existed. There are numerous women, children, and adolescents falling victim to human trafficking. Belize and Venezuela are two countries with the most dangerous count of people being mistreated or being sold for profit, child labor, sex slaves, etc. Both countries should be putting a stop to the crimes going on in their neighborhoods, but nothing is being done. No flyers, campaigns, commercials, nothing to bring awareness. This paper will propose solutions to the crimes being made in both Venezuela and Belize.
Human trafficking has been around for thousands of years, but in the fourteen hundreds, the Portuguese would transport people from Africa to Portugal…show more content… In 1952, Britain joined the slave trade in Africa. After that, during the sixteen hundreds Spain, North America, Holland, France, Sweden, and Denmark became involved in the slave trade. Human trafficking with sexual purpose was known as “white slavery” in the seventeen hundreds. The name comes from a white woman or girl being forced into drugs and unwanted sex. In 1807, Great Britain made a law that made slave trade illegal. The United States was right after Great Britain in passing the law, which then resulted in world wide conferences in 1899 and 1902, regarding white slavery. Thirteen countries signed the International Convention for the Suppression of white slavery to make that kind of trafficking illegal. Even though there were new laws, human trafficking still existed. During the nineteen hundreds women and girls were used for sex trafficking and the boys were used for child labor. The nineteen hundreds was also at an all time high for human trafficking.…show more content… Tier 3 signifies that the government in Venezuela has done very little and won’t comply to fix human trafficking issues. Even though they are not making significant changes, they have still managed to arrest seven individuals who were suspected of human trafficking. Although Venezuela hasn’t put in much effort, they still have serious laws on the topic. The trafficking of women and girls would result in the person getting fifteen to thirty years in prison. Another law states that group organizations or organized criminal groups that are involved with human trafficking get twenty to thirty years in prison. In 2016, Venezuela did not report a total number of cases for human trafficking, individuals prosecuted or convicted of human trafficking. There were about five cases that Venezuela pursued during the entirety of a year. Having five cases in one year is not realistic for Venezuela, which would lead people to believe that their government is hiding a significant number of