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2.7 Knowledge Of Pain Essay

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2.7 Knowledge of pain
Nurses require a broad foundation of knowledge concerning pain, as well as practice in assessment and management of pain. Nurses who acquire enough information on pain management as well as good skills in pain assessment able to achieve positive result in pain control (Yava, 2013: Wilson,.2007).
A study among nurses in Turkey, found that out of 246 participants working in surgical units, 11.8% had taken a course on pain management and that 31.7% obtained knowledge through journal reading and books (Yava, 2013). Also study done by Al-Motairy, (2010) on nursing student’s knowledge and application of pain, found that 7.3% had satisfactory knowledge among 91.6% total response rate of participants who are involved in the study. Another study aimed to determine knowledge and practice among nurses caring critically ill patients at Mulago Hospital in Uganda. The majority 91.2% had knowledge (Kizza , 2012).
Knowledge regarding pain, reduced unwanted complications among critically ill patients (Lohman et al., 2010). Hence, nurses also need to be aware of the consequences of insufficiently managed pain among critically ill patients..

2.8 Practice pain assessment
Assessment, re-assessment and documentation lead to effective pain management and facilitated good outcomes for critically ill patients during their hospital …show more content…
The study done by Shrestha- Ranjit and Manias (2010) on pain assessment and management practice in children following surgery, the results showed a management and assessment in post operative pediatric patients not sufficient, and that about 75% of post -operative experience some degree of pain; 50% of which is severe. Nurse’s pain assessment reduced pain complications. Most of the time, analgesic pain relief is received in small amount and given as needed according to the pain severity documentation shown (Shrestha-ranjit & Manias,

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