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Paul Roberts Speech Communities Analysis

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I have lived with my grandmother for nine years and I have always seen her as my friend as well as my family, so talking to her comes easy for me. However, my speech differs from when I talk to her than when I speak to friends. I noticed this one day when I caught myself speaking differently while I was talking to my grandmother. I realized that I was a part of two language communities, one being my grandmother and myself which is more formal and respectful, and the other being my friends and myself which is intimate and carefree. Between my grandmother and I there is a 47 year difference which is a huge generation gap. Usually that causes communication issues however, I find it easy because I respect her enough to use her generations’ language. I use proper grammar, no slang, and absolutely no curse words which causes a formal and respectful. In “Speech Communities”, Paul Roberts has a section called “The Class as a Speech Communities” where he discusses how the younger generation polishes up their language to talk to the older generation. One example Paul Roberts uses is changing ain’t to am not, which I relate to because I do it all the time. When I use ain’t around my grandmother two things could happen, one being I get the “Ain’t is not a word” speech, or I get called an improper younger lady. So I …show more content…
We speak very different from how my grandmother and I do. For example I can say “That’s bitchin!” or “I ain’t gonna do that.” I would never do that around my grandmother. I love being able to say whatever I want around my friends. It makes me feel so free and carefree. But I also believe it makes our relationship more intimate because I do not hold back. I asked my friends one day if they change the way they speak differently around their grandparents and they said they did too. That made us even closer and when we notice one of us speaking differently, we would laugh about

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