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Payday Loans Research Paper

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Small Loans, Big Problems
A university student committed suicide after seeing how the payday loan he had to take increased in just three months after he made the decision of getting a loan. Payday loans are short-term loan that afford a small amount of money for a small amount time.(“Swansea Student Mitch Lewis Overdose After Payday Loan”).
Courtney Mitchell Lewis was only 21 years when he killed himself. He was a physics ungraduated at Swansea University. Although he was working as a barman, in JC’s bar, he was struggling financially in school that he decided to take out a payday loan to solve some financial problem. Lewis borrowed only $100; after three months, the loan debt increased eight times the money he had borrowed. When he saw that …show more content…
During that time, predatory lending did not existed, but lenders were charging up to 1000% interests. Payday lenders promoted in Internet ads and television commercials using celebrities to get more people to know about payday loans so the payday loan business could increase. Payday loan were increasing because people were getting to know that this loans could solve some emergency. Borrowers like these loans because they were able to receive money with only little information or questions asked (Lulic). Lenders have always make their money to keep their business is by the interest fee they get for every $100 individual's borrowed; the fee that lenders give to their borrowers is between $10 to $20. Another way that the lenders make money is when some people who borrow money is not able to pay the money back on time, so they will have to get another loan, and another one. Usually, the time that borrowers get to pay the money back is two weeks. But getting another loan, their debt will increase rapidly and their short-term loan will turn into a long-term debt …show more content…
Payday loans advertise their business by making Internet ads or television commercial that only states the positive advantages that loans have. The television commercials are promoting payday loans but just showing the positive advantages of payday loans. Some of those positive advantages are that people will be able to get a loan in just minutes. Because loan companies promote only what payday loans wants, they are hiding important information because they do not explain the consequences of not paying the loan back on

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