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In Wake Forest Scandal

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Words 739
Pages 3
Ashley Gay
COM 231-4237
Mrs. McCoy
News Stories Assignment: Week 8
1) In Wake Forest, N.C. a girl named Hannah Viall was in a car accident and died. There were three other teens in the car when the crash occurred. It is unclear who was driving the car during the time of the incident. The victim in the crash attends Heritage High School and was in the 10th grade. There has not been other information on the other teens that were in the crash.

Wral. “Heritage High Student Dies in Wake Forest Crash.”, 25 Feb. 2018,

2) In Zebulon, N.C. a firefighter was hurt during a call …show more content…
“Firefighter Injured Battling Flames at Historic Wake County Landmark.”, 25 Feb. 2018, State:
1) In Cary, N.C. four teens have been convicted of stealing from a teenager at Alston Elementary School. The four teens that were in the incident were Ryan Garrett, Ulises Santos, Elijah Sutton and Adrian Ousley. The teenager that was stolen from was threatened by a gun. The teen that was threatened by a gun was 15 years old. It is unknown if any of the four teens have a lawyer at this time.

Wral. “4 charged in armed robbery of teen at elementary school.”, 20 Feb. 2018, …show more content…
a teenager named Victoria Creed was at Pilot Mountain State Park walking when she fell. It took an hour and a half to get Victoria Creed to safety after the incident. Due to the incident Victoria had a lot of injures such as broken bones and bruises. People who were also walking at the time of the incident helped her until medical help got there. There have been several people who have fallen in this

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