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Paying For Kids Research Paper

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Paying for kids essay People think that students should receive a reward with cash when they earn good grades. This is an issue because it causes situations in class. When using this technique, students build up pressure. This trick also doesn’t actually teach children. The third reason is that students should the feeling of the urge of wanting to pass, and not the feeling to be bribed. Thus, proving that children shouldn’t be paid for good grades because of pressure, not learning, and wrong motivations.

To begin with, students shouldn’t be paid for good grades, because they get pressure. Like what NEA claimed, “Leads to practical problems in the classroom, like pressure”. This leads to stress on young children. This effectively forces children to try to get grades.. When they are forced, they are given stress at a young age. These children are around their teenage years, and they are already feeling stressed, from this technique. .It is clear, that students gain stress for no reason. …show more content…
To back up this fact, “It doesn’t really teach kids” says Edward Deci. This makes kids forgetting what they’ve learned. This causes children not being able to use what they’ve learned in school. If these kids can’t use what they’ve learned, they won’t be able to use it in the real life. It is obvious that students shouldn’t be bribed with cash.

Another reason why a student should not be paid for good grades, is that students should know the natural feeling to pass. “Deciding that a child's internal drive to succeed is far more important in the long run than money” text by Ginger NInja. This shows that kids don’t know what the true motivation is. The effect of this isn’t natural. This trick gives children false motivation. To be sure, being paid is a horrible motivation for

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