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Pc 69 Case

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This case involves the suspect being arrested for PC 69-Resisting Peace Officer and PC 4573-Bringing a controlled substance into jail.
This incident occurred on the north sidewalk of Bellevue Drive west of Raymond Avenue.


Officer Sailor

• Tenderness and swelling to the middle finger on his right hand.

Officer Harrell

• Pain to the left pinky finger on his left hand.

Suspect Mays

• Bleeding from inner portion of his mouth.
• Dime size abrasion on the left side of his chin.
• Once inch abrasion on his left collarbone.
• Two inch abrasion on his right rear shoulder.
• Dime size abrasion on his right leg, below kneecap.

EVIDENCE: Photos taken of Officer Sailor, Officer Harrell, Officer …show more content…
Officer Harrell exited our patrol unit and instructed the males to face the building wall on the northwest corner of Raymond Avenue and Bellevue Drive. The males complied with Officer Harrell’s orders and faced the building wall. I exited the patrol unit and walked to the north sidewalk. Officer Harrell handcuffed and detained Hyde pending further investigation.

I approached Suspect Mays, who began looking over his left shoulder in my direction. I again ordered Mays to face the wall. Mays was verbally agitated and wanted to know why they were being stopped. I ordered Mays to place the palms of his hands together in order to handcuff him. Mays ignored my orders and had both hands balled up into fist and would not face the building wall.

I took hold of Mays’ wrists and he immediately began shifting his body from side to side in order to break free from my grip. I again told Mays to place the palm of his hands together and face the wall. Mays ignored my orders and pulled his left arm away from me. I immediately pulled Mays to the sidewalk by his right …show more content…
Officer Sailor had tenderness and swelling to the middle finger on his right hand.

Sergeant Gomez was advised of the incident and approved the arrest for PC 69-Resisting Peace Officer. Officer Harrell and I transported Mays to the Huntington Memorial Hospital Emergency Room for medically clearance.

Doctor Ximena Vargas treated Mays for his injuries (MRN 001597070 and FIN 0002429822). Mays was cleared and transported to the Pasadena Jail for booking. Mays was asked if he had any contraband or narcotics in his possession. Mays stated, “No.” Jailer Dale #1727 searched Mays and found a plastic baggie in his right front coin pocket. The plastic baggie contained crystal methamphetamine in violation of PC 4573-Bringing a controlled substance into jail.

Officer Harrell retrieved the crystal methamphetamine as evidence. Officer Harrell conducted a Wells Test on the crystal methamphetamine which tested positive for amphetamines. The weight of the crystal methamphetamine was .05 grams. Officer Harrell placed the crystal methamphetamine into evidence.
Case to City

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