...Marketing Estratégico Questões de Preferência Questões Mais Relevantes • • • • Q1: Eu acho que é fácil fazer upload de fotos tiradas pelo meu telemóvel para o meu computador; Q2: Eu tiraria mais fotos com a minha câmara do telemóvel se fosse mais fácil transferi-las para o website ou computador; Q6: Eu valorizo certificar-me que as fotos no meu telemóvel estão salvas para que, se se perca o telemóvel, eu não as perco; Q10: Quando estou a decidir que nova tecnologia de produto comprar (TV, computador, MP3 Player), quão fácil é o setup é um factor crucial na minha decisão; Q13: Se este serviço só fosse oferecido por uma mensalidade, quanto estaria disposto a pagar por mês pelo seu uso ilimitado? • Questões Relevantes • Q4: Eu substituiria a minha câmara digital pela minha câmara do telemovel se o processo de transferir fotos fosse mais fácil; Q9: Eu valorizo ter as fotos em sites de partilha de fotos; • • Q11: Sempre que uma nova tecnologia surge, estou entre os primeiros a adoptá-la Questões Pouco Relevantes • • Q3: Eu tiraria mais fotos com a minha câmara do telemóvel se a qualidade das fotografias fosse melhor; Q5: Eu substituiria a minha câmara digital pela minha câmara do telemóvel se a qualidade as fotografias fosse melhor; Q8: Eu valorizo ter as fotos no meu desktop para poder edita-las, corta-las e imprimi-las; Q7: Eu valorizo ter as fotos no meu email para puder reencaminha-las para os meus amigos e família; Q12: Depois de decidir comprar um...
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...INTOPIA GAZETTE World: 2003 Editor: Hans B. Thorelli Q1 Australian Editor: Douglas Dow ORGAN OF THE COMPUTER INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION (CIA) ONCE ONLY INDUSTRIAL PARK OFFER! In Q1 only, ready-made chip plants are available in industrial parks. This offer only applies in the EU and US. The plants will be able to produce in Q1. However, accelerated training of the local personnel requires a temporary expense of $500K in the US and €360K in EU. There is room for only one plant per Co. and area. Companies interested in this one-time opportunity should complete the orange W2 form and submit it to the Facilitator. Participating firms also need send a service payment (the orange W1 form) to Company 99 to cover the extra training costs mentioned above. Production of any good in a given quarter invariably goes into the inventory of the producer in that same Q. Thus, Industrial Park chip companies will not be able to ship their chips to PC producers until Q2; and, to be available for PC production in Q2, the chips must be transferred by air. TRANSFER STARTING CAPITAL TO AREA(S) Plants you build in your operating Area(s), variable manufacturing cost (cash part), any methods improvement, advertising, the cash part of any goods bought from Nippon (see below), plus any other expenses incurred in the Area all call for transfer of adequate starting capital from Home Office (HO) to the area. Use your budgeting spreadsheet to ensure you transfer...
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...and Economics Review 2, no. 1 (March 2006): 71–85. COMPARING THE US AND EU MICROSOFT ANTITRUST PROSECUTIONS: HOW LEVEL IS THE PLAYING FIELD? John P. Jennings, J.D., LL.M.* Spencer Fane Britt & Browne LLP Abstract The United States and the European Union have spent considerable time and resources pursuing antitrust cases against Microsoft over the past decade. While the antitrust cases began in similar fashions, the US and EU have diverged significantly in responding to Microsoft’s business practices. Given the similarity of US and EU antitrust law, it is debatable why the Microsoft antitrust litigation developed differently in each jurisdiction. While the US case generally ended in a settlement that has been criticized as too lenient on Microsoft, the EU case ended in a decision imposing harsh remedial measures and a severe fine. We find plausible explanations for the disparity to include a differing focus between US and EU antitrust policy, various political considerations, and the different issues confronting regulators in each case. Keywords: US antitrust, EU competition, Microsoft, Litigation, Software, Bundling, Tying. JEL classification: K21. * Mr. Jennings is an attorney practicing in the Kansas City, Missouri office of Spencer Fane Britt & Browne LLP. He earned his LL.M. degree in European Community Business Law from the University of Amsterdam where his master’s thesis was a comparison of US and EU antitrust law. Mr. Jennings gratefully acknowledges the assistance of...
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...biodegradable products and recycle computer components whenever possible. October 15, 2012 HP Green Computing HP Eco Solutions HP Eco Solutions is the technology industry’s leading environmental program HP is committed to providing customers with inventive, high-quality products and services that are environmentally sound, and to conduct our operations in an environmentally responsible manner. The HP Eco Solutions program encompasses our strategy to achieve this commitment, including: • Making it simpler for our customers to be green • Investment in innovation that reduces the environmental impact of our operations and our products • Leading by example and using our influence responsibly When it comes to HP Business Notebooks, Desktop PCs, Thin Clients, Workstations, Client Virtualization and iPAQ handheld computers, this means addressing: • Energy efficiency • Materials • End-of-life • Social responsibility It is also our job to make sure that HP Eco Solutions deliver business benefits for our customers. After all, “being environmentally responsible is not just a trend. It’s not just good to do. It’s good for business.” — Mark Hurd, Chairman, CEO and...
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...then there is possible a global need of every country to adapt to the new challenge, walk along with its progress, invest, innovate and finally proceed this new type of living, which will likely be based on the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and e-services. Studying the case of Greece, a small sized country in the European map with a controversial economy and a real GDP growth rate of -7,1% in 2011 (Eurostat, 2011), it could be argued that by default is not listed among the top countries regarding the evolution of Information Society. The reasons that Greece is not an Information society could be found by investigating the case from two perspectives. First in a macro level, by focusing on Greece as a member state of the EU, and second, in a micro level focused on the country itself with all its special characteristics that define its economic, political, social and cultural sphere. By having a closer look on various statistics and facts there will be an attempt to describe today’s reality and then justify why Greece rests still behind towards the emergence of the Information society. Introduction 1. Defining Information society In reality trying to define “Information Society” seems so hard as when somebody is trying to define separately what “society” or “information” is. In my mind if Information society had a shape, it could include various concepts such as: Post-Industrial society, information revolution, microelectronics revolution, capitalism, Information...
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...between the ERP Systems and the PCSs. The theoretical research should help to explain the characteristics of Port Community System and the ERP integration. An in-depth, multi-disciplinary literature review will be conducted to assess the need, challenges and opportunities of developing the ERP integration for Port Community Systems. Comment: I think ERP could be considering especially on the PCS perspective, not as Enterprise system software. I mean ERP as a business management software for PCS operators and a suite of integrated applications for port community users. Considering the ports as Business Ecosystem I would like to find out the role and scope of the ERP Integration for PCS. 2.1 Port Community Systems (Structure is needed, e.g.: 2.1.1, 2.1.2, etc.) Definition PCS Evolution of PCS Why choose to have a Port Community System Which types of users make use of the systems? Which functions does the system have for the users? How flexible is the system? etc… 2.2 ERP Integration (Structure is needed, e.g.: 2.2.1, 2.2.2, etc.) Definition ERP Evolution of ERP Do PCS Operators support the integration of ERP systems? What is the role and scope of ERP Integration in facilitating the information exchange between Port Community Members? Which requirements are associated with the ERP integration? What information is required from the...
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...Nokia microsoft Steve ballamer = chief executive of microsoft. Microsoft bought Nokia phone business for a total amount of 5.4 billions Nokia licences patens and mapping services to microsoft. Nokia share jump 35% . microsoft fell by 5%. Ballamer : microsoft known for software pcs to a company that focuses on mobile devices. Aim to turn a software comany into a devices and services business- Microsoft struggles as consumeres replaced traditional pc ‘s for tablets and smartphones. Critics say microsoft has been to slow to respond to the booming market mobile devices. It is a necessary gamble for microsoft to break into mobile, but given its complete reliance on nokia for windows phones devices and competitive position of apple and google with rival phone plattforms an understanable move… WTF ???? Background: nokia founded in 1871 1987 launches 1st phone. = mobira cityman 2000 stock market value: hits 186billion euros ( now worth 11) 2003 basic 1100 launched and become sthe most popular consumer electronic device. 2011: abandons symbian mobile phon operating system and switches to the windows platform instead. 2013 : launches Lumia 1020 boasting a 41 megapixel camera. Sold 53.7 million devices during the quarter ( which one ) and down to 27% down sales on last year. ( does not make sense) Microsoft signed a dela to 10 year licensing arrangement with nokia to use their brand on current mobile phone products. Microsoft deal= strategy...
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...ITT EN 1420 Understanding Rhetorical Structures Can the Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU) live on as Legend? As Michelle Lawhorn tries to explain in her editorial “Star Wars: Is the EU Really Gone?” (Lawhorn, 2014) Michelle reminds readers that George Lucas didn’t put his official stamp on any novel, comic, or game saying that is truly what happens in the Star Wars universe. The EU is a collection of authors that had continued to further tell the stories of Star Wars after Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (ROTJ) in the absence of any more movies by George Lucas. Fans fell in love with these stories and believed them to be cannon and official Star Wars storyline. Then George Lucas sells Star Wars to Walt Disney and Disney announces that the EU is considered non-cannon in future films and novels and fan were extremely upset. Michelle does a great job explaining that the Star Wars history has not been erased in any way and that all novels, comics, and games will be rebranded Legends. Many fans of the EU thought that many of their beloved characters would disappear and be forgotten. Michelle reassures the readers that this is not the case “See, here’s the thing: the EU was never canon to begin with. George Lucas never signed off on any novel, game, or comic to be official canon…Basically, the EU was unofficial “official” fan fiction.” (Lawhorn, 2014) George Lucas basically let different departments within Lucas Film continue creating products for Star Wars in order to...
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...Jutex Bangladesh LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 13 January, 2016 Dr. A.K.M Saiful Majid Professor Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka Sir, Enclosed is a business plan on “Jute Diversifying Product Manufacturing plant” that we prepared as the take home final business assignment for the Entrepreneurship course. we decided to conduct the plan on ‘Jute Diversifying Product Manufacturing plant’ keeping in mind the importance of market potential in Bangladesh. You approved our topic on January 10, 2016. The date of submission was set on January 13, 2016. This plan was conducted with proper authorization. The authenticity of the sources used in the report can be guaranteed. We are grateful to you for your overall cooperation throughout. We tried our best to live up to your expectation and hope that the business plan fulfills all the requirements. Sincerely yours, Nabid Hassan Kafi_______________________ Ahmed Muntasir Mahin___________________ Md. Al – Amin___________________________ i Jutex Bangladesh ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We take the privilege to extend our acknowledgement and heartfelt gratitude to our respected course instructor, Professor Dr. A.K.M Saiful Majid, who encouraged us to undertake this difficult endeavor and who has helped us all the way to the successful completion of this report with his able guidance, support and counseling. We have tried to incorporate his constructive suggestions and knowledgeable opinions in the...
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...Introduction Australia has always been a trading nation. Its political, immigration and cultural links with other countries have been reinforced by international trade and investment, with its high reliance on imports such as electrical appliances, cars, clothes, footwear, PCs and watches being a reminder of these trade links. The influx of imported products has benefited Australia but in recent decades, the reliance on them has caused problems for its economy. Such problems have included trade deficits, whereby the value of imports has exceeded that of exports by between $12 and $20 billion each year. They also include foreign debt in money owed overseas, which has increased from roughly $19 billion to $527 billion since the 1980s, as well as causing unemployment. The increasingly complex pattern of Australia's trade links and the broadening of its export base reflect the attempt at tackling these ongoing problems. See image 1 Although Australia relies heavily on its overseas foreign investment and employers, with hundreds of foreign companies operating in Australia, it is also a high exporter of goods, services and capital, with most of its exports going to markets in South-East Asia. Agricultural goods and minerals dominate Australia's exports, as do some of its service firms such as Qantas which is well known overseas. This chapter will explore Australia's trade links in its membership of international trading blocs and agreements, its shift away from its traditional trading...
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...Business Environment Assignment |Qualification |Unit number - title - level | |BTEC Level 5 HND in Business |Unit 1 – Business Environment - Level 4 | |Student name |Assessor name | |Simon Varga |Susan Simei-Cunningham | | |Berlin Asong | |Internal Verifier |Alan Jeffery | |Date issued |Completion date |Submitted on | |26th January 2015 |27th March 2015 before midday | | |Assignment title |Business Environment - Shaping Your Future – A Vocational Scenario ...
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...mid-1980s, followed by the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems. The company's 1986 initial public offering, and subsequent rise in its share price, created an estimated three billionaires and 12,000 millionaires from Microsoft employees. Since the 1990s, it has increasingly diversified from the operating system market and has made a number of corporate acquisitions. In May 2011, Microsoft acquired Skype Technologies for $8.5 billion in its largest acquisition to date.[5] As of 2012, Microsoft is market dominant in both the PC operating system and office suite markets (the latter with Microsoft Office). The company also produces a wide range of other software for desktops and servers, and is active in areas including internet search (with Bing), the video game industry (with the Xbox and Xbox 360 consoles), the digital services market (through MSN), and mobile phones (via the Windows Phone OS). In June 2012, Microsoft announced that it would be entering the PC vendor market for the first time, with the launch of the Microsoft Surface tablet computer. In the 1990s, critics began to contend that Microsoft used monopolistic business practices and anti-competitive strategies including refusal to deal and tying, put unreasonable restrictions in the use of its...
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...Global Marketing 7e Warren J Keegan & Mark C Green Chapter 02 The Global Economic Environment Presentation adapted by Alfred Lowey-Ball For (International) Marketing management course Fall semester 2014 UBI-BA2 Brussels Chapter 02 Outline (The Global Economic Environment) 2-0 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 Introduction The world economy—an overview Economic Growth stars Classification of countries by income Market opportunities in DCs World population trends Dealing with currency risks 2 2-0 Introduction • The level of economic development in the target country is a major determinant of global market potential and opportunities • Globalization and forms of freemarket capitalism prevail almost everywhere today • Since the 2008 financial crisis, however, much uncertainty has crept in. 2-3 2-1 The World Economy—An Overview • The world economy has changed profoundly since WWII: in the western world, trade boomed and GDP rose constantly at a 2-3% rate… • Globalization (economic integration) was estimated to be 10%; today it is 50% (by some measures) and still rising • Global companies have arisen to respond to global market demands and opportunities, global competitors have displaced local ones 2-4 Growth of world GDP Figure 1.1 Growth of Real World GDP, 1975–2005 500 – 450 – 400 – 350 – Volume 300 – 250 – World GDP ~$70 Trillion today World population 7,1 Billion 200 – 150 – 100 – 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 World GDP 2000 2005 ...
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...Middle East, and Africa region; Asia region Business strategy: Development of a broad line of software products for information technology professionals, knowledge workers, developers, and consumers, marketed through multiple channels of distribution Competitors: Microsoft competitors are primarily in the Development Tools, Operating Systems & Utilities Software industry. Microsoft also competes in the Accounting & Finance Software, Collaborative Software, and Content & Document Management Software sectors. Competitors include: IBM, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, AOL-Time Warner, Apple, Corel Symptoms -Market demand for PCs impact Microsoft’s revenue growth -Lower cost PC’s without preinstalled Microsoft software -Hand held computing and communicating devices which erode sales of PCs with -preinstalled software -Movement from PC-based applications to server-based applications - Movement from proprietary software to open source software - Competitor...
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...Assignment Question: 1a) ‘A firm would prefer to b a monopoly, rather than be involved in a perfectly competitive market.’ Discuss. 1b) In May 2009 Intel was fined a record amount by the EU for predatory pricing. Assess how easy is it to conclude that Intel undertook predatory pricing? Contents I) 1a) ‘A firm would prefer to b a monopoly, rather than be involved in a perfectly competitive market.’Discuss-------------------------------P/1-P/5 1) Market Environment---------------------------------------P/1-P/2 2) Profit Maximization----------------------------------------P/2-P/5 3) Benefits on Research & Development -------------------P/5 II) 1b) In May 2009 Intel was fined a record amount by the EU for predatory pricing. Assess how easy is it to conclude that Intel undertook predatory pricing?----------------------------------------------------------------P/6-P/8 III) Reference & Bibliography---------------------------------------------P/9 Business Economics Assignment (UBNo.: 09034262) P/8 1a) ‘A firm would prefer to be a monopoly, rather than be involved in a perfectly competitive market.’ Discuss. A monopolist has sufficient control over the services or products its provides in determine significant terms in order to maximize profits. This is directly contrast a firm operating within perfectly competitive market. To a large extent, a firm would prefer to be a monopoly. If a firm can be a monopoly, they can have following three advantages over doing business in perfectly...
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