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Peaceful Resistance Research Paper

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There are many ways to protest against something you believe is not right. One major way that has been used in many historical occurrences is peaceful resistance or ,also known as, civil disobedience. To some, any type of protest is wrong, but I believe that if someone does not agree with something, they have the right to speak up about it. Peaceful resistance, in my opinion, does indeed positively impact a free society.
A free society is a society in which people have the right to exercise their unlimited freedoms, as long as they do not interfere with others being able to do so. It would not be a free society if nobody was able to express their thoughts about a certain topic. I am completely for expressing your own freedoms. What people do not seem to comprehend is that just because somebody does not have the same values and …show more content…
When those African-American students participated in the sit-ins in early 1960, they were just sitting there doing simply nothing. In reality the people that were throwing food and drink in their faces and yelling obscenities at them were the ones negatively impacting our free society. They were the ones that deserved to be placed in jail. In a sense I wish I was alive back then because I would of joined them even though I am Hispanic.
When the world experiences problems, instead of people coming together to find a solution, they tend to make things worse which is not what we should be doing. I believe if you want to make this world peaceful, instead of shaming those who have the courage to stand against what is wrong, you should join them. You are not causing a disruption hence the term "peaceful resistance", you are just simply stating your opinion. Do not worry and think that you are alone and the only one with your thoughts because you are not. Just let your voice be heard (even if you are not actually doing any

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