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Peaceful Resistance To Unjust Research Paper

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I believe that the peaceful resistance to unjust laws do in fact positively impact a free society. In order to properly display and explain my reasoning, I must first provide the definition of what an unjust law is. An unjust law is any law that does not align with the natural law as known by reason and common sense. Once one is able to understand this definition, it is easier to explain the positive impact that peaceful resistance has on a free society. The effect is positive because it gives voice to unjust laws. I would like to use the example provided of “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” written by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. One of the first points that Dr. King address is that he knows that he is supposed to be in jail. He peacefully resisted and accepted the given consequences. The later goes on to explain what peaceful resistance is and how to properly achieve it. He …show more content…
These documents include The Declaration of Independence and the Emancipation Proclamation. One such quote would be “we hold these truths to be self-evident…are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The idea of self-evidence is defined as not needing to be demonstrated or explained. Basically meaning that they do not require argument or persuasion to be known. The truths are further explained as being the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As stated in this format, everyone under the United States government has access and the right to each of those truths. When people understand these rights, they can get upset over certain “unjust” laws. They will choose to do one of two things. Either choose to peacefully protest and act out in civil disobedience, or they will choose to be violent and radical to express their opinions and try to promote

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