CIS 150 – Introduction to Computer Applications
Computer Concepts Class Notes
These notes are to accompany the Computer Concepts PowerPoint presentation. Please refer to these notes when viewing the presentation.
Slides 2 & 3 identify the major objectives of this presentation and these notes.
Slide 4: A computer is defined as an electronic device that operates under the control of internally stored instructions that can accept input, process data (both mathematical processes and logical processes), produce output, and store the results. Basically, a computer transforms data into information.
There are 4 General Operations of a Computer (based on this definition): 1) Input Data is input into the computer. Data is the numbers, words, images, etc. that are given to the computer during the input process. Data is input using Input Devices: keyboard, mouse, joystick, touch screens, etc.
2) Process This is the manipulation of the data to create useful information. Data is processed very quickly within the computer, within billionths of a second. Once the raw facts are processed into a meaningful form it is called information. Computer processing is accomplished through the CPU (Central Processing Unit). The CPU interprets the instructions for the computer. It performs all logical and arithmetical operations as well as causes all input and output to occur. The CPU is contained on a Microprocessor chip.
3) Output Output devices convert digital signals from the computer into a recognizable output. This is accomplished via the monitor or the printer.
4) Storage Auxiliary storage is used to permanently store information for future use. This storage is outside the workings of the computer – these are often called Secondary Storage devices. These include floppy drives,