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Peers and Gangs


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Peers and delinquency: Juvenile Gangs, Groups and Fraternities

Juvenile Delinquency
Dr. Ibe
Shantrevia Jordan

Nowadays we often hear about peer groups and how peers influence people. Everyone in the world belongs to a peer group. They are not only for kids. Peer groups are social groups consisting of people who are equal in such respects as age, education or social class. Members of a particular peer group often have similar interests and backgrounds bonded by the premise of sameness. Studies have shown that kids and young adults join peer groups to find a place in a valued group that gives them a sense of belonging; to identify and master tasks that are generally recognized as having value and therefore can earn respect by acquiring skill to cope with them; to acquire a sense of worth as a person; and to develop reliable and predictable relationships with other people, especially a few close friends and loved ones. Peer groups can have a negative or positive influence when it comes to their purposes. Gangs have been known to be negative peer groups that usually perform delinquent activities. On the other hand, fraternities are known to be positive educational groups that help nurture the community. A gang is a perfect example of a delinquent peer group. A gang is a group of people, through the organization, formation, and establishment of an assemblage, that share a common identity. In current usage it typically denotes a criminal organization or else a criminal affiliation. A gang's purpose is usually to destroy other gangs and make money through crimes. Gangs began to flourish in Chicago and other large cities during the industrial era, when immigration and population shifts reached peak levels. Early in American history, gangs seem to have been most visible and most violent during periods of rapid population shifts. Their evolution has been characterized by an ebb and flow pattern that "at any given time more closely resembles that of, say, influenza rather than blindness," as Miller (1992:51) has observed. The United States has seen four distinct periods of gang growth and peak activity: the late 1800's, the 1920's, the 1960's, and the 1990's. Gang proliferation, in other words, is not a constant. In the modern era, youth gangs have been influenced by several trends. In the 1970's and 1980's, because of increased mobility and access to more lethal weapons, many gangs became more dangerous. Gang fights previously involving fists or brass knuckles increasingly involved guns. The growing availability of automobiles, coupled with the use of more lethal weapons, fueled the growth of drive-by shootings, a tactic that previously took the form of on-foot hit-and-run forays. Gangs of the 1980's and 1990's seem to have both more younger and more older members than before, more members with prison records or ties to prison inmates (, and more weapons of greater lethality. They are less concerned with territorial affiliations use alcohol and drugs more extensively, and are more involved in drug Some youth gangs appear to have been transformed into entrepreneurial organizations by the crack cocaine epidemic that began in the mid-1980. However, the extent to which they have become drug-trafficking organizations is unclear. Some youth groups, many of which are not considered bona fide gangs, are not seriously involved in illegal activities and provide mainly social opportunities for their membership. Some gangs seldom use drugs and alcohol, and some have close community ties. Joining a gang or entering a certain group is common for young children and teens. Some find it a necessity in order to gain recognition and fame whether in school or in other circles that they belong to. Others find joining a group "cool" while some feel the need to belong, especially those who lack attention or lack close human interaction with family members. Studies have shown that parental behavior can affect how likely teenagers are to join a gang or participate in gang delinquency. The young generation often craves for attention simply because they want to feel that what they do is given importance. These kids are still in their formative years and are still trying to search for their true identities. Sometimes, joining a gang gives them a chance to find out more about themselves because they are given an opportunity to showcase what they can do. For other teens, joining a gang is a form of rebellion. In other cases, some enter a gang because they have nothing else to do, are forced by other kids, or simply out of curiosity.
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Gang membership intensifies delinquent behavior. From the earliest to the most recent investigations, criminologists have consistently found that, when compared with youth who do not belong to gangs, gang members are far more involved in delinquency, especially serious and violent delinquency. Associating with delinquent peers also contributes to delinquency. Indeed, peer delinquency is one of the strongest predictors of delinquency that researchers have identified. College fraternities differ greatly from gangs and have had a history of being beneficial to the community. They are also very beneficial to members who are trying to better themselves and become positive leaders. There are known fraternal organizations which existed as far back as ancient Greece and Rome and analogous institutions in the late medieval period called confraternities, which were lay organizations allied to the Catholic Church. These confraternities evolved into purely secular fraternal societies such as Freemasonry, which in turn was used as a model for many modern fraternal orders and societies. There are many attributes that fraternities may or may not have, depending on their structure and purpose. Fraternities can have differing degrees of secrecy, some form of initiation or ceremony marking admission, formal codes of behavior, disciplinary procedures, very differing amounts of real property and assets. The only true distinction between a fraternity and any other form of social organization is the implication that the members freely associate as equals for a mutually beneficial purpose, rather than because of a religious, governmental, commercial, or familial bond, although there are fraternities dedicated to each of these topics. On most college campuses fraternities are divided into three groups such as social, professional and honorary. There are many advantages to joining a fraternity, which is why joining a fraternity is such a popular part of attending any college or university. Joining a fraternity has its social and academic purposes, but its greatest purpose is the lifelong friendships and the bond of brotherhood it gives you.

Greeks are very social, as fraternity houses participate in a number of social events throughout the school year, including intramural sports, dinners, dances, barbeques, homecoming parties, and Greek weeks. These events will offer you a good time and a perfect opportunity to meet with people of the opposite sex.

Yes, Greek life gives access to parties, but there are also many lifelong benefits of joining the Greek system outside of partying. Going Greek can help with leadership, scholarship, growth, graduation and investment, but it's something that is going to demand time and money. Yes, it may cost a lot but many agree it is well worth the price. Pledging can become pretty time consuming, but may be well worth it when you factor in the benefits of joining, as many Greek students will agree that joining a frat/sorority was one of the best things they did in College.

An opportunity is given to meet students with a wide variety of different backgrounds and interests as a member of a fraternity. It is a great way to network with people both during and after College. Since frats have chapters all over the country, members are always willing to lend a helping hand to a fellow brother. Some Greek organizations are so large, there are a couple hundred thousand members spread out through the country. This type of connection can really help you with landing that great job right out of College. A study conducted once found that 85% of Fortune 500 executives are members of a Greek organization.

Joining a fraternity can also be beneficial to academics. This may go against popular belief that the excessive partying of Greek Life can affect your grades and GPA. Fraternity and sorority communities encourage the development of high achievement in the scholastic department and most have a GPA requirement. With a wide range of backgrounds, members can help each other with peer tutoring and chapter study hours. Also, upperclassmen can advise you on the right courses to take, the professors and instructors to look for, and how to excel in a particular area of study.

Being a member of a Greek organization also helps build leadership qualities, as each member is usually assigned some specific duty or event. Every member of the fraternity contributes in one way, not only in helping each other out, but in running a national organization. Being an officer in a Greek organization will train you to manage a budget, motivate others, and run an effective meeting and to master public speaking. Not only are these skills useful in College, but they will be beneficial for the rest of your life. With all the leadership skills and community service a membership in a Greek organization provides, it will look great on any resume. Graduating from College is a large part of succeeding and getting a good job, but building strong leadership skills and making life long connections is just as important. Overall, participation in peer groups can determine the path one will take in life, whether it is good or bad. Though being a part of group gives one a sense of belonging, it may not be worth what comes along with it. Joining a gang is nothing more than a result of negative peer pressure, and leads to negative results. Positive peer groups can be the total opposite and are often beneficial to the community and most of all the members. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a part of a group of peers, as long as positive reinforcement is involved.

Works Cited

Mayes, Sharon. "Serious Delinquency and Gang Membership." Http// 24 Apr. 2003. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. .

Walker PhD, Cheequa. "Both Peer and Parent Behaviors Affect Teen Gang Activity." Wikipedia. 21 Nov. 2001. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. .

Kingsbury, Kathleen. "Which Kids Join Goings?" Http://www.timecnn. 12 Oct. 2007. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. .
Winters, Kale. "Fraternity." Fraternity. 10 Nov. 2010. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. .

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