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Why Children Join Gangs Essay

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Every single day, another person joins a gang and every single day many people do not bother to figure out what pushes them to do so. Most gang members tend to be adolescents. Originally, gang activity only existed in cities but are now also in the smaller towns. There are over 300,000 young adults in gangs in the United States. There are also more that are not accounted for. Young adults join gangs for many different reasons. They join not realizing what the group actually does. Many adults and parents do not approve nor understand why children join these groups. Adolescents seek help and acceptance from gangs because of the social, economic, and cultural influences in their community.

One major social factor that influence adolescents into …show more content…
How well one does academically and mentally in school is very important. Not everyone can handle what happens in and with schools. At the same time, one has to ask "what is the quality of the educational system and what quality of graduates are being produced” (Bryan). In a situation like such, young adults tend to stress much more and may resort to negative things that may impact them immensely. If the school system is very broke down, then they get the urge to quit. What makes it worse is if they are in a school surrounded by people who do not care about their future or the teachers do not care to actually teach. This puts them into a dilemma, where they have to figure whether they are going to be different and have a better life than their peers or if they will live the same life. Many choose to join gangs because they see no future for themselves. A fact is, that "insecurity impacts people's well-being in a challenging economic environment, which if not, provided for, can escalate crime and violence" (Bryan). By insecure, Bryan is talking about education wise. If one does not believe in themselves then resort to something more negative to make up for that confidence that they do not have. In reality, there are more than just one factor that cause young adults to join

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