Pelly's Argumentative Essay: Concussions In Football
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A concussion is a word that nearly all hear and think uncomplicated head injury that recovers within a certain amount of time, but it isn’t as easy as the ABC’s. They actually manifest in all diversity from most minor to most major. Nevertheless, they all need to be acted upon as if it was worst-case scenario. Which concludes many situations from football season to basketball season. Eric Pelly is one that should have taken the word “concussion” more seriously. With his insistent mind in football, all he wanted to do was thrive as a young athlete. Lacking the fact that concussions could get in the way someday, he continuously didn’t tell his parents about many of his concussions. As a result of his unjustifiable action, he had a capacious knock out that will never be forgotten his junior year. The week of school he returned, Pelly didn’t seem like himself. Many of his friends said, “ Eric was never the same again. I couldn’t have regular conversation with him anymore because he was never focused.” The exact same thing happened when he was home one night eating supper with his family, except “his eyes rolled back and he clutched his fists” as Rolling Stones article, This is your Brain on Football, testifies. Now, the Pelly family suffers from this long-term…show more content… The straightforward setup of the brain can effortlessly answer this question. Inside the human body, past the skull, the brain is a critical part in each and everyone’s life. It’s very mushy and responsive to actions making it the command system of the mortal frame. The result of the skull not being able to stabilize the brain fully is the reason concussions arise. Statistics from “News in Health” show that more than 1 million mild brain injuries come to pass nation wide each year. All these incidents aren’t particularly just from sports. In fact, they also transpire through car crashes, accidental falls, and and-or any kind of bang to the