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Pentermine Vs Adipex Research Paper

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Words 1021
Pages 5
Weight loss market is progressing each day because the number of customers are increasing who seeks safe and effective weight loss treatment. Some people without knowing about certain brand or generic purchase the product for weight loss, even though it wasn’t meant for their body system.

Which is why it is important to study briefly about the weight loss formula you are going to use. Not everything but as you see Google is full of information about almost everything. A little knowledge won’t hurt anybody and it will provide you chances of getting safe weight loss treatment.

Phentermine vs. Adipex

Most of the people knows about phentermine and adipex, one of the effective appetite suppressant and weight loss brands. These medications are …show more content…
These medications are acquired on prescription which is another common thing between them.
As far as the duration of action concerns, pure phentermine delivers relatively prolong effects to the users. Adipex on the other hand take couple of days to get stored in a person’s body and then provide effects according to patient’s health condition. Not to mention these two drugs can also results in severe health complication to which you must have to visit a general health care practitioner.

Side Effects of Adipex- With Precautions
Like majority of pharmaceutical drugs, adipex has a list of side effects which mainly involves diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, constipation and blurred vision. Any person who is allergic to any component of adipex should not use until your doctor says so. Also, patient suffering from these medical conditions should not also take adipex.
Cardiovascular disease like Angina, Infarction or Heart Failure
Hyperthyroidism (Abnormal secretion of thyroid

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