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In: Philosophy and Psychology
Perceptual Development 331
Perceptual Development
Mohammad Abdul Shabazz-Marsh Fayetteville State University
Instructor: Chris Ike Ph.D. November 21, 2012
ABSTRACT The current study examined the individual and joint effects of the Developing Child personality traits and acculturation on coping styles. Using the proposed framework of (Dammeijer, Schlundt, Chenault, Manni, & Anteunis, (2002), the relations among these variables were evaluated at the Developing level to exploit previously unexplored within perceptual skills. This approach emphasizes the unique expression of Nativism and Empiricism specific personality in a Perceptual Development stage in a single culture.
Perceptual Developing is not just a one area of a person’s life its throughout their life from a child throughout adulthood, we have to stress the point of Development. “Perception refers to the process of taking in, organizing, and interpreting sensory information. Perception is multimodal, with multiple sensory inputs contributing to motor responses (Bertenthal 1996)”. An infant is revolving his head in reaction to the illustration and acoustic cues of the vision of a face and the reverberation of a voice exemplify this type of perception. Intersensory redundancy, “the fact that the senses provide overlapping information is a cornerstone of perceptual development” (Bahrick, Lickliter, and Flom 2004)”.
Nativism is the view that certain skills or abilities are 'native' or hard-wired into the brain at birth. For example, one might argue that some moral intuitions are innate or those color preferences are innate. A less established argument is