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Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports

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Research shows that the public's opinion varies on the use of performance enhancing drugs, depending how they are used. Media has highlighted scandal after scandal in professional sports, and rest assured there are more headlines to come. Olympians have been stripped of their medals, athletes have been suspended, and Hall of Fame status has been denied due to use of these substances. Professional athletes are held in high esteem, being seen as role models and put on pedestals until a scandal comes out about them. No doubt there is much scrutiny and criticism surrounding these individuals, but there is another use of performance enhancing drugs that goes widely unnoticed. Students on college campuses around the nation are using prescription …show more content…
They are placed into a celebrity status that is almost god-like depending on their accomplishments regardless of what choices they have made to maintain their athletic edge, like taking performance enhancing drugs. When people's icons partake in such enhancers it's as if these people then have a tarnished view of them as though the athlete let them down personally. Yet these same people who are disappointed and point their fingers as they stand behind their all too familiar pulpit fail to realize that they just may have done a performance enhancing drug and justified it. Of course there are legal differences all around, but not always. To those who cannot operate well enough to start their day without a cup of coffee, using caffeine as their crutch, it could be said that even caffeine can be seen as a performance enhancing drug. The buck does not stop there, however, as there are caffeine pills! To certain individuals in university classes pulling overnighters to study for exams, caffeinated beverages or tablets may have eventually turned into taking Ritalin or Adderall to help maintain a high GPA. These same college educated individuals have justified their actions having weighed the risks and rewards. In other words, "And knowing full well that what I was doing could be nothing better than against the rules (and less importantly, illegal), I did what I felt I needed to do, to accomplish what was demanded of me. And it worked." as William Moller deduced in his essay, "We the Public, Place the Best Athletes on Pedestals." Consider now the pressures these athletes face regarding their performance and the outcome of them. Of course there are differences between drinking a Coca-Cola to stay awake to study and injecting steroids to be stronger on a

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