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Should Performance Enhancing Drugs Be Banned In Sports

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The Unbalanced Scale of Banned Substances and Sports
Lolita Sampson
American Military University

The Unbalanced Scale of Banned Substances and Sports There are over 2000+ recognized sports across the globe and the first reported drug abuse incident occurred in the late 1890s (Lajis, n.d.). Many sports have been played for centuries where their tactics have been mastered by the competing athletes. This is what separates a novice from a professional. Some athletes choose to elude the sporting guidelines and seek ergogenic aids, to include banned substances in order to win. Winning or losing determines a continuous paycheck, scholarships, athletic contracts and sponsored endorsements. The scale is unbalanced in relation to banned …show more content…
Gary I. Wadler, MD says, “For the past 15 years, I have attempted to focus attention on the cascading problem of drugs in sports. Drug testing is at a crossroads...the point where everyone agrees--at last that something must be done. Doping is a matter of ethics, which affects not only Olympic athletes but also youth, high school, college and professional athletes. The fact is doping threatens to undermine the ethical and physical wellbeing of children. Clearly most athletes, especially Olympic athletes, serve as positive role models, shaping the behavior of our youth. Regrettably, there is a negative ripple effect from those who resort to doping. We cannot allow performance-enhancing drugs to undermine the Olympic Movement. We cannot allow another generation of young people to approach adulthood with a pervading sense of cynicism, and a belief in the power of chemical manipulation rather than the power of character. Now is the time for an independent and accountable anti-doping agency, nationally and internationally, built on a best-practices model with topnotch due process protections and broad stakeholder input, especially from athletes. New doping control measures must be rooted in sport ethics and values; they must flow from athlete agreement; they must respect athletes' rights to privacy; and they must be independently, accountably and fairly administered. We need to use drug-free athletes as role models and to marshal the force of parents and the media. When it comes to eliminating doping in sports, there can be no compromise, no middle ground, and not rhetorical acrobatics. We must go for the gold. Our athletes and the public deserve no less (ProCon,

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