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Review Of Sharon Creech's 'Walk Two Moons'

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In chapter 14 through 17 in the book walk two moons, by Sharon Creech, one conclusion that can be made about how Phoebe and Prudence treat is that they don’t always treat Mrs. Winterbottom with respect. To prove this in chapter 17, page 96 the author wrote “‘No, you’re not.’ ‘I am, I am, I am!’ Phoebe shouted at her mother.” This prove my conclusion because phoebe was shouting and shouting is usually disrespectful when there’s not an emergency. Also your mother and father do everything for you. For example they buy you food, give you a place to sleep, and always help or try to help you through things. Also in chapter 17, page 97 the author wrote, “Phoebes sister, Prudence, stormed in the house slamming the door behind her. ‘I blew it, I just

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