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Perimeter Network Security System


Submitted By nass2000
Words 15276
Pages 62
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Taking advantage of Ext3 journaling file system in a forensic investigation


Copyright SANS Institute
Author Retains Full Rights

Taking advantage of Ext3 journaling file system in a forensic investigation

fu ll r igh ts.

Taking advantage of Ext3 journaling file system in a forensic investigation




GCFA Gold Certification
Author: Gregorio Narváez,
Adviser: Paul Wright





Accepted: December 30 , 2007









Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46

Gregorio Narváez
© SANS Institute 2007,

As part of the Information Security Reading Room

Author retains full rights.

Taking advantage of Ext3 journaling file system in a forensic investigation

1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Lab Setup .................................................................................................................................... 3
2. EXT3FS JOURNAL FUNDAMENTALS......................................................................................... 4

fu ll r igh ts.

2.1 Journal Life Cycle....................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 File Deletion Process: Ext2 Vs Ext3.......................................................................................... 9
3. FILE RECOVERY USING EXT3 FS JOURNAL ........................................................................ 13

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