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Personal Narrative: A Day At The Soccer Field

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It all started on a dark, cold, early Monday morning at the moist and cold soccer field for my first high school practice. Soccer was always my favorite sport even though I was better at other sports. Soccer was always more enjoyable because my teammates were so much fun to be around and it was physical, my favorite part. Both my mom and my sister always told me that you can never be too prepared for something challenging. The rest of my teammates had already started running months earlier and I haven't even ran a mile since eighth grade. I especially thought it was going to be easy when I found out that my coach was also my youth leader at church. He was super nice and never raised his voice or got frustrated. At this point in my life I thought …show more content…
He also added, “However, many people don’t make it, that is how many sprints we have to run after.” As expected, everyone made it on the first try. But for coach that wasn’t fast enough. He made us do it again and he made the time a whole minute shorter. The only people that made it was the people that stayed in shape after track season the year before. We didn't really know the amount of people but it was more than any of us had time to count, Because coach already screamed, “ON THE GOAL LINE!”even though it's my first year, I still knew that it meant we were doing sprints. “TWEEET!” We all took off sprinting to where coach was at, the twenty yard line. “Again… TWEEET!” We were about halfway in, when i started to feel my stomach bubbling like an active volcano about to erupt. Every time he blew the whistle I started to feel worse and worse. I tried my hardest to not be the first one to throw up cause I knew I was not the only person in pain. Three sprints later, a junior, Derek, finally gave out and puked on the field. Right after he let chunks fly me and multiple other people let it all out on the field. When I puked, the only chunks that flew out was the bacon and the pancakes, the rest was orange juice and syrup from the breakfast in the morning. The taste it put in my mouth tasted like soggy bread and flavored cough medicine, the worst combo ever. Apparently intensity was the key to puking your guts out not

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