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Personal Narrative-All Quiet On The Western Front

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I had been delighted when ex-General Stine had ordered me to head this force, as it represented to all who lusted his position that he had chosen me to be his successor. It meant that I would soon inherit his position as head of forces in Rossford, the leading town in the region, and even better; it meant that I had a chance to be recommended to his past comrades if I shined enough. It made perfect sense as my quick wit in warfare had quickly set me apart from others in training and even now from the other Captains of the Guard. All in all, it was my ticket for greatness, the first step that would be recorded down in my legacy as the move that would quickly rise me to become the 3rd GLORY in the kingdom.

So someone explain to me why THE FUCK THIS WAS HAPPENING?!?

We were meant to be the vindictive force who would clear the bandits who had recently began targeting our patrols as the fat cats to rob. And yet the …show more content…
Worse still, some wore our Armor, basically identifying this force as the one who attacked our patrols, which only meant that we could not run from this battle. I didn't want to show fear but my body betrayed me in the worst of times as I began shaking, the sounds only amplified from my metal Armor clanging together. Though it seemed ok as I was in the safe due to the sounds of swords being drawn and shouts being shouted, blanketing the noise. I was only 18, fresh out of training, which meant that while I could fight bandits on equal footing, it was another matter when it was other beings. Especially eerie ones like skeletons: how do you even kill them in the first place? The men around me started shoving ways as some tried to push to the front, God knows why, but it was perfect as I used that force to push myself backwards while not looking like I was retreating. If I made it to the back, I had a chance to run if it started going

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