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Personal Narrative Essay: Is It Worth The Fire?

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We didn't know how the fire had started or how it happened. Just leaving some unanswered questions and a dull living room that needs to be cleaned. I was a little impressed on how my parents manage to get only one room to take the damage, even I wouldn't have known what to do in that type of situation. Usually you would think fire spreads quickly considering a house is made entirely out of wood, but in my case, I guess we were pretty lucky.

My parents suggested me and my siblings should help on what the fire damaged in the room while the firetruck is on their way. Honestly, I get on having to go back and take any items that survived, but why start cleaning on something that’s going to be rebuilt later on? Before we went into the living room, our parents stopped us giving us strange clothing. The clothes would cover the whole body showing only the face. It was more of a white baggy jumpsuit than some helpful suit. Not cool I …show more content…
It isn’t my room we are cleaning…”,I retorted taking the outfit. My mom didn’t replied back and continued giving the leftovers. I sighed and slipped into the suit and started to head for the living room.

Scratch that. It looked worst than I thought. It was more than a burned room. It looked like the fire blew away the colors of the paint on the wall. The wet smoky smell still lingers the whole room. I scrunched my nose and decided to dive in searching anything that can still work. The outcome of the small exploration wasn’t surprising at all, the fire had eaten almost all handy things. All there’s left is starting cleaning the big mess. I went to the kitchen to get a trash bag and ran back. I squat down and sighed again. Might as well pick up every litter in here, but it would be too much work also. I looked through every litter and put in bag and

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