...American National Government: Federal Constitution & Topics FIRST EIGHT-WEEK TERM: JANUARY 20, 2015-MARCH 15, 2015 GOVERNMENT 2305 CRN 45284 or 45285 EAGLE ONLINE 2, INTERNET HCCS DISTANCE EDUCATION SYLLABUS SPRING 2015 Professor: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: John Ben Sutter, M.A., J.D. 713.718.7112 (It is much better to e-mail me than to phone me!) 713.718.7312 EAGLE ONLINE 2 email or johnben.sutter@hccs.edu Office Address: John Ben Sutter, Government Professor Houston Community College, Southeast College 6815 Rustic Houston, TX 77087 REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: American Politics Today: Third Essentials Edition, by William T. Bianco and David T. Canon, published by W.W. Norton, publication date of 2013. The paperback version’s ISBN is 978-0-393-92106-9. The textbook is available through the HCC Bookstore online or in the HCC Bookstore on the Eastside campus in loose leaf form. You can lease an ebook version of the textbook from the publisher, W.W. Norton, at http://books.wwnorton.com/books/detail.aspx?ID=4294974176. You can lease an e-book version of the textbook from the publisher, W.W. Norton, at http://books.wwnorton.com/books/detail.aspx?ID=4294974176. Recommended Books: Study guides are available online which track the material in American Politics Today: Essentials Edition and can be purchased from the HCC Bookstore or from the publisher. *Adam Robinson, What Smart Students Know: Maximum Grades, Optimum Learning, Minimum Time (outstanding study tips;...
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...6:00pm-7:00pm IMPORTANT COLLEGE DATES Course Start Date:|1/23/2012| Drop with 100% refund|| Withdraw with “W” grade|| Course End Date:|5/3/2012| Additional critical dates for this course are available at http://www.fscj.edu/current/calendar/index.html. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course emphasizes the African, European, and Native American backgrounds, the Revolution, the Articles of Confederation, the U.S. Constitution, problems of the new republic, sectionalism, westward expansion, slavery, and the Civil War. REQUIRED TEXTS AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Carter, C., Amos, J., & Schuchman, S. J. (2009). United States history to 1865 (2nd ed). Jacksonville, FL: Florida Community College at Jacksonville, SIRIUS. ISBN13: 978-0-07-734717-8 LEARNING OUTCOMES The primary objective of this course is to explore the subject matter of the field and to become familiar with the vocabulary and concepts of the field. When you finish this course, you will be able to · Read, analyze, organize, interpret and synthesize facts and information connected to the history of the United States · Evaluate how the development of an American identity has affected the social, political, and economic growth of the United States · Explain the historical contexts for understanding current issues and events · Integrate United States history and world history Specific Topic Learning Objectives Specific learning objectives are found within each chapter. Use the objectives to identify...
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...Central Ohio Technical College Institute for Public Safety Law Enforcement Technology Autumn Semester, 2013 August 21 through December 11, 2013 Class Syllabus Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice Course Number: LET-100 Instructor: Bob Cromwell, MS BBA C: (740)258-0800 Office hours by appointment only. email: rcromwel@cotc.edu Required Materials: Textbook(s): Frank Schmalleger. (2014) Criminal justice: a brief introduction (10th edition). NJ: Pearson Education. ISBN: 978-0-13-300979-8 Packets: Not required Supplies: Any materials students may need to record information in face to face classroom setting AND access to internet for research projects. Additional Materials: None. Closed Reserve: None. ITS Resources: http://www.cotc.edu/faculty-and-staff/it-support/Pages/index.aspx Student Services: http://www.cotc.edu/student-life/Pages/default.aspx Library: http://www.cotc.edu/libraries/Pages/default.aspx College-Wide Policies: 1. Assessment -- As part of COTC’s campus-wide assessment initiatives (quality assurance program), samples of student performance such as test results, projects, papers, etc. may be used. The data gathered will not identify individual students and are not related to the student’s grade for the course, but will be used to improve student learning at COTC. 2. Disability -- Any student who...
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...classes has been lab reports. I also have not had an English class since my senior year of high school, so I have not had to write many papers since then. In these previous English classes, most of the writing has been research papers. Comparing this project to previous projects in other English classes, I have had much more flexibility in the topic to write about and I feel that in this class, the project topic is much more applicable to me and my interests, being that it was about my future career. Previously, I did not have much knowledge on different citation systems, how to correctly cite, and for example,...
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...Amanda Germain Mrs. Leeker ENG111 2/25/14 Poverty and Homelessness: An Annotated Bibliography. “Black Parents Demand ‘World-Class’ Education, Too.” Washington Informer. 20. Mar 2013. ProQuest. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. In the article ‘World-Class Education’, it said that education need to be affordable for the community of African American. Some African American children are dropout which had damaged the community. Without education, the middle class people would not be able to sustain their family which can lead to society loss. Parents need to back their children education and to avoid them from dropping out of school. The source wants the middle-class to educate themselves so that they could have greater life for themselves and their family. It pressure parents and children to get educated. I would use this article for my research paper because it explain how lack of education lead to poverty and homelessness. It also discussed the importance of education in the African American community and how it can prevent poverty and homelessness. This source is credible because it demanded quality education for the middle class and African American. The author had written many articles about education in the middle-class communities. Many of these articles could be find in the education database at the Nova library. Doak J. Melissa. Ed. “Money, Income, and Poverty Status.’ Minorities: Race and Ethnicity in America. 2012. Detroit: Gale, 2013. Information...
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...Denial of Civil Rights: African Americans and Native Americans The research for your paper should include information from the videos on line, class discussion, your Text, American, A Narrative History and the primary documents in For the Record. These documents include but are not limited to the following: “Black Codes of Mississippi (1865) p.4, “Klan Terrorism in South Carolina”, p.12, “A Sharecrop Contract (1882)p. 23, “Plessy V. Ferguson” p. 25, “A Century of Dishonor (1881) p.37, and “The Dawes Act” (1877)p.39. The paper must be submitted to the Turnitin site by February 13, 2014. Information on how to set up a Turnitin account is located on the library page. Your enrollment password is history 2 and your class ID is 7613496. The Constitution of the United States clearly states that all persons born in in the United States are citizens and entitled to due process and equal treatment under the law. However, for both African Americans and Native Americans in the post-Civil War era this proved to be an elusive goal. In this paper you are to explain how and why these groups were denied their rights. Make sure that you include specific examples from the sources listed above. I will use the following point system to grade your paper. Clearly stated thesis paragraph (10) points Sufficient support for the thesis with accurate historical examples which are detailed and specific (60 points) Paper is logically organized and uses connecting strategies effectively...
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...Possible Term Paper Topics and Instructions You will research, prepare, and write a 10-15 page term paper for this class. You have two choices as to how you can approach this paper: Track A and Track B. Regardless of which “track” you choose, the same general guidelines and expectations apply to all papers. The topics listed below do not define the entire universe of subjects available to you. If you have another idea for a paper topic, check it out with me. Once you select a topic, and I would suggest that this be done promptly, stop by my office to discuss your research endeavor. Track A: Issue-centered paper. Those choosing this track will research and write a paper on a specific issue of constitutional law. The paper will focus on the Court’s treatment of an issue and competing perspectives on it (both on and off the Court), and provide an evaluation and critique of those perspectives. It will culminate in a defense of its own thesis. Possible topics include: • The history, functions, and uses of one of the various “technical barriers” • Scope and limits of the presidential power to pardon • Federalism as a value in the Warren and post-Warren Supreme Court • Federalism as a constitutional concept in the Rehnquist Court • How far did the Rehnquist Revolution in federalism go? • The constitutional status of the War Powers Act (1973) • The concept of Executive Privilege • Are there limits to the...
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...In this paper, I want to focus on Immigrant Students in Secondary Schools. As a previous high school immigrant when I first arrived in United States, I have experience numerous difficulties in school that I would never forget. In addition, I believe immigrant students of secondary school can face major difficulties in learning English and succeeding in school. Since these students do not have a lot of time than elementary students to learn English, and they have to pass several test that require English skill such as the ACT and SAT. Above all, most secondary school texts and materials require a sufficient English reading ability to understand, which will even make learning experience becoming even tougher for high school immigrant. Before going into detail, lets take a look at the statistics of the United States’ immigration in the past few decades. According to U.S Bureau of the Census 1997a statistic, over a million immigrants, legal and illegal, entering the United States each year. And since the passage of the Immigration Act of 1965, which eliminated national origin quotas. Europe is no longer the main sources of newcomers to the United States but instead of Asia and Latin America. The largest groups come from Mexico, China, Cuba, and Vietnam. In the fall of 1997, 9 million (about one in five) elementary and secondary school students had a foreign born parents. With over 90% of recent immigrants coming from non English speaking countries, schools are increasingly...
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...reading. $2.00 (paper). Reviewed by L. L. LANGNESS University o f California This volume grew out of a series of Staff Seminars on Social Change and Human Behavior held at the National Institute of Mental Health during 1970. The ten papers that comprise the collection are almost uniformally both interesting and worthwhile, but they do not, together, make up a particularly coherent or useful book. Papers by Jerome S. Bruner (“The Uses of Immaturity”) and Sherwood L. Washburn (“Aggressive Behavior and Human Evolution”) have the evolution of behavior as their major theme. Alan Lomax contributed a paper on cultural evolution (“The Evolution of Culture and Expressive Style: A Comparative Approach to Social Change”). Robert J. Lifton’s effort (“Psychological Man in Revolution: The Struggle for Communal Resymbolization”) deals with the “breakdown of certain communal symbols that have sustained human societies up t o now” and the dangers inherent in a mental health model that depends upon the assumption of social stability. In his essay (“Cognitive Control of Perceptual Processes”), Herbert A. Simon deals with recent research on “the magical number seven” which takes him into memory, mental imagery, information-processing, cognition, and emotion. W. Cody Wilson (“The American Experience with Pornography”) describes the problems encountered by the U.S. Commission on Obscenity and Pornography as an example in changing public policy. Similarly, Lorrin M. Koran (“American Responses to Heroin...
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... ISBN: 978-0073526379 Taking Sides, 18th ed, Mckenna ISBN: 978-0078050329 Course Objectives: 1. Identify the theoretical foundations and the applications of the American political system. 2. Analyze major political institutions: the presidency, bureaucracy, Congress, Judiciary, elections, political parties, and interest groups. 3. Examine and assess the implementation of democracy, including the different perspectives of elitism, pluralism, and majoritarianism. 4. Evaluate the role of the mass media in the political process. 5. Identify and discuss political culture and the function of political socialization. 6. Compare and contrast the relationship of federal and state governmental systems and processes with emphasis on California. 7. Evaluate and analyze the interdependence of economics and politics. 8. Distinguish between civil rights and civil liberties and their evolution in American society. 9. Assess the federal and state judicial systems and their impact on public policy. 10. Examine and discuss the process of public policy making in relation to international and domestic policy issues. 11. Assess the concept and implementation of citizenship. 12. Analyze issues of race, ethnicity, class, age, and gender as they relate to the distribution of power in the political process. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. In a multiple choice test, students will demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles of the United...
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...------------------------------------------------- <Faculty Name> <Grade Earned> <Date Graded> What are the Business practices in retail and wholesale firework sales for the State of Washington Tribes? Writing up your Topical Research and Doctoral Learning Plan Marjoree Corless Northcentral University The Business Practices in Retail and Wholesale Firework Sales for the State of Washington Tribes This paper examines the legal rights that American Indians/Tribes have on their tribal lands when they are attempting to promote and develop economic developments in their communities, with a particular emphasis on the sale of fireworks. The paper will examine the hierarchy and relationship of agencies involved in the economic development practices for Tribes, and how the small entrepreneurial businesses, such as fireworks is Indian Country can be achieved. This paper attempts to demonstrate and support the hypothesis that economic developments for tribes are essential for American Indian people to become self-sufficient. Background Tribes that are federally recognized and are exercising their governmental authority over their Tribal lands inside the states they reside in. Also, according to the 2010 Census, the American Indian population was at 5.2 million people which were a total 1.7 percent of the entire population, in the...
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...Journal of Business Case Studies – Second Quarter 2006 Volume 2, Number 2 Case Studies In Marketing Research Donald K. Hsu, (Email: yanyou@hotmail.com), Dominican College ABSTRACT The use of case studies for Marketing Research has been examined. Starting with a topic selection, students collected the background information from various sources. A focus group was conducted to gather detailed information. A questionnaire was designed for an in-depth survey of the general public. Using mall intercept, 100 or more convenient samples were collected from the questionnaire. SPSS software was used to analyze this data. Then a final report with possible recommendations was written. During the course of this research, students made face-to-face interview with senior managers or CEO, selected appropriate Harvard Business School cases, did research using Internet or library resources, and added much real-life learning to the theoretical in-class knowledge. INTRODUCTION V ase studies in Marketing Research have attracted much interest for global researchers. During the last two years, participants at the European Applied Business Research Conference presented findings in marketing related topics: 56 papers in 2003 and 25 papers in 2004. Out of the 81 papers, 24 reported work on marketing research. Cho and Ha (2004) measured consumer behavior by surveying 300 people on two brand names, Chow et al (2003) studied the environment friendly (eco-label) issues on the...
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...Improving Quality and Value in the U.S. Health Care System By: Niall Brennan, Nicole Cafarella, S. Lawrence Kocot, Aaron McKethan, Marisa Morrison, Nadia Nguyen, Mark Shepard and Reginald D. Williams II Share on email Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on linkedin More... Share on google_plusone_share Share on stumbleupon Share on reddit Share on print Executive Summary The U.S. health care system faces significant challenges that clearly indicate the urgent need for reform. Attention has rightly focused on the approximately 46 million Americans who are uninsured, and on the many insured Americans who face rapid increases in premiums and out-of-pocket costs. As Congress and the Obama administration consider ways to invest new funds to reduce the number of Americans without insurance coverage, we must simultaneously address shortfalls in the quality and efficiency of care that lead to higher costs and to poor health outcomes. To do otherwise casts doubt on the feasibility and sustainability of coverage expansions and also ensures that our current health care system will continue to have large gaps — even for those with access to insurance coverage. There is broad evidence that Americans often do not get the care they need even though the United States spends more money per person on health care than any other nation in the world. Preventive care is underutilized, resulting in higher spending on complex, advanced diseases. Patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension...
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...Essay Below is a free essay on "African American's Journey" from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. “African American’s Journey to Freedom” Charity Johnson HIS204: American History since 1865 Instructor: Leslie Ruff February 11, 2013 “African American’s Journey to Freedom” To some African Americans it may seem ironic that The United States of America is known as “the land of the free” considering that majority of their ancestors entered the US as slaves. African Americans were brought to North America via the middle passage which originated during the fifteenth century. They were enslaved for approximately 400 hundred years until the end of the Civil War in 1865. Although African Americans were enslaved in America, they were determine to survive and one day be freed in this great country. During The African American’s journey to freedom several significant events took place which was inclusive of but not limited to: The Civil Rights Movement of 1865-1877, Separate but Equal Legislation (Plessy vs. Ferguson court case) in 1896, The Harlem Renaissance of 1920, Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954, The March on Washington Movement of 1963, and The Black Power Movement of the late 1960s and 1970. I will discuss the significance of these events in relation to the African American journey to freedom and how they have help shape American society today. THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT OF 1865-1877 Frequently when one hears of the Civil Rights...
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...Research Problem and Method Paper In the late 19th century an influx of immigrants to the United States—mostly Irish, Italians, Jews, and Poles—prompted a public campaign to socialize the norms, values, and languages of these immigrants through the use of the public school system (Brandon, Taliaferro Baszile & Berry, 2009; Schaefer, 2006). It was believed that such a cultural transition from the immigrant’s native tongue to the monolingual, English structure of the American public school system would aid in the academic, and later when they became adults, the economic development of the students. Notwithstanding, today there is a new inflow of immigrants from Latin America—Mexico in particular—Asia, and Puerto Rico who do not speak English as their primary language, and the predominant response of the U.S. public school system is the use of translators in the classroom (Parker, Rubalcava & Teruel, 2005). I propose a research study design to isolate the utility of monolingual—with translator—and bilingual education to the assimilation of information by students from grades 3-5 in the public school system. The remainder of this paper will examine the interplay between language and education, the relationship between race/ethnicity and socialization in contemporary American culture, and the research design proposed to investigate the aforementioned interactions. Language and Education For those immigrants coming to America that do not speak English, the overwhelmingly...
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