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Personal Narrative: Extreme Baseball

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Extreme Baseball

Crack! The bat makes contact with the ball. “Wahoo!” Everyone on the bench is screaming with excitement. The next aggressive batter is up on the plate and everyone is really hyped. Boom! Everyone became silent. Immediately, everyone stood up and hollered with so much excitement. Devin (are best player) hit another homerun. His second, this season and we only played three games. We all kept cheering, but the game is not over yet.
“We need to hit some more!” we all shouted loudly.
In an instant, “Back at it again!” Coach yelled. Someone else hit a homerun as well. He hit an inside the park homerun. Everyone on are team was going crazy. Kids on the other had their heads down and was feeling embarrassed. At first, I felt pretty bad for them but they still fought and scored some runs on us …show more content…
But, they didn’t they tried but we have a really good pitcher named Keenan. Keenan was at least in the top three best pitchers in the league. He pitches really fast and our team is really lucky to have him on our team Longlines. Also, we have another at least top 3 pitcher in the league named Devin. They both pitch really fast but if I would have to say Devin is a faster and more accurate pitcher than Keenan. Also, Devin is faster at sprinting then Keenan but Keenan still can run pretty good. While Keenan was pitching Devin was playing catcher. We ended winning that game 12-3 after Devin and Keenan both scored for our team. I never, will never forget the game we hit two homeruns. I had the worst mood swing ever. I was in a sad mood, excited mood, and positive mood though out the whole game. By the time our team was in a huddle coach gave the game ball to Hayden another kid on our team. He got the game ball because he launched the ball from left field to home plate to make the out. I felt great that we won but I didn’t do so much so I’m going to be practicing every day if I

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