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Personal Narrative: How Nothing Has Affected My Life

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I can say with complete confidence that nothing has affected my life as much as being in the Boy Scouts of America. During my time in scouts, I have been able to watch myself grow as a person in uncountable ways. Looking back to when I first joined scouts in sixth grade, I remember a boy who was extremely shy, secluded, and had very few good friends. I can also remember looking to the troop’s Senior Patrol Leader with a sense of awe. There, standing in front of the room was someone to look up to. Although only a few years older than myself, this youth leader seemed ancient with wisdom, confidence, and ability; he seemed to have total and perfect control over the troop, and word of direction that came from his mouth was to be followed. As the years went by I took on more and more leadership in the troop, and soon, I found myself in that very position. Over the past year, I served in the highest youth leadership position in scouts, which was an experience that gave me a chance to develop my leadership and social skills in ways that I could have only imagined previously. …show more content…
Already I had held other leadership positions in the troop, formed strong friendships with my fellow scouts, and earned the rank of Eagle Scout, but anything I gained from scouting before my time as SPL seems small compared to what I gained that year. As I finished my tenth-grade year, I was still somewhat shy and still lacked a bit of confidence in myself. Even the short speech that I had to give when running in the election to become SPL made me rather nervous. Fortunately, I was able to muster the confidence to give this speech, and before I knew it I had won the election; over the next year, I would be the SPL of my

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