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Personal Narrative: Moving Away

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It was summer of 2011 I was probably riding my bike or swimming with friends when my mom called me to come inside because it was getting late and it was time to eat dinner. My mom had the kids sit down and we talked about Maryland then my mom mentioned moving and my stomach had dropped. At that point I was thinking about my friends and family I would be leaving, and the fact that I had just finished signing up for my first year of tackle football a few weeks before.

After a few days of being silent, upset, sad, and angry all at once while ignoring my parents I had decided there was nothing I could do to stop my family from moving even after hours on hours of begging. Within days of finding out we had already started packing and moving boxes on top of boxes into the big yellow moving truck. …show more content…
Two fast days had gone by it was time to send my friends home. My family had left within days as we set off for a long ride that lasted more than 24 hours. It was painful physically and mentally because I would be leaving everything I knew and also because the Suburban was crowded.

On our way there I had a little bit of fun every time we stopped because we would go to an open field at a rest stop and play catch or just on the playground equipment. On our arrival my aunt, uncle, and cousin had all been waiting for us and helped us unload. Later I started football in Maryland on the Crofton Cardinals, my team was in the 3rd bracket in our grade but we played hard and eventually made ourselves up to the 1st ranked bracket for our grade and went on to the playoffs but lost first round we had been so mad but proud at the same

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