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Personal Narrative: My Army Story

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When reflecting upon my Army story I begin with the necessity and desire to get out of my parents’ home and make something of myself. I worked hard in high school and always earned goods grades but after graduating high school I realized I had absolutely no plan for the next chapter of my life. As a child born into a family with somewhat of a military history I decided to give what my dad called “the service” or just the military as most young adults see it. I found the Air Force and the Army as my logical choices for a future early on. I was familiar with the Army recruiter from school visits and found him to be quite cool and very impressionable and not what I thought a soldier had to be. Despite my in counter with the Army recruiters I still …show more content…
My next choice was easy go talk to that cool Army recruiter I met at my high school and see what career options were possible. Within no time I knocked out the ASVAB and became qualified for a job of my liking, that being an information technology specialist. Six months’ after taking my oath of enlistment I shipped out to basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia. I quickly realized that I enjoyed the structure provided by the Army and the physical demands unlike any I had previous undergone in my entire life. The constant running as well as additional physical exercise and training was a whole new world to me but one I quickly learned to enjoy. From the very beginning and even to this very day the feeling of knowing I could not quit or give up, kept me going through each and every challenge until graduation. Upon the completion of basic training I moved on to my advanced individual training at Fort Gordon, Georgia where I would this time be equipped with all the tools necessary to be an efficient and well trained information technology

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