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Theoretical Foundation: Immigrant Student Analysis

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The reason that many people go and acquire an education is to make something of them selves, to get a good job, many even go to the extent of obtaning a college/university degree. The main purpose of education is to give people enough knowledge to go out and obtain the job that they so desire. The people that are unable to obtain a education, or are unable are forced to go and work labor intensified jobs; which mainly require a high school degree, sometimes not even that. In Kim Eunyoung’s “Theoretical Foundation: Immigrant Student College Transition And Persistence” and Kimberly Griffin’s “Oh, Of Course I'm Going To Go To College" shows the hardships that immigrants have to endure to get into a college or to even to obtain a education. In …show more content…
Education is sometimes forced upon people by their parents, guardians, or someone else that is important to them, or wish for them to have a bright future. Sometimes individuals are kicked out school, or forced to leave school do to personal reasons. The students that are forced leave due expulsions are led into a life of struggle by the school system as they were the ones that were given up on. The school district should give every student enough chances that they would be able to obtain a high school diploma, and only let them leave until they choose to do so; so that they are the ones that had made the decision for themselves, instead of putting all the blame upon the school or the district. The ones that had chosen to leave school them selves had chosen this route they have either given up on themselves or saw a better life for themselves without …show more content…
Kim Eunyoung’s shows how immigrants are treated in “Theoretical Foundation: Immigrant Student College Transition And Persistence” shows how first and second-generation families encourage their children to go out and find an education, which could help shape their future; The article also helps to show the hardships that the families have in order for their children to gain the education that they desire. Many immigrant families have faced racism due to fact that they are “Asian and Latin American immigrants… [raise threats of] national security, disintegration of traditional American values.” (Kim Eunyoung’s, 26). The American population sees immigrants as being peats that are taking away American jobs, and are a threat to the nations security. The immigrants could have come from war torn countries, that have left everything behind with nothing in their pockets. But the American public will see them only as terrorist and a peats. This effects of this has a major impact on the education of immigrants, this conflicts the class-socialization of “culturally relevant skills, abilities, norms, and knowledge acquired primarily through family customs and education.” (Kim Eunyoung’s, 38). The family customs is very important to immigrants that’s the only thing that they have left, which effects how they will do in school. Their performance is closely related to how

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