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Personal Narrative: My Experience In The Bahamas

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It was November 2006, I was three years old. We were on our first cruise, to the Bahamas. My siblings and I jumped up and down and ran around. The first day on the ship was so fun. We played games, swam, ate food, and had a great time.
The second day was a disaster. My younger sister was throwing up and my mom stayed in the room all day taking care of her. My dad was ill too, but he still brought me and my older sister and brother to breakfast.
We waited in a humongous crowd to get into the restaurant. As I stood there, my patience began to run out, so I found something to do. I stuck my fingers through the crack in the side of the doorway and peeked in to see what was inside. No way! I can see the food from here, I thought. Little did I know,

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