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Personal Narrative: My Life As A Marine Corps

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My life has always been intertwined in the military in some way or another. My father served in the Army for 22 years and I followed in my mother’s footsteps by marrying into the military. My husband just retired from the Marine Corps after serving 15 dedicated years to our country. I have been through 6 deployments, 10 moves, 8 jobs, 3 children, an overseas tour, and one single marriage. We have survived this lifestyle through thick and thin. One of the roughest times that I have ever had to endure in my marriage and being a Marine Corps spouse was when I had to send my husband off to war for the first time. I remember it as though it were yesterday. The hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life, which would be sending my husband to …show more content…
I am navigating this with the same fortitude that I did in Active duty life. The thing that I noticed being a spouse in the Marine Corps was that there was always enough help out there but not from someone that had the same experiences that I had. People could always say to me, “I can imagine how you feel right now” but no one ever said to me “I know exactly how you feel right now and you are entitled to feel that way”. Military life is incredibly difficult. It is a system that is burdened with families that need help while being understaffed. Being married to the Marine Corps for 15 years, I saw this first hand. I knew that this problem existed but I wasn’t sure how I wanted to be a part in fixing the problem. So I decided that I wanted to become an active participant in helping to solve the problem by seeking out an education for counseling.
Not only did I live the military lifestyle, I worked within the system. One job that helped me realize what I wanted to do with my life was working at Hilltop Riding Stables at Fort Gordon, GA. I was the Operations Assistant for the stables. One of the programs that I fully enjoyed working was the Wounded Warrior Program (WWP). Fort Gordon is one of the main hubs for the Wounded Warrior Programs because Eisenhower Army Medical Center is located on the

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