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Personal Narrative: My Obstacles In My Life

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Growing up I met several obstacles in my life that I now appreciate because they were fundamental to my success. As a child, I lived with my mother and two of my brothers. We went through many challenges such as lounging at family member’s homes, living in a shelter, and moving to an unsafe neighborhood. When I grew older things were much better for my family and I but I still carry those hardship lessons with me. I have learned to be humble and grateful for everything that I’ve earned in life. When I was 4 years old me and my family moved from North Carolina to New York City. My mother decided to leave everything behind to remove us from the bad relationship she had with my father. We alternated staying with my grandparents to my aunt’s house until my mom got her life on track. Since I was young I didn’t understand what was going on. I was content that I had the chance to spend time with my family. What I remember the most is the relationships I grew with my …show more content…
By this time I was in kindergarten and my school was across the street from the shelter we lived in. I absolutely loved the school I was in. I had so many friends and none of them treated me any different from the other kids. My teacher was very nice and I was her favorite student. The most memorable time I can recall was when I was sitting with a boy from my school waiting for my brother to pick me up. We talked and we realized we stayed in the same shelter. I was excited to have someone in the same building as me. When my brother came me and the boy hugged and we exclaimed, “we’re homeless!” My brother was embarrassed and I didn’t know why. I didn’t know the word homeless has such a negative connotation. I was thankful that we had somewhere to live and that I was getting a nice education. Being in the shelter taught me love what I have and not compare myself to

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