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Personal Narrative: My Work Ethic

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Ever since I can remember, I have had some form of work ethic, or drive to earn my own money. My mom tells stories of when I was nine I would walk around family parties taking orders for drinks, or food. I would then deliver said food or drink, and request cash for tips to buy toys. When I was thirteen I took the typical job as a local babysitter. In high school I bussed or waited tables at a local restaurant, while working also as a lifeguard at the YMCA. My paychecks would go towards anything I wanted, never really saving for the future much to my mothers disdain. However she was always proud of my continuous work ethic, I always had a job.

When I became a life guard is when I realized I loved helping people as well as the thrill of saving …show more content…
My mom was less than thrilled with me since I had recently moved into my own apartment, but she agreed that the job needed to go, and offered to help pay my rent if need be. When I quit school however, she was beside herself. I explained to her that I wanted become a paramedic which we assumed was also a high paying job. I started looking into programs in which I could become a paramedic, quickly finding my school. I started school in January, and about 6 months later I had graduated and became an Emergency medical technician, which is one step below a paramedic. I also got a job as a home health aid to help with my income. I immediately went into the paramedic program following my graduation from EMT. I also had just turned 21 and was out enjoying my life as a typical 21 year old tends to do. Paramedic school was a 10 month course which in this case was one of the shortest courses offered, I figured I could handle it. We had a rule that if you didn’t reach a 74 by mid quarter you were dropped from the program. Unfortunately my grade was a 73.6 and I was dropped from the program. I felt completely defeated, it was one of the lowest moments of my life. I was so mad at myself that I had let partying and going out with my friends get In the way of my schooling. I understood then, that it was time for a change. I quit my job again, and told all my friends that when I started school I was going to be completely committed. Fortunately my teacher accepted me back in the next paramedic class. I buckled down when the class started and made a complete turn around from my previous attempt. I lost a lot of friends on the way, but made new ones as well. My boyfriend at the time helped support me financially and understood my career choice was a selfish one. To give you an idea of how taxing school could be on a relationship we started with 24 people, in which three dropped out because there partners were

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