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How Does Social Media Affect Body Image

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Approximately eighty percent of US women don’t like the way they look and social media may be at fault. Body image is a big problem in our society and can lead to depression, social anxiety and eating disorders. Social media has a place in our world but lately it is impacting negatively on girls like me and how we view our body image. This negative impact is placing an unwanted pressure on girls. Society and social media puts too much pressure on girls to have the “perfect bodies”. Social media has really taken over our world today and making people lose their self esteem. Girls tend to catch themselves comparing each others body images a lot more than they think. According to the Dove Real Beauty: Self Esteem Campaign, every 7 …show more content…
Gail. “Celebrity Influence On Your Teen's Body Image.” The Huffington Post,, 7 May 2015,
Guillaume, Jenna. “9 Stories Of Women's Complicated Relationships With Their Bodies.” BuzzFeed,
Nielson, A C. Http:// Independent Schools Association of the Central States, 2008, Http://,

Bello, Ana. “Celebrity Role Models Affect Teens' Body Image, Self-Esteem.” The Foothill Dragon Press, 11 Aug. 2013,
Flaxington, Beverly D. “Teenage Insecurities.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 16 July 2015,
Gallivan, Heather R. Teens, Social Media and Body Image. Minnesota Association for Children's Mental Health, Teens, Social Media and Body Image,

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