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African American Women And Body Image Summary

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Gordon, Maya K. “Media Contributions to African American Girls Focus on Beauty and Appearance: Exploring the Consequences of Sexual Objectification.” Psychology of Women Quarterly, vol. 32, no. 3, 1 Sept. 2008, pp. 245–256. Sage Journals, doi:10.1111/j.1471-6402.2008.00433.x. Accessed 15 Sept. 2017. In this article, Maya Gordon explores how sexual objectification can hinder and influence girls’ beliefs about their appearance. She specifically focuses on young African American girls whose ideals have been affected by the media’s distortion of beauty. To study this, Gordon took a survey of 176 young African American girls to understand the correlations between media and their need to focus on their appearance. The measures used within this study …show more content…
Recent studies have shown that African American women have more positive views on body image and the authors want to look at the reasons and the range of why their views differ. To do this, they want to get a more in-depth analysis by obtaining a sample of 89 European Americans and 80 African Americans from a University. The measures they used within this study was BMI, Body image, internalization of societal standards of beauty, and social comparisons. The results of this research gathered similar ideas as other research but it offered reasons why. Racial differences appeared when there was differences importance placed upon weight related ideals, however, when it came to using features to determine overall appearance there was little difference between the two groups. European American women were more likely to make media comparisons on body ideal than African American …show more content…
She studies the effects of media exposure with negative body ideals and she does this by setting three conditions for the experiment: appearance comparison, peer norms, and control. The only thing that has been studied in the past to prevent negative body image beliefs is body appreciation. Mclean wanted to delve into this further and consider exposure to the thin-ideal and its effects. She predicted that body satisfaction would be lower after viewing media images of thin women and that it would have more effects if they were asked to compare their appearance to the image. The study used a sample of young girls from four different schools and each one had to have parental and informed consent to participate. The final sample included 246 girls. Once the girls were given a picture of the ad, they were asked questions about comparing themselves to the image and questions about how their peers would respond. The independent variables in this study were media literacy, internalization of the thin-ideal, and upward appearance comparison tendencies. The dependent variables were distractor questions and manipulation check. The results showed that body satisfaction decreased when comparing their own bodies to the pictures, but not when dealing with their peers or during experimental conditions. What she didn’t expect was to find out that subjects that had a high risk

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